Advt. No. : 01/2018
National Environmental Engineering Research Institute(NEERI)
Nagpur (Maharashtra)
National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI) Invites applications for the post of 16 Technical Officer, Senior Technical Officer & Technical Assistant. Apply Before 16 April 2018. Qualification/ eligibility conditions, how to apply & other rules are given below…
Employment Notification 16 Technical Assistant, Technical Officer & Senior Technical Officer Vacancy – NEERI,Nagpur (Maharashtra)
1.Name of the post- Technical Assistant
No of post- 10
Pay Scale- 35400 Level-6
2.Name of the post- Senior Technical Officer
No of post- 05
Pay Scale- 56100 Level-10
Apply to 16 Technical Assistant, Technical Officer & Senior Technical Officer Vacancy – NEERI,Nagpur (Maharashtra)
3.Name of the post- Technical Officer
No of post- 01
Pay Scale- 44900 Level-7
Education Qualification:
Vacancy Notice 16 Technical Assistant, Technical Officer & Senior Technical Officer Vacancy – NEERI,Nagpur (Maharashtra)
Technical Assistant:1st class B.Sc in Chemistry/Environmental Science/Electronics/ Electrical / Instrumentation/Microbiology/Bio-technology OR 1st Class Diploma in Engineering/Technology.
Senior Technical Officer:B.E./B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering OR M.Sc. (Env. Science)/B.E./B.Tech (Environment Engg.)
Technical Officer:MBA (Event Management/Business Development) with 55% marks OR B.E./B.Tech. (Environmental Engineering, Environmental Management, Chemical Engineering) with 55% marks.
- These posts, in addition to Pay in the Pay Matrix carry usual allowances i.e. Dearness Allowance (DA), House Rent Allowance (HRA), and Transport Allowance (TA) etc. as admissible to the Central Government employees and as made applicable to CSIR employees. They are also eligible for council accommodation of their entitled type as per CSIR (Residence Allotment) Rules 1997 as amended from time to time and depending on availability in which case HRA will not be admissible to them.
- In addition to the emoluments indicated against each category of posts, benefits such as Reimbursement of Medical Expenses, Reimbursement of Tuition Fees, Leave Travel
Page 7 Concessions, Computer Advance and House Building Advance are also available as per CSIR rules. The selected candidates will be governed by the ‘National Pension System’ based on defined contributions as adopted by CSIR for its employees. However, persons selected from other Government Departments/ Autonomous Bodies/Public Sector Undertakings/Central Universities having pension scheme on Government of India pattern will continue to be governed by the existing Pension Scheme i.e. C.C.S. ( Pension) Rules, 1972, as per the rules. - CSIR provides excellent opportunities to the deserving candidates for career advancement under the flexible complimenting scheme-time bound AssessmentPromotion Scheme of CSIR subject to qualifying, as per rules.
- Eligible candidates are required to apply in the prescribed application form available on our website under the link for “Application Form in respect of Advertisement No.1/2018 along with Synopsis” which can be downloaded by them. The completed applications (s) should reach (s) the institute on or before the closing date for receipt of applications which is 02.04.2018.Candidates applying for more than one post should submit Separate Application Form for each post along with a separate Application Fee indicating clearly Post Code No. and Advertisement No. on the top of the envelop. Single application for more than one post code will be rejected.
- If the candidate does not have a valid E-mail id, he/she should create a new valid E-mail id before applying and indicate it at the appropriate place in the Application Form.
- In case of universities/institutes awarding CGPA/SGPA/OGPA grades etc., candidates are requested to convert the same into percentage, based on the formula as per their university/institute [A copy of such formula should be available with the application].
- For payment of non-refundable Application Fee, the candidates are required to submit a crossed Demand Draft for Rs.100/- [Rupees One Hundred Only] drawn on any nationalized bank and valid for at least 3 months in favour of “Director, CSIR-NEERI, Nagpur” payable at Nagpur OR payment can be made through RTGS/NEFT transfer in NEERI’s Account No. 00000030266513766 (SBI, NEERI Branch, Nagpur) (IFSC Code SBIN0004224]. Hard copy of RTGS/NEFT transfer is required to be submitted with the application form. The last date for receipt of the application along with the D.D./NEFT/RTGS is 02.04.2018. Please ensure that the Demand Draft is in favour of the Director, CSIR-NEERI only and not in favour of any other person, failing which application will be liable for rejection.
Last Date for Submission Of Application form:16-04-2018.
Interested candidates may apply in prescribed application form along with relevant document & envelope superscribed as “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF_____ (POST CODE No____/Advertisement No:1/2018) send to Director, CSIR-National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, Nehru Marg, Nagpur — 440 020 on or before 16.04.2018.
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the employment notification
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