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17 Electrician,Plumber,Assistant Registrar and Various Vacancy – SPA,Delhi

Last Date:30 November,2020
School of Planning and Architecture (SPA)

Applications on plain paper are invited from eligible candidates for filling up 17 positions of Plumber, Electrician, Assistant Registrar and Various in School of Planning and Architecture (SPA Delhi).Candidate should be an Indian Citizen.Candidate who desire to apply for these positions, should send their completed applications to the given address on or before the due date of 30-11-2020 .

Employment Notification 17 Electrician,Plumber,Assistant Registrar and Various Vacancy – SPA,Delhi

Name of the post – Electrician,Plumber,Assistant Registrar and Various
No of post – 17
Pay Scale – Rs 56100 – 177500,Rs 44900 – 142400,Rs 19900 – 63200,Rs 19900 – 63200

Educational Qualification:
12th/ ITI /Master Degree /Diploma in Mechanical / BE/ BTech in Civil.

Apply to 17 Electrician,Plumber,Assistant Registrar and Various Vacancy – SPA,Delhi

General Instruction:

  • Application(s) should be made on the prescribed form, which can be downloaded from the School’s website along with fee payment receipt. Applications addressed to the Registrar, School of Planning and Architecture, 4, Block-B, Indraprastha Estate, New Delhi-110002, must reach within one month of the publications of this advertisement in the Employment News in a envelop superscribed as “Application for the Post” by speed post only.
  • Application fees needs to be paid online through SBI Collect, by logging on SPA Delhi website under online payment (SBI Collect) tab or directly visiting at SBI Collect Website.
  • and candidates will be called for the written test / Interview based on the information provided in the application form. The education qualifications / experience will be verified at later stage of only those candidates who qualify written test/Interview. Therefore candidates need to keep record of all documents/ testimonials readily available with them so that they can produce certified copies along with originals whenever required for verification after declaration of the result of written examination / Schedule of Interview.
  • No documents are to be attached with the application form except fees receipt. Candidates need to provide self-attested copies along with original at the time of documents verification. Candidates will be informed for document verification through email / website, after declaration of the result of the written examinations.
  • Applicants who are in employment of Government/Semi-Government organizations or any Government Undertaking or autonomous body must send their application(s) through proper channel.
  • The School will not be responsible for any postal loss or delay.
  • All correspondence & intimation shall be carried through the E-mail Id of candidates mentioned in application form or by notifying relevant information on SPA Delhi website no intermediate enquiry will be entertained, the date of interview / test will be notified on the website and through email of the eligible candidates.
  • Merely possessing the qualification & requisite experience would not entitle a person to be shortlisted/ selected.
  • Selection will be made based on performance in written/skill test/Interview as applicable for post.
  • Amendment/ change, if ally, shall be notified on the website of SPA, Delhi, therefore candidates/applicants may visit School website time to time in this regard.
  • Age relaxation will be given to the SC/ST/OBC/PWD/Ex-Serviceman persons working under Government organizations / PSU / Autonomous Bodies / Central / State Government as per Government of India rules.
  • The Reservation to SC/ST/OBC/PWD candidates shall be applicable as per directives of the Government of India amended from time to time. Candidates should produce certificate issued from a Competent Authority.
  • The candidates who are not in the Central list of OBC, under creamy layer shall not apply for the post(s) reserved for OBC and if at any stage, it is found that the OBC certificate is not valid, the candidature / appointment shall be terminated with immediate effect.
  • The Reservation to EWS candidates shall be applicable as per directives of the Government of India amended from time to time. Candidates should produce EWS certificate issued from a Competent Authority.
  • Separate application shall be filled up for each post, if applying for more than one post, along with Application Fee for every application.
  • Appearing in the test (s) will be provisional, subject to fulfilling various conditions given in this advertisement. In case an applicant does not meet the minimum eligibility criteria prescribed for the post and appears in the examination, it will be at the applicant’s own risk and cost and if it is detected / does not fulfill eligibility criteria, the candidature shall be cancelled without assigning any reason.
  • The date for determining the eligibility criteria, upper age limit, etc. shall be reckoned from the last date of submission of application.
  • Last Date of submission of application is within one month of the publication of this advertisement in the Employment News.
  • Applications are to be filled in English, neatly, in candidates’ own handwriting or typed.
  • No copies of certificates, marks sheets, testimonials etc. are to be attached with the application except fee receipt. The documents will be verified at the time of document verification process.
  • Kindly use an additional sheet wherever required.
  • Incomplete application form will be rejected.
  • No TA/DA will be paid to the outstation candidates called for written test/skill test.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 17 Electrician,Plumber,Assistant Registrar and Various Vacancy – SPA,Delhi

  • The School of Planning and Architecture had a modest beginning in 1941 as a Department of Architecture of Delhi Polytechnic. It was later affiliated to the University of Delhi and integrated with the School of Town and Country Planning which was established in 1955 by the Government of India to provide facilities for rural, urban and regional planning. On integration, the School was renamed as School of Planning and Architecture in 1959.
  • Recognizing the specialized nature of the fields in which the School had attained eminence, in 1979, the Government of India, through the then Ministry of Education and Culture, conferred on the School of Planning and Architecture the status of “Deemed to be a University”. With this new status, the School had broadened its horizon by introducing new academic and extension programmes and promoting research and consultancy activities. It was recognized as “An Institute of National Importance under an Act of Parliament” in 2015.
  • The School is a specialized University, only one of its kinds, which exclusively provides training at various levels, in different aspects of human habitat and environment. The School has taken lead in introducing academic programmes in specialized fields both at Bachelor’s and Master’s level, some of which are even today not available elsewhere in India. The School, in striving for excellence, has always been in the lead in extending education and research to new frontiers of knowledge. Human habitat and environment being the basic concern of the School, the spectrum of academic programmes is being continuously extended by providing programmes in new fields and emerging areas for which facilities are not available, as yet, anywhere else in the country.
  • The current SPA Delhi campus is located near ITO in Indraprastha Estate in New Delhi. The SPA Residential Campus and Hostel is located at Maharani Bagh, New Friends Colony, New Delhi and a girls hostel at Indraprastha Estate. A site of 20 acres has been acquired south of JNU by the school adjacent to Hotel Grand for developing a new campus.

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