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18 LDC, MTS and Technician and Various Vacancy -IFB,Goa

Last Date: 16 April,2021
Inspectorate of Factories and Boilers (IFB)

Eligible candidates willing to work on contract basis on 18 contractual posts of LDC, MTS and Technician and Various in Inspectorate of Factories and Boilers Goa (IFB Goa) may send their applications so that it reaches the venue by 16-04-2021 .Application must be accompanied by all related documents pertaining to age, qualification and experience.

Employment Notification 18 LDC, MTS and Technician and Various Vacancy -IFB,Goa

Name of the post– LDC, MTS and Technician and Various
No of post – 18
Pay Scale – As per norms

Educational Qualification:

Apply to 18 LDC, MTS and Technician and Various Vacancy -IFB,Goa

General Information:

  • Applications are invited from the eligible candidates only in the form prescribed herein below to be submitted in hard format. Such applications complete in all respects shall reach the Inspectorate of Factories and Boilers. Altinho, Panaji, Goa ON OR BEFORE 16.04.2021.
  • Only the eligible candidates fulfilling the criteria as per advertisement shall apply and the candidates need not furnish any documents at the time of applying for the post. However. the candidature of the shortlisted candidate will not be considered if he / she is found ineligible at the time of verification of essential documents, even though has passed the examination.
  • Candidate shall possess the prescribed educational qualifications, experience and meet other eligibility requirements as on last date for submission of application.
  • Ex-servicemen include persons from Army. Navy, Air Force and Central Armed Police Force such as CRPF, 13SF, CISF. ITBP and SSB.
  • For recruitment for the post of Multi Tasking Staff reserved for Ex-servicemen, preference will be given to Ex-servicemen of Goan origin and those who are having fifteen years continuous residence period in the State.
  • Recruitment to all the above posts will be done only through written test wherein the final merit fist of the candidates will be prepared on the basis of the marks obtained in the written test only and not on any other criteria such as additional qualification or additional experience, etc.
  • In case of posts at Sr No. 10 and 11, a screening will be conducted in the form of skill test for short listing the candidates for written test since the eligibility requirements for the said posts prescribe minimum skills i.e, speed of 100 words per minute in Short Hand and 35 words per minute in typewriting for the post of Junior Stenographer and typing speed of 30 words per minute in English for the post of Lower Division Clerk. Only those candidates clearing skill test will be allowed to appear in the written test.
  • Written test for each of the posts will be of total 100 marks, objective type and will be of two hours duration.
  • The minimum passing percentage for written test shall be 65 percent of the total marks for the unreserved posts and 60 percent of the total marks for the reserved posts.
  • Date, time and venue of skill test (wherever applicable) and written test will be communicated to the candidates in advance along with Hall Ticket. Candidates without Half Ticket will not be allowed to answer the written test / skill test. as the case may be.
  • In the event candidate submits false declaration / false or bogus certificates and the same is detected during verification (which may also be done post appointment in respect of selected candidates), then the candidate is liable to be disqualified any time during the recruitment process or after the appointment and the candidate shall be subjected to prosecution in accordance with the law in force.
  • In case of a Government servant, application submitted shall be “Through Proper Channel’. 12.Application shall be submitted only in the prescribed form and in hard format. Application received in any other format and mode will be rejected.
  • Late and incomplete applications will be summarily rejected and no intimation will be sent to the applicants in this regard. Interim enquiries will not be entertained.
  • A separate application shall be submitted for each type of post.
  • Canvassing in any form will disqualify candidates from selection.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 18 LDC, MTS and Technician and Various Vacancy -IFB,Goa

  • National statistics reveal that hardly 15 per cent of industrial reportable accidents are connected to breach of law. In other words, legislation and enforcement alone will not solve the problems faced in the sectors of industrial safety and occupational health. Education and training might.
  • With this background in mind, the Government of Goa took up a progressive and welfare oriented socio-economic measure to create awareness along the industries and their workers on topics of great importance. As a result of this, the Institute of Safety, Occupational Health and Environment was set up in the year 1986-Safety Training Centre was the nomenclature then, it serves a State that is on the threshold of rapid and diversified industrialisation, but a State, let it be stressed, that is rated as the most environmentally aware of the country.
  • The output of the centre/Institute been evaluated by several experts and the general opinion is that the achievements were remarkable. If one visitor thought the Institute’s library was better than any (he) encountered” in his long and enlightened experience, another visitor, an American expert in public health, was of the view that ” the Institute’s presence in the industrial community has definitely set an example to be copied in other countries”.
  • We are conscious, however, that the Institute has still a long way to go.
  • Up to the year 1983, implementation and enforcement of The Factories Act, 1948 and The Boilers Act, 1923 was carried out by the Factory Inspector functioning under the authority of Commissioner, Labour and Employment, Government of Goa, Daman and Diu.
    In the light of directives of the Government of India and the recommendations of the 24th Session of the Labour Ministers’ Conference, Government of Goa, Daman and Diu decided to bifurcate the Factory and Boiler Inspectorate from the Office of the Commissioner, Labour and Employment and to create a new Office of the Government to be named as the “Inspectorate of Factories and Boilers”. Since then, it has been entrusted with the implementation of the Factories Act, 1948, The Boilers Act, 1923 and the Rules there under, Industrial Safety Training Centre and the Industrial Hygiene Laboratory. Subsequently with the enactment of The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, powers to implement certain provisions under The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 were vested with the Chief Inspector. Department is headed by the Chief Inspector of Factories & Boilers, who also acts as an Ex-Officio Joint Secretary to the Government.
  • The institute campus is at Altinho, the premier residential district of Panaji, the capital city of Goa. It is an ideal location in the sense that it is a combination of various pleasant and distinguishing features-in a quiet and scenic ambience, yet easily accessible to shopping centres, posts and telegraphs, telephone, fax and telex facilities, bus terminus, recreational centres like cinema houses, restaurants, sports stadia, swimming pools etc.

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