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162 Data Entry Operator, Block Level Staff, District Project Manager, Sub Divisional Project Manager Vacancy – PBSSD,West Bangal

Last Date:13 November,2020
Paschim Banga Society for Skill Development (PBSSD)
West Bangal

PDSSB recruitment 2020 aka Paschim Banga Society for Skill Development is inviting application for the post of 162 data entry operator cum project assistant, block level staff, district project manager and sub divisional project manager vacancy on contract basis. qualification, pay scale and how to apply details are give bellow. Interested candidate can apply online before 13 November 2020 online at office website

Employment Notification 162 Data Entry Operator, Block Level Staff, District Project Manager, Sub Divisional Project Manager Vacancy – PBSSD,West Bangal

Name of the post – Data Entry Operator, Block Level Staff, District Project Manager, Sub Divisional Project Manager
No of post – 162
Pay Scale – 11000, 12000, 20000, 25000 per month

Educational Qualification:
Graduate, BCA, MCA, Post Gradaute.

Apply to 162 Data Entry Operator, Block Level Staff, District Project Manager, Sub Divisional Project Manager Vacancy – PBSSD,West Bangal

General Information:

  • Applications are invited from the permanent residents of West Bengal for engagement to the posts of District Project Manager, Sub-Divisional Project Manager, Project Assistant cum DEOs and Block Level Staff on contractual basis for smooth implementation of Utkarsh Bangla Scheme at district level. All posts are purely contractual for duration of one year only. In addition to the essential qualifications mentioned in the table below they should be able to read, write and speak in Bengali. The applicant should not be more than 44 years and not less than 23 years of age as on 01/12/2020. The upper age limit will be relaxed for S.C., S.T. & O.B.C. candidates as per Government norms. The candidates will be selected based on a written examination, practical examination and interview. The written examination (MCQ type) will be of 50 marks, practical test will be of 30 marks and personal interview of 20 marks. Candidates, who will be qualified for written exam, would be called for practical test and then personal interview. The questions will be on the topics of elementary mathematics, general knowledge and English. The date time and venue will be available in the admit card. The applicants should apply in the online mode only in the web portal The eligible candidates who will be called for the practical examination will be required to submit self-attested photocopies of all testimonials of educational qualification, age proof certificate, domicile certificate and caste certificate (if applicable) etc. along with the original documents for verification to the coordinator of the practical examination. If the documents are not submitted the candidature will be cancelled.
  • List of district-wise vacancy and other relevant details for applications are as per Annexure-I. The pro-forma for domicile certificate is placed as Annexure-II.
  • The online link for applications in the web portal will become functional on 14/10/2020 (WEDNESDAY) at 10:00 A.M. up to 5:00 pm on 13/11/2020 (FRIDAY).
  • The total vacancies for District Project Managers, Sub-Divisional Project Managers, Block Level Staff and Project Assistant cum-DEOs are available in the “Recruitment” section in the websites .
  • Existing Staff having requisite qualification & experience may also apply afresh for higher posts or any other posts in this recruitment drive.
  • For recruitment to the vacancies for a district, only candidates who are domiciled in that district shall be eligible. Domicile certificate as per the pro-forma (ANNEXURE-II) is mandatory.
  • According to Merit, district wise Panel Lists of candidates will be prepared against each post. Appointments will be done based on the existing vacancies. The Panel will remain valid for 1 (one) year from the date of publication of the same. Interim vacancies, as and when occur against a post, would be filled up from candidates in Panel for that post of the respective district by the DM. The appointment would be done from residual merit list.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 162 Data Entry Operator, Block Level Staff, District Project Manager, Sub Divisional Project Manager Vacancy – PBSSD,West Bangal

  • Government of West Bengal is Committed towards large scale Skill development for its youth population to improve the scope of gainful employment and entrepreneurial opportunities under the WBSDM (West Bengal Skill Development Mission) chaired by the Hon’ble Chief Minister of West Bengal. To ensure that the above commitment is met successfully the Department of Technical Education, Training & Skill Development; Government of West Bengal has launched the “Utkarsh Bangla”, a flagship scheme on 16th February 2016 under the aegis of the PBSSD (PaschimBanga Society for Skill Development) for placement linked short-term skill trainings across the State of West Bengal. Applicants can register here for All Short-term Skill development trainings being offered by PBSSD (Paschim Banga Society for Skill Development), Government of West Bengal.
  • The Directorate of Industrial Training (DIT), West Bengal under the administrative control of Department of Technical Education, Training and Skill Development, Government of West Bengal imparts craftsmen & training to a substantial number of youth in different trades for supply of skilled manpower to different industries. This training is offered to the trainees through the state ITIs (Industrial Training Institutes) under the Craftsmen Training Scheme (CTS) and they are assessed and certified by the NCVT.
  • It is run under overall guidelines of Directorate General of Training (DGT), Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship (MSDE), GoI and it’s related National Council of Vocational Training (NCVT). Various engineering and / non-engineering trades of one & two years duration running at different ITIs in the states. Admission process in ITI usually start from Feb/March of every year and session starts from August every year.
  • It is run under Apprenticeship Act, 61bof Government of India. Recently Govt. of India has introduced National Apprenticeship Promotional Scheme (NAPS) under Apprenticeship Act. National Apprentice Promotional Scheme (NAPS) runs as per Apprentices Act 1961 and the rules framed there under. Freshers and ITI Graduates can register themselves in the National Apprenticeship Portal for undergoing apprenticeship training. Manufacturing and Service sector establishments can register themselves for engagement of Apprentices and also for availing financial assistances/reimbursement of training cost as applicable.
  • The DTET, West Bengal under the administrative control of Department of Technical Education, Training and Skill Development, Government of West Bengal of the State Looks after education at Diploma level. It also provides Short Term Vocational Training in order to prepare the Youth for self-employment.

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