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16 Veterinary Officer Vacancy – HPPSC,Himachal Pradesh

Last Date:04 December,2020
Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission (HPPSC)
Himachal Pradesh

HPPSC Veterinary Officer Recruitment 2020 is open (9/10-2020) and inviting application for the posts of 16 Veterinary Officer Vacancy from B.V.Sc. and A.H in related Subjects pass candidates interested in sarkari result HPPSC Veterinary Officer Online application can apply before 04 December 2020. Please go through this article and follow each tables for full vacancy details, educational qualification, eligibility criteria, pay scale, salary and How to apply Himachal Public Service commission HPPSC job opening at official website

Employment Notification 16 Veterinary Officer Vacancy – HPPSC,Himachal Pradesh

Name of the post – Veterinary Officer
No of post – 16
Pay Scale – 15600 – 39100/-

Educational Qualification:
Should possess a degree of B.V.Sc. and A.H. (Bachelor of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry) from a recognized University as laid down under the Indian Veterinary Council Act, 1984.

Apply to 16 Veterinary Officer Vacancy – HPPSC,Himachal Pradesh

General Conditions:

  • Online Recruitment Applications (ORA*) are invited fromdesirous and eligible candidates for recruitment to 16 posts {General =07, OBC=01, SC=01, General (Ex-SM) Backlog= 06, SC (Ex-SM) (Backlog)=01} ofVeterinary Officer, Class-I (Gazetted) (on contract basis) in the pay band of Rs.15600-39100/-+Rs. 5400/-Grade Pay(Fixed contractual amount as admissible) in the Department of Animal Husbandry, HimachalPradesh throughORA, which shall beavailable on the Commission’s website
  • Date for determining eligibility of all candidates in respect of essential qualification(s) and experience, if any, etc., shall be the prescribed closing datefor submission ofOnline Recruitment Applications (ORA).
  • Thecandidates must read instructionscarefully, which areavailable onwebsite ofthe Commission beforeapplying for the post(s)concerned.
  • The candidates must establish their eligibility in respect of category, experience, age and essential qualification(s) etc. as mentioned in the advertisement by uploading copies of certificates of essential qualification, Matriculation certificate as age proof, category certificate and experiencec ertificate (where required) to avoid rejection oftheir candidature after the closing date.
  • The benefit of reservation for various post(s) will be admissible only to the candidates, who are bonafide residents of Himachal Pradesh in respect ofcategories, viz., S.C., S.T., O.B.C., E.W.S., Ex-Servicemen, W.F.F. and Persons with disabilities (Loco motor Disabled / Visually Impaired/ Hearing Impaired)etc.
  • Category onceclaimed shall betreated finaland no representation /correspondence will beentertained in this regard.
  • The reserved category candidates belonging to other States will be treated as GENERAL CATEGORY CANDIDATES and the benefit of reservation and feeconcessionwill not beadmissibleto such candidates.
  • The candidates should possess requisite essential qualification(s) prescribed for the post(s) for which he/she wants to apply as onclosing
    datefor submission ofOnline Recruitment Applications (ORA) on the website
  • Number of post(s) is/aretentativeand may increase or decreasefromtimeto time.
  • No in service(regular service)candidate will beinterviewed unless he/she brings N.O.C. fromtheconcerned employer.
  • Examination fees once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances nor can the fees be held in reserve for any other examination or
  • Disputes, ifany, shall besubject to Court jurisdiction at Shimla(HimachalPradesh).
  • Thecandidatesarerequired to upload therequisite documents on the OTRS portal.
  • In cases where the number of eligible candidates for recruitment to the post(s) advertised by the Commission is inordinately large, the
    Commission may limit / shortlist the number of eligible candidates to be called for personality test(s) by subjecting them to either Computer
    Based Screening Test (objective-type) or Offline Screening Test (objective) of Two hours duration. Marks obtained in the Screening Test are
    onlymeant to short list the number ofcandidates for personality test(s)and are in no way to be presumed by the candidatesas being their merit
    for finalselection.
  • Matriculation certificate for age proof.
  • Degree/ Diploma certificates along with Marks Sheets of all years in support of Educational Qualifications.The provisional certificate(s) along with marks sheets of all semesters/ years.
  • Experience certificate(s) wherever required.
  • Category certificate(s) in support of their eligibility, if any, viz., S.C., S.T., O.B.C., E.W.S., Ex-Servicemen, Ward of Ex. Servicemen, WFF and Persons with disabilities etc. All these certificates alongwith undertaking wherever required, should be on Performa prescribed by the Government of H.P. from time to time. Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes Certificates should be in accordance with the instructions of the Govt. issued vide letter No. PER (AP)-C- F(10)-4/2010 dated 5th August, 2019.
  • Bonafide Himachali Certificate in case of reserved category candidates.
  • Candidates applying under EWSs category will have to submit either ‘Income & Asset Certificate’ or valid BPL Certificate countersigned by B.D.O. alongwith non-SC/ST/OBC certificate issued by the competent authority on the format prescribed by H.P. Government vide letter No. PER (AP)-C-B(12)-1/2019 dated 11th June, 2019.
  • Copy of discharge book (Ex.Serviceman)/ N.O.C. from serving Ex.Serviceman candidate(s).

