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19 Project Engineer Vacancy – BEL,Karnataka

Last Date:04 February,2021
Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL)

BEL Project Engineer Notification 2021 is open and inviting application for the post of 19 Project Engineer Vacancy For B.E./B.Tech Pass candidates interested in sarkari result BEL Project Engineer application can apply before 04 February 2021. Please go through this article and follow each tables for full vacancy details, educational qualification, eligibility criteria, pay scale, salary and How to apply Bharat Electronics Limited BEL Project Engineer job opening at official website

Employment Notification 19 Project Engineer Vacancy – BEL,Karnataka

Name of the post – Project Engineer
No of post – 19
Pay Scale – 35000 – 50000/- Per Month

Educational Qualification:
BE/B.Tech (Electronics/ Electronics & Communication/ Electronics & Telecommunication / Telecommunication/ Electrical & Electronics or BE.B.Tech (Mechanical) First Class in the indicated qualification for General, EWS and OBC candidates and Pass Class for SC/ST and PWD candidates.

Apply to 19 Project Engineer Vacancy – BEL,Karnataka

General Conditions:

  • Bharat Electronics Limited a Navartna Company and India’s premier professional electronics Company under the Ministry of Defence, requires the following personnel on temporary basis for K-FON Project of Missile Systems SBU, Bengaluru Unit.
  • The positions are for posting at various sites / districts across Kerala State. Candidates who are willing to travel extensively within Kerala state and are willing to be positioned at any of the districts in Kerala may apply.
  • Selected candidates are required to be covered under a medical insurance scheme for a sum of Rs.2 lakhs per annum and submit the same on joining. In addition to the remuneration indicated, a consolidated amount of Rs. 10,000/- per year will be paid towards expenses like medical insurance premium, attire allowance, stitching charges,footwear allowance, etc.
  • Shortlisting of candidates will be carried out purely based on the information declared by candidates in the online application form. If at any further stage of selection, it is found that candidates have declared false information w.r.t. their credentials, BEL reserves the right to debar them at any stage of selection.
  • Candidates are required to possess at least one valid e-mail id, which is to be entered in the application form. BEL will not be responsible for bouncing of e-mails, non-receipt of e-mails due to invalid e-mail IDs, setting options exercised by the candidate, etc..
  • There will be no separate communication to any candidates on their non-selection at any stage.
  • Candidates whose specialization mentioned in the degree certificate does not tally with the branch mentioned in the application will not be considered for selections. In the event it is found that candidates have disclosed false information in the application form, BEL reserves the right to disqualify their candidature at any stage during the selection process.
  • Only Indian nationals need apply. The posts indicated above may vary based on the actual requirement at the time of selection. Canvassing in any form will result in disqualification. BEL reserves the right to debar / disqualify any candidate at any stage of the selection process for any reason what so ever.

How To Apply:

Vacancy Notice 19 Project Engineer Vacancy – BEL,Karnataka

  • Candidates who are desirous of applying for the above posts and are willing to be posted at the location indicated in the advertisement may apply online by clicking the link provided against the advertisement and click on the link provided below the advertisement to apply for Project Engineer-I for K-FON Project, Missile Systems SBU,Bengaluru Unit.
  • The online application can be accessed from 20th January 2021 ‘
  • The last date to submit the applications is 04th February 2021
  • Candidates are required to enter all information correctly in the online application form and verify the same before submission, as changes shall not be permitted after submission of the application form.
  • The dates of the selections, timings and venue will be intimated to the shortlisted candidates through e-mail only. List of candidates shortlisted for virtual interview will also be uploaded on the BEL website.
  • Candidates are required to scan the following documents and attach the same in pdf format:
    i) 10th Standard marks card (as proof of date of birth)
    ii) PUC / 12th Marks card
    ii) B.E/ B.Tech. Consolidated Marks Card.
    iii) BE/B.Tech Final Degree Certificate. The class secured and the discipline should be clearly mentioned in the Final degree certificate.
    iv) If the scheme of marking is CGPA then the document issued by the concerned University for conversion of CGPA to percentage to be attached.
    iv) Caste / /Tribe /Community /Disability / Income certificate in case of candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/PWD/EWS respectively. Candidates claiming reservation under any of the above categories are required to submit the certificate in the prescribed format. The formats of various certificates are provided as link to the advertisement. Candidates belonging to OBC category should produce the certificate issued on or after 01.01.2019.
    v) Post qualification experience certificate/s from previous / current employer. Where current employment certificate is not produced the offer of current employment, latest pay slip and employee ID proof should be compulsorily attached.
    vi) Colour photograph of the candidate in jpg or png format. The photograph should be minimum 100×100 and maximum 150×150 pixel and file size should not exceed 200KB.
    vii) Signature of the candidate should be scanned and uploaded in jpg or png format.
    viii) Receipt for having remitted the application fee through SBI Collect.
  • The upper age limit will be relaxable for SC/ST candidates by 5 years and for OBC candidates by 3 years. For candidates belonging to PWD category having minimum 40% disability or more will get 10 years’ relaxation in addition to the relaxation applicable to the categories mentioned above.

About Us:

  • Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) is an Indian state-owned aerospace and defence company with about nine factories, and several regional offices in India. It is owned by the Indian Government and primarily manufactures advanced electronic products for the Indian Armed Forces. BEL is one of nine PSUs under the Ministry of Defence of India. It has been granted Navratna status by the Government of India.
  • Bharat Electronics Limited was founded in Bengaluru, Karnataka, India in 1954.
  • Starting with the manufacture of a few communication equipment in 1956, BEL started producing receiving valves in 1961, germanium semiconductors in 1962 and radio transmitters for AIR in 1964.
  • In 1966, BEL set up a radar manufacturing facility for the army and in-house R&D. In 1967, BEL began manufacturing transmitting tubes, silicon devices and integrated circuits. The PCB manufacturing facility was established in 1968.
  • In 1970, BEL started making black & white TV picture tubes, X-ray tubes and microwave tubes. In 1971, BEL set up facilities for the manufacture of integrated circuits and hybrid micro circuits. 1972, BEL established manufacturing facilities for TV transmitters for Doordarshan. In 1973, BEL began manufacturing frigate radars for the navy.
  • Under the government’s policy of decentralisation and due to strategic reasons, BEL set up new units at different location across the country. The second unit of BEL was set up at Ghaziabad in 1974 to manufacture radars and Tropo communication equipment for the Indian Air Force. The third unit was established at Pune in 1979 to manufacture image converter and image intensifier tubes.

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