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20 Assistant (Fitter) (Level-2) Vacancy – MIDHANI,Hyderabad, Telangana

Last Date:03 December,2020
Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited (MIDHANI)
Hyderabad, Telangana

MIDHANI Assistant Recruitment 2020 is open (Advt. No. : MDN/HR/FTC/3/2020) and inviting application for 20 Assistant (Fitter) (Level-2) Vacancy from ITI passed candidates interested in sarkari result MIDHANI Assistant Recruitment application can Walk-In-Written Test 03 December 2020. Please go through this article and follow each tables for full vacancy details, educational qualification, eligibility criteria, pay scale, salary and How to apply Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited Assistant job opening at official website

Employment Notification 20 Assistant (Fitter) (Level-2) Vacancy – MIDHANI,Hyderabad, Telangana

Name of the post – Assistant (Fitter) (Level-2)
No of post – 20
Pay Scale – 24180/- (Per Month)

Educational Qualification:
SSC with ITI (Fitter) + NAC and Minimum 04 year post qualification industrial experience.

Apply to 20 Assistant (Fitter) (Level-2) Vacancy – MIDHANI,Hyderabad, Telangana

General Conditions:

  • Walk-in selection process will be carried out / conducted on 03rd December, 2020 at Brahm Prakash DAV School, MIDHANI Township, Hyderabad – 500058.
  • Interested candidates to reach the venue by 0730 hrs and candidates will not be allowed after 1100 hrs
  • Only Indian nationals may apply and age, qualification & experience stipulated above should be as on 20.11.2020.
  • Candidates should mandatorily bring all the original certificates and testimonials with one set of photocopies in support of date of birth, educational qualification, experience including ESI & EPF statements, category etc with 2 recent passport size photographs.
  • Candidates, who fulfill all the requisite parameters and QRs, shall only be allowed to appear for written test.
  • Appearance of the candidates for written test will not entitle them to claim for contract engagement for the aforesaid post. Candidates will be debarred ab-initio at any stage of the recruitment process in case they do not fulfill the essential eligibility criteria.
  • If the certificates verification / selection process cannot be conducted on the same day, it will be conducted on next day.
  • Medium of selection tests (written / trade test) will be English only.
  • MIDHANI reserves the right to cancel the advertisement / the selection process / restrict or increase the number of posts / alter the eligibility criteria etc.
  • The cut-off date for all the requisite parameters is 20.11.2020
  • The posts are on contract basis only and do not provide any claim for permanent absorption.
  • Decision of MIDHANI Management regarding the selection will be final. Corrigendum if any, related to this advertisement shall be given only on our website.
  • TA/DA will not be paid for attending the selection process. Candidates are required to possess a valid e-mail ID and contact mobile number for communication. MIDHANI will not be responsible for bouncing of e-mail sent to the candidates.
  • Candidates should strictly follow all the COVID-19 safety precautions during the selection process.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 20 Assistant (Fitter) (Level-2) Vacancy – MIDHANI,Hyderabad, Telangana

  • Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited (MIDHANI) was established in the year 1973 under Ministry of Defence as Government of India Enterprise. The production unit of MIDHANI, located at Kanchanbagh, Hyderabad, was commissioned in the year 1982. MIDHANI has been set up with a view to achieve self-reliance in production and supply of various super alloys, special steels, materials to Defence, other Strategic Sectors for Nuclear, aeronautical and Space applications. The guiding factors for setting up of MIDHANI were the demand for Defence oriented technologies, which come under the national priorities.
  • With 45 years of glorious past, MIDHANI is poised to grow from a single unit organization to a multi-unit organization as existing sectors and businesses may not be sufficient for accelerated growth. MIDHANI’s diversification initiatives will define its future and also its growth. The Armour Manufacturing facility at Rohtak is expected to be commissioned by the end of 2019. MIDHANI’s Joint Venture proposal with NALCO for setting up Aluminium Alloy Plant at Nellore, Andhra Pradesh is also moving in positive direction with respect to Government approvals. MIDHANI’s vision is to be multi-national company within 2-3 years.
  • Presently, more than seventy percent of MIDHANI’s products (value wise) cater to strategic customers viz. Ordnance Factory Board (OFB), Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO), Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. (HAL), and Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) etc. In addition, MIDHANI also supplies special alloys and products to commercial sector including Larsen & Toubro, BHEL, Titanium equipment etc.
  • Over the past four decades, MIDHANI has successfully achieved its goal for which it was set up. With the advancement in technology within India and abroad, materials such as super alloys, titanium alloys and special steels, which are the core products of MIDHANI and its applications as well, have witnessed incremental demands. Increased demands of these products from space and energy sector have resulted in increase of production over the years.
  • “To achieve Self-Reliance in the research, development, manufacture and supply of critical alloys and products of National Security and Strategic Importance.”
  • MIDHANI specializes in manufacturing a wide range of superalloys, titanium, special purpose steels and other special metals and alloys meeting stringent international standards for application in aerospace, defence, atomic energy, power generation, chemical and various other high technology industries.
  • Bhabha Kavach is an armour panel which gives personal protection against bullets of different threat levels. A special process developed in BARC is used to create panels offering Level III and Level III+ protection and these are much lighter than currently available armours. BARC has transferred the technology of Bhabha Kavach to Midhani and the Ordnance Factory Board, for its large-scale production.
  • Midhani is the only company in India capable of manufacturing non-synthetic type welding electrodes for various defence applications (mainly for the construction of nuclear submarines, surface ships, among others).

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