How To Apply:

Vacancy Notice 16 Veterinary Officer Vacancy – HPPSC,Himachal Pradesh

  • Desirous/ eligible candidates must have to apply online through official website of the Commission Applications received through any other mode would not be accepted and will be rejected straightway
  • The candidates should exercise due care while entering their Mobile Numbers and e-mail IDs in the Online Recruitment Applications (ORA) for immediate intimation with regard to their application.
  • The desirous & eligible candidate may visit the official website of the Commission ( and click on the link “Apply Online” on the Home Page. The candidate will register and create his/ her profile on ‘One Time Registration’ and after logging into his/ her account in OTR. the list of advertisements will be displayed to the candidate on dashboard. Candidate will apply for a particular post through portal. The application of the candidate will be submitted only after uploading of requisite documents as per advertisement. Before submission of application the candidate will be shown the preview of uploaded documents and he/ shall give an undertaking/ declaration that:-
  • “It is certified that I have checked the preview of all the requisite uploaded documents and I am satisfied that documents are legible, readable and true. That I shall not object to rejection of my candidature based on the sole reason of uploaded documents being non readable/ poor quality of scanning.
  • No further opportunity will be given to the candidate for submission of any document after the submission of online recruitment application. Online Recruitment Application once submitted shall not be allowed any change.
  • No representation / correspondence will be entertained against final rejection of candidature.
  • Female candidate shall be exempted fromthe examination fee in accordance with the instructions of the Government (in the Department of Personnel) issued videletter No. Per(AP-B)B(15)-13/2019 dated 01 st January, 2020.

About Us:

  • Himachal Pradesh attained statehood on 25th January, 1971. Prior to this date, the function of Public Service Commission in respect of the civil services and posts in connection with the affairs of the Union Territory of Himachal Pradesh were being discharged by the Union Public Service Commission under Article 315 of the Constitution of India. It was, therefore, incumbent on the State to have its own Public Service Commission. However, since a State Public Service Commission could be constituted simultaneously with the attainment of Statehood, the Union Public Service Commission, on a request from the Governor of the State of Himachal Pradesh with the approval of the President of India, agreed to serve the needs of Himachal Pradesh till the establishment of a Public Service Commission for the State or for a period of three months from 25th January, 1971 whichever was earlier.
  • The Commission has its own building and the office located at Nigam Vihar (Chotta Shimla) on Cart Road. All correspondence (letters/applications etc.) relating to this Commission are being addressed in the name of The Secretary, Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission, Nigam Vihar, Shimla (H.P) – 171 002. And all relevant information is available with the receptionist which can be obtained either personally or by telephone.The Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission, being an independent and impartial Constitutional Authority, set up under Article 315 of the Constitution of India have to discharge the duties and functions , assigned to them under Article 320 of the Constitution. Further, by virtue of the provisions made in the relevant Acts, the Commission is required to advise the State Government on all matters relating to framing of Recruitment and Promotion Rules, principles to be followed in making appointments, promotion and transfer from one service to another and in respect of disciplinary matters affecting Civil Servants. At present direct recruitment of Class-I & Class-II posts of different departments is done by the Commission.

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