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17 Fitter, Airframe Fitter & Security Guard Vacancy – HAL,All India

Last Date:06 December,2020
Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL)
All India

HAL Fitter Recruitment 2020 is open and inviting application for the posts of 17 Fitter, Airframe Fitter & Security Guard Vacancy from 10th, ITI, Diploma pass candidates interested in sarkari result HAL Fitter Recruitment application can apply online before 06 December 2020. Please go through this article and follow each tables for full vacancy details, educational qualification, eligibility criteria, pay scale, salary and How to apply Hindustan Aeronautics Limited HAL Fitter job opening at official website

Employment Notification 17 Fitter, Airframe Fitter & Security Guard Vacancy – HAL,All India

Name of the post – Fitter, Airframe Fitter & Security Guard
No of post – 17
Pay Scale – 45780/-, 47790/- (Per Month)

Educational Qualification:
10th, ITI, Diploma.

Apply to 17 Fitter, Airframe Fitter & Security Guard Vacancy – HAL,All India

General Conditions:

  • Only Indian Nationals are eligible to apply.
  • Candidates employed in Central / State Government/ Public Sector Undertakings etc. (including candidates engaged on Contract basis therein) who are provisionally selected should produce “No Objection Certificate (NOC)” at the time of the document verification from their employer failing which their candidature will be cancelled.
  • While applying for the post, the applicant should ensure that he/she fulfils the eligibility and other norms as mentioned above as on the specified dates and that the particulars furnished by him/her are correct in all respect.
  • Furnishing wrong / incorrect information or suppression of relevant information will lead to rejection of candidate and the application will be out-rightly rejected.
  • Screening and short listing for the Written Test will be based on the details provided by the candidate. Hence it is necessary that applicants should furnish only accurate, full and correct informationc.
  • Appearance of the shortlisted candidates in the Written Test is provisional and it does not entitle
    them for any claim for the post. They will be treated as debarred ab-initio at any stage of the selection process in case they do not fulfil essential eligibility criteria.
  • The decision of HAL in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of applications,
    mode of selection, conduct of Physical test / Written Test / Document Verification etc. will be final and binding on the candidates. Further, HAL reserves the right to fill up or otherwise any or all the notified posts and also to fill up the future vacancies if any from the valid panel of selected candidates as per the rules of the Company.
  • HAL reserves all the right to cancel / restrict / modify the notification criteria / Recruitment
    process and / or the Selection Process thereunder, without issuing any further notice whatsoever. The number of vacancies can be modified as per the discretion of the Management.
  • Shortlisting of candidates for the Written Test will be purely provisional without verification of Age, Qualification, Category (SC/ST/OBC-Non Creamy Layer/ PWBD / XSM etc.) of the candidates.
  • Mere meeting the conditions of the Notification by the candidate(s) will not automatically entail them to be called for Physical Test / Written Test / Document verification / Selection and Engagement.
  • Applicants having work experience in Private Sector Organizations are required to submit an Experience Certificate on the letterhead of the Company. The letterhead of the Company should have details of the Company. Candidate having age relaxation will not be issued the Provisional Offer without producing Experience Certificate in the letterhead of the Company.
  • These vacancies are identified to be filled up by external candidates only, through Direct Recruitment. Therefore, Applications of internal candidates, if any, will not be considered.
  • Any sort of Canvassing or influencing of the Officials related to Recruitment / Selection Process would result in immediate disqualification of the candidates.
  • Engagement of selected candidates is subject to receipt of satisfactory Medical Report from the Company’s Doctor as per the standards prescribed by HAL and verification of Caste, Character and Antecedents from the concerned Authorities as per the rules of the company and Vigilance Clearance (as applicable).
  • Necessary information regarding the selection, written test etc. will be hosted on HAL Website hffp:// from time to time. All correspondences to the candidates will be made via e-mail on the e-mail id provided by the candidate at the time of online application. No other method of communication will be adopted.
  • In case of any particular clarification, the candidates can write to HAL, LCA Tejas Division, Bangalore at or contact us at 080-22323811/22323809. No other method of Communication will be entertained.
  • Court of jurisdiction for any dispute / cause will be Bangalore.

How to Apply:

Vacancy Notice 17 Fitter, Airframe Fitter & Security Guard Vacancy – HAL,All India

  • The candidates sponsored by Employment Exchange, Sainik Board and the Ex-Apprentices of HAL, TTI (BC) who have received communication from HAL are only eligible to apply Online for the advertised posts.
  • Eligible and interested candidates are required to apply Online hosted on the HAL website only ( No other mode of application will be accepted. The website will be kept open between 10.00 hrs. on 16.11.2020 till 24 hrs. on 06.12.2020 for this purpose.
  • Candidates are allowed to apply only once and applications once submitted cannot be altered under any circumstances. Candidates are required to possess a valid e-mail id and Mobile Number which is to be entered in the application blank, so that intimation regarding the Written Test, Document Verification, Medical Test etc. can be sent. HAL will not be responsible for bouncing of e-mail sent to the candidates. They are also advised to retain this e-mail ID active as any important intimation to them shall be provided by HAL through e-mail.
  • On submission and acceptance of the application, system will generate the Registration / Acknowledgement form along with the application reference number allotted, which will be used for future reference.
  • Request for change of Mailing address, Category, Discipline etc. as declared in the Online Application will not be entertained.
  • If the information / certificates furnished by the candidates at any stage is found to be false or incomplete or is not found to be in conformity with eligibility criteria mentioned in the advertisement, the candidature / appointment will be considered as revoked / terminated at any stage of recruitment process or after recruitment or joining, without any reference given to the candidate.
  • Any further Information / Corrigendum / Addendum would be uploaded only on HAL website (

About Us:

  • Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) is an Indian state-owned aerospace and defence company headquartered in Bangalore (Bengaluru), India. It is governed under the management of the Indian Ministry of Defence.
  • The government-owned corporation is primarily involved in the operations of the aerospace and is currently involved in the design, fabrication and assembly of aircraft, jet engines, helicopters and their spare parts. It has several facilities spread across India including Bangalore, Nasik, Korwa, Kanpur, Koraput, Lucknow, Hyderabad, Barrackpore and Kasaragod. The HAL HF-24 Marut fighter-bomber was the first fighter aircraft made in India.
  • HAL was established as Hindustan Aircraft Limited in Bangalore on 23 December 1940 by Walchand Hirachand who became Chairman of the company. The company’s office was opened at a bungalow called “Eventide” on Domlur Road.
  • The organisation and equipment for the factory at Bangalore was set up by William D. Pawley of the Intercontinental Aircraft Corporation of New York. Pawley obtained a large number of machine-tools and equipment from the United States.
  • The Indian Government bought a one-third stake in the company and by April 1941 by investing ₹25 lakh as it believed this to be a strategic imperative. The decision by the government was primarily motivated to boost British military hardware supplies in Asia to counter the increasing threat posed by Imperial Japan during Second World War. The Kingdom of Mysore supplied two directors, Air Marshal John Higgins was resident director. The first aircraft built was a Harlow PC-5 On 2 April 1942, the government announced that the company had been nationalised when it had bought out the stakes of Seth Walchand Hirachand and other promoters so that it could act freely. The Mysore Kingdom refused to sell its stake in the company but yielded the management control over to the Indian Government.

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