Last Date:15 March,2021
Flood and River Erosion Management Agency (FREMAA)
Eligible and interested Candidates willing to work on contract basis as Field Supervisor, Junior Admin Assistant and Various in Flood and River Erosion Management Agency of Assam (FREMAA) may send their applications along with all attested photocopies of reservation Certificate, qualification, age etc the given address 15-03-2021 .Dont forget to check whether you meet the required eligibility criteria before applying to the Position, otherwise application will be rejected without any notice.
Employment Notification 17 Field Supervisor, Junior Admin Assistant and Various Vacancy – FREMAA,Assam
Name of the post– Field Supervisor, Junior Admin Assistant and Various
No of post – 17
Pay Scale – Rs 100000 – 120000,Rs 70000 – 80000,Rs 50000 – 60000
Educational Qualification:
B.E./ B.Sc. in Civil Engineering/ Postgraduate in Procurement/ Supply Chain Management/ Law/ Business Administration or other relevant subjects with min 55% marks and min 10 yrs experience.
Apply to 17 Field Supervisor, Junior Admin Assistant and Various Vacancy – FREMAA,Assam
General Information:
- The Government of Assam (GoA), with financing and technical support from the World Bank, is preparing a project titled “Assam Integrated River Basin Management Project (AIRBMP)”. The proposed program responds to the Government of Assam’s (GoA) request to support improved water resources management for economic growth and prosperity, including addressing flood and erosion risks. The program focuses on building the requisite institutional capacity, filling critical knowledge gaps, and implementing integrated solutions to tackle the current challenges for climate resilient growth and improved livelihoods. Flood and River Erosion Management Agency of Assam (FREMAA)is the nodal agency for implementing the project. The proposed Project Development Objective (PDO) is to “strengthen institutional capacity to improve integrated water resources planning and management and to build resilience to flood and erosion risks in Assam.”
- FREMAA is seeking to engage interested and qualified professionals for the positions mentioned below on contractual basis under the AIRBM project.
- Application Process: Interested candidates may apply as per the prescribed Application Format (Annexure-1) along with self-attested copies of testimonials relating to educational qualification, experience, etc. Candidates applying for multiple positions will have to submit separate application forms against each post.
- The application should be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly mentioning the post applied for at the top and addressed to – The Chief Executive Officer, FREMAA, Assam Water Centre, Basistha, Kundil Nagar, Guwahati-29.
- The last date of submission of application is 5:00 pm of 15th March 2021.
- Shortlisted listed candidates will be called for the selection process. The selection process will include written test/ presentation/ interview. No TA/DA will be provided to the candidates appearing for the test/ presentation/ interview.
- The engagement will be initially for one year which will be renewed based on performance and requirement of the project.
- Facilities to be Provided by the Client (WRD/FREEMA)
Office space including furniture and utilities.
Access to all documents, reports, correspondence, contacts available and any other information as deemed necessary for smooth accomplishments of tasks assigned.
Counterpart staff to work with.
- Submit applications along with bio-data and all relevant documents of Qualification, Experience etc certificates to given address by 15-03-2021 .
- Envelope containing the application must be superscribed as “Application for the position of Field Supervisor, Junior Admin Assistant and Various
About Us:
Vacancy Notice 17 Field Supervisor, Junior Admin Assistant and Various Vacancy – FREMAA,Assam
- The Flood and River Erosion Management Agency of Assam (FREMAA) was set up in April 2010 as an Executing Agency (EA) under the Society Registration Act 1860. It is a special purpose vehicle established for the implementation of the Assam Integrated Flood and Riverbank Erosion Risk Management Investment Program (AIFRERMIP) aided by ADB with the provision of comprehensive, cost-effective and sustainable structural and non-structural measures in the 3 (three) selected strategic locations of:-
Palasbari -Gumi
Dibrugarh - Flood And River Erosion Management Agency Of Assam (FREMAA) Program pursues the vision of tackling one of Assam’s foremost and major barriers to development: flood and erosion, at three priority sub-project sites. It constitutes a carefully planned paradigm shift from “living with floods” towards proactively managing the flood risk, built on a better understanding of the risk environment and integrated with disaster preparedness. The main objective of the program is to enhance sustainable and inclusive economic growth in flood-prone areas along the Brahmaputra River.
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the employment notification
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