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1522 Constable Vacancy – SSB,All India

Last Date:28 November,2020
Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB)
All India

SSB has invited application form eligible Indian candidates for the 1522 posts of Constable.Interested and Eligible Candidates may fill application only through online mode with in due date. Before filling form, Candidates should make ensure about meeting the concerned eligibility criteria for applied post. All personal and educational details must be mentioned properly.

Employment Notification 1522 Constable Vacancy – SSB,All India

Name of the post – Constable
No of post – 1522
Pay Scale – Rs 21700 – 69100

Educational Qualification:

Apply to 1522 Constable Vacancy – SSB,All India

General Instruction:

  • Online applications are invited for filling up the following posts of Constables (Driver, Laboratory Assistant, Veterinary, Ayah, Carpenter, Plumber, Painter, Tailor, Cobbler, Gardner, Cook, Washerman, Barber, Safaiwala, Water Carrier and Waiter) in Group-‘C’ Non-Gazetted (Combatised) in SASHASTRA SEEMA BAL, Ministry of Home Affairs, Goirernment of India. The posts are temporary, but likely to continue. Selected candidates are liable to serve anywhere in India or outside the Territory of India and will be governed by SSB Act & Rules and other rules amended from time to time.
  • Only eligible candidates may apply and minutely go through all the provisions in the notification to ensure that he/she is eligible for the post for which he/she is applying.
  • Candidates should bring all original documents i.e. matriculation, technical pass certificate alongwith self attested Photostat copies of the same at the time of documentation, failing which candidature of candidate will be rejected in the documentation stage of recruitment.
  • Name, Father’s Name & Date of Birth should be mentioned exactly as recorded in Matriculation certificate. In case of change the same must be supported by necessary documents, otherwise, the candidature will be rejected.
  • Persons employed in Government/ Semi-Government/ Public Sector Undertakings should apply through proper channel. No objection certificate from their employer will be required to be submitted at the time of documentation.
  • Falsification of documents to mislead the Recruitment board or to gain access to examination would lead to legal/ debar action against the candidate, besides cancellation of his/her candidature.
  • Admit cards/call letters to appear in recruitment process will be uploaded on SSB Recruitment web site v;/ww.ssbrectt. ov. in
  • The Government/ SSB • shall not be responsible for damage/ injury/ death/ loss to the individual, if any, sustained during the entire recruitment process/ journey.
  • The DG, SSB has full right to make changes/ cancel/ postpone the recruitment without assigning any reason.
  • Candidates canvassing in any form/ bringing outside influence/ pressure/ offering illegal gratification/ blackmailing/ threatening to blackmail any person connected with recruitment will be disqualified.
  • It should, however be clearly understood that the Recruitment Board reserves to itself, absolute discretion to reject or accept any candidate at any stage.
  • Mere qualifying all the prescribed tests in SSB recruitment does not confer the right to any candidate for final selection.
  • Change in category will NOT be entertained once registered and the candidature of such candidate shall be cancelled.
  • Candidates who are not in possession of certificate of minimum education qualification by closing date of receipt of applications i.e. 30 (thirty) days from the date of publication of this advertisement in the Employment News need not to apply.
  • Calculator, Digital Diary, Cellular Phone, pager, whiteners, blade etc. are prohibited in the recruitment venue.
  • The candidates will not be considered for recruitment if involved /convicted/arrested in any criminal case under IPC or any other Act of the Central Government or State Government.
  • The selection committee will not enter into any correspondence with the candidate except in the case of change of address sought by a candidate.
  • Any amendment in the schedule/condition/process of recruitment will be available on SSB website only. Candidates are advised to login to this site regularly.
  • The advertisement is also available on SSB website.
  • In case a candidate is found ineligible or suppresses facts on any ground after his selection/appointment, his services will be terminated without assigning any reason.
  • The candidates provisionally selected for the above posts should qualify the training. or course as prescribed by the Director General, Sashastra Seema Bal from time to time during probation period failing which services are liable to be terminated.
  • Application received through any mode except online will be summarily rejected.
  • After applying for the post if any criminal case is registered in any police station against the candidate, same may be intimated to the Chairman of Recruitment Board.
  • Candidates are requested to visit SSB website regularly for any updates regarding the recruitment.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 1522 Constable Vacancy – SSB,All India

  • Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) is a border patrol organization of India deployed along its border with Nepal and Bhutan. It is one of the Central Armed Police Forces under the administrative control of the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA). As of 2019, it has 94,261 active personnel in 73 battalions.
  • The force was originally set up under the name Special Services Bureau in 1963 in the aftermath of the Sino-Indian War to strengthen India’s border areas against enemy operations. The civil wing of the SSB, comprising 1,800 personnel, was transferred to the Intelligence Bureau in 2018.
  • The Sashastra Seema Bal was originally set up under the name Special Services Bureau (also abbreviated SSB) on 20 December 1963, following the Sino-Indian War of 1962. The primary task of the force was to provide armed support to the foreign intelligence division of Intelligence Bureau, which later became Research and Analysis Wing (after its creation in 1968). The secondary objective was to inculcate feelings of national belonging in the border population and assist them in developing their capabilities for resistance through a continuous process of motivation, training, development, welfare programmes and activities in the then NEFA, North Assam (the northern areas of the Indian state of Assam), North Bengal (the northern areas of the Indian State of West Bengal) and the hills of Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh and Ladakh. The programme was later extended to Manipur, Tripura, Jammu in 1965; Meghalaya in 1975; Sikkim in 1976; the border areas of Rajasthan and Gujarat in 1989; Manipur, Mizoram and further areas of Rajasthan as well as Gujarat in 1988; South Bengal (the southern areas of West Bengal); Nagaland in 1989; and the Nubra Valley, Rajouri and the Poonch district of Jammu and Kashmir in 1991.
  • Its primary purpose was to counter an act of aggression by the Chinese People’s Liberation Army. The previous thinking had been that, militarily, the Chinese were “superior” to India and in the event of a war, the Chinese might attempt to overwhelm Indian forces. So, in 1963, a unique force was created, which would, in the event of such an attempt by the Chinese to invade and occupy Indian territory, merge with the border population, donning civilian attire, working a parallel administration and carry out the war of India with the help of guerrilla tactics.
  • The SSB model proved an enormous success, evident by what it had achieved in training the Mukti Bahini in Bangladesh and other places, COIN Op’s in the north-east and in its ability to provide security at high peaks during the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971 as well as during the Kargil War.
  • From the Cabinet, the SSB was transferred to the Ministry of Home Affairs and assigned the duties of manning the Nepal and Bhutan borders. The SSB was renamed the Sashastra Seema Bal, in accordance with its new role, and would come under the administrative control of the Ministry of Home Affairs in January 2001. This was done after the Kargil War with the adoption of the “one border one force concept”.
  • The SSB claims to have presented a “benign face” of the government in border areas and that this was appreciated by the people of those areas.

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