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19 Counselor, Laboratory Technician and Various Vacancy – ASACS,Assam

Last Date:19 December,2020
Assam State AIDS Control Society (ASACS)

Applications are invited from all eligible candidates for the recruitment of Counselor, Laboratory Technician and Various in Assam State AIDS Control Society (ASACS) on contract basis. Eligible Candidates s are encouraged to apply for these posts to the given address before 19-12-2020 .Application should be strictly in the prescribed format. The Application in any other format will not be accepted.

Employment Notification 19 Counselor, Laboratory Technician and Various Vacancy – ASACS,Assam

Name of the post – Counselor, Laboratory Technician and Various
No of post – 19
Pay Scale – Rs 36200,Rs 25000Rs ,Rs 17000,13000

Educational Qualification:
MD /M. Sc. /M. Com /Master’s degree /B. Com / Post Graduate degree / diploma in Psychology / Social Work / Sociology/Anthropology / Human Development / Nursing and min 1 yrs experience.

Apply to 19 Counselor, Laboratory Technician and Various Vacancy – ASACS,Assam

General Information:

  • Applications are hereby invited for filling up the following vacant posts under Assam State AIDS Control Society, Khanapara, Guwahati – 781022 to be appointed on contract basis at ASACS head quarter and at ICTC/PPTCT/STI Clinic/Blood Bank located at different Medical Colleges, Civil Hospitals, CHCs in the state and initially for a period up to 31st March, 2021, which may be extended based on performance appraisal and co-terminus with the project.
  • The age of the candidate for all the above posts except Asst. Director (Youth Affairs) should not be more than 60 years as on 1st January, 2020. The maximum age for the post of Asst. Director (Youth Affairs) is 30 years as on 1st January, 2020. Local and deserving candidates will be given preference.
  • The place of posting for the post at Sl. No. 1, 2, 3 & 4 are at ASACS head quarter and place of posting for the post at Sl. No. 5 & 6 are at ICTC/PPTCT/STI Clinic/Blood Bank located at different Medical Colleges, Civil Hospitals, CHCs of the state.
  • The number of vacant posts of Counsellor and Laboratory Technician may vary.
  • Candidates are required to submit application in the enclosed prescribed format along with self attested copies of mark sheets and certificates of the prescribed qualifications and experience and a recent passport size colour photograph. The name of the post applied for should be clearly written on the envelop. The last date of submission of application form is 19/12/2020.
  • Only shortlisted candidates will be called for the written test and or viva voce interview. The list of the shortlisted candidates will be published in the Assam State AIDS Control Society web site before 10 days of the date of written test and interview. No separate call letters will be issued to the candidates.
  • Incomplete/defective/invalid application will be summarily rejected.
  • The candidates have to produce all original testimonials i.e. Age proof Certificate, Educational Qualification and Experience Certificate and Mark Sheets, Computer Proficiency Certificate at the time of viva voce interview for document verification.
  • No TA/DA will be admissible for appearing in the written test/interview/skill test.
  • Applications received either by post or by hand after last date of submission of form will not be accepted.
  • The date and venue of the written test and viva voce interview will be notified later on through local news papers and Assam State AIDS Control Society web site www:
  • The undersigned reserves the right to reject any or all applications without assigning any reason thereof.
  • Fill up the application form and submit before 19-12-2020 . The documents should be enclosed along with the application (whichever is applicable) i.e. Self attested copy of date of birth proof; Self attested copy of Mark lists ; Self attested copy of community certificate for SC/ST candidates from a competent authority ; Self attested copy of community certificate in the case of candidates belogs to OBC ; Self attested copy of experience certificate etc.
  • Envelope superscribed “Application for the post of ____” Counselor, Laboratory Technician and Various
  • A written test will be conducted if need be, depending on the no. of students, followed by the interview, of those students, who qualify in the written test.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 19 Counselor, Laboratory Technician and Various Vacancy – ASACS,Assam

  • The AIDS Control Programme in Assam was started as a State AIDS Cell which was established in the year 1992 in the office of the Director of Health Services, Assam under the National AIDS Control Organization (NACO) for implementing the National AIDS Control Programme (NACP) Phase I. One State AIDS Programme Officer in the rank of Jt. Director of Health Services was appointed to run the programme and other officers and staffs were also appointed as per guideline. The State AIDS Cell of Assam had followed the National AIDS Prevention Policy, Govt. of India for implementing the AIDS Control Programme in Assam. The first phase of the National AIDS Control Programme came to its end in the year 1997 and was extended up to 1998.
  • Meanwhile the Assam State AIDS Control Society (ASACS) was formed and registered in the month of October 1998 under the Society Registration Act 1860 of which Minister, Health & FW Deptt. Govt. of Assam is the Chairman of the Governing Body and the Senior most Secretary, Health & FW Deptt. is the Chairman of the Executive Council.
  • The Phase II of NACP had been started from January 1999 for a period of five years i.e. up to 2004 and the programme is extended up to 2007 March and ASACS implemented the AIDS Control Programme as per objectives and guidelines of NACP II. Then the phase III of the National AIDS Control Programme started from 2007 to 2012 and since 2012, the Phase IV of the National AIDS Control Programme is being implemented in the state till 2017.
  • Assam State AIDS Control Society (ASACS) functions under the guidelines provided by National AIDS Control Organization (NACO). The ultimate goal of ASACS is implement National AIDS Control Programmes which are revised periodically. By 2020, 90% of all people living with HIV will know their HIV status. By 2020, 90% of all people with diagnosed HIV infection will receive sustained antiretroviral therapy. By 2020, 90% of all people receiving antiretroviral therapy will have viral suppression.

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