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20 District Culture Officer Vacancy – OSSC,Odisha

Last Date:10 May,2021
Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC)

Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC) has invited application form eligible candidates for direct recruitment to 20 posts of District Culture Officer.Interested and Eligible Candidates may apply online by 10-05-2021 , after making sure that they meet the concerned eligibility criteria. Candidates should fill all personal and educational details properly in online application.

Employment Notification 20 District Culture Officer Vacancy – OSSC,Odisha

Name of the post– District Culture Officer
No of post – 20
Pay Scale – Rs 16800

Educational Qualification:
Master Degree in History.

Apply to 20 District Culture Officer Vacancy – OSSC,Odisha

General Instruction:

  • Online Applications are invited from intending candidates to fill up 25 vacancies in the post of Junior Librarian on contractual basis under Director of Higher Education, Odisha, Bhubaneswar on contractual basis.
  • The candidates who intend to apply for the post must go through this advertisement and ensure that they fulfil the eligibility criteria in all respect prescribed for the post and shall apply only through online mode only. Applications received through any other mode of application shall be entertained by the Commission.
  • Candidates applying for the post must have passed Bachelors Degree in Library Science from any recognized University. The candidates having higher qualification i.e Masters Degree in Library and Information Science are also eligible to apply for the post.
  • The appointment for the post will be initially on contractual basis carrying a consolidated pay of Rs.16,880/- per month(for 1st year) as per Odisha Group-B Posts (Contractual Appointment) Amendment Rules, 2017 notified vide Government in GA & PG Department Notification No. GAD-SC-RULES-0037-2017-19569/Gen. Dtd. 12th Sept. 2017.
  • Candidates claiming reservation/age relaxation under SC/ST/SEBC and PwD category are advised to upload valid caste Certificate only issued in online mode and Disability Certificate in shape of Unique Disability Identification (UDID) card. Candidates are advised to follow advisory Notice No.4509/OSSC dated 30.12.2020.
  • In-service contractual candidates claiming benefits under the Contractual Appointment Rules will have to follow the advisory notice published vide No.3568/ dtd.01.11.2019 available in the Commission’s we ite.
  • The applicants have to go through the detail advertisement before filling up the online application form.
  • Aspirants have to apply online using the official website of the Commission “
  • All eligible candidates have to register themselves by clicking on “APPLY ONLINE” button in the Home Page of the Commission’s website
  • That candidate who is applying for the first time have to register for the post by clicking on “NEW USER” button shown on the screen. On Submitting the registration form a User Id and Password will be generated.
  • On clicking “New user” or “Registered User” instructions for filling up the Online Registration/Re-registration and Application Forms shall appear on the computer Screen. These instructions are to be read carefully before proceeding for filling up the Application Form.
  • Step by step procedure for registration/registration can be viewed by clicking on “Instruction to fill up Online Application”. These instructions are to be read carefully before proceeding for filling up the Application Form.
  • Applicants should possess and maintain an E-mail Id and Mobile Number for accessing the OSSC web portal and to make Online Registration/Re-Registration and Application Form. Candidates should keep those E-mail Id and Mobile Number (given during registration) active for all important communication till publication of the final result of this recruitment exam.
  • Recent Passport size Colour Photograph of the Applicant, scanned in “jpg/jpeg” format between ranges of 20 kb to 100kb shall be kept handy for uploading during Registration for any post.
  • Full Specimen Signature & Left /Right Thumb Impression of the Applicant, scanned in “jpg/jpeg” format between ranges of 20 kb to 50kb shall be kept handy for uploading during Registration.
  • Applicant shall keep their Certificates, Mark sheets & other documents ready as per Clause-7 of the advertisement while filling in the details of the educational qualification & other claims during filing of Online Application Form.
  • Applicants should enter the Aadhar number in the appropriate field in the online application form.
  • SC/ST/SEBC category candidates need to submit detail information of online Caste Certificate issued by competent Authority in the online application form. But if the valid online Caste Certificate issued by the competent Authority is not in possession with the candidate at the time of submission of the online application form, he/she must give self declaration in the format appended to the online application form.
  • Applicants claiming reservation/age relaxation under “Ex-Serviceman” category need to upload any one of the Ex-Servicemen Documents i.e. Discharge Certificate/ Identity card/ PPO (wherein the date of entry, date 1f discharge and period of servicerendered in Defence Forces have been reflected). The scanned document must be in “Pdr format between ranges of 100kb to 500 kb.
  • Candidates must submit correct data /information in the Online Application Form basing on which the candidate shall be allowed to appear the examination. If at any stage of recruitment or thereafter, it is found that any information furnished by the candidate in his/her online application is false/incorrect or the candidate has suppressed any relevant information or the candidate otherwise does not satisfy the eligibility criteria prescribed for the post, his/her candidature for the post will be cancelled forthwith.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 20 District Culture Officer Vacancy – OSSC,Odisha

  • The Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC) was set up by Govt. of Odisha as a statutory body in the year 1994 for carrying out direct recruitment against Group-C posts in the State cadre (as against District cadre) as may be scheduled in the OSSC Rules, 1993. There are some 85 different cadres of posts/ services under various departments of Government to which recruitment is made through this Commission. .
  • The Commission’s office is located at Barrack No.1, Unit-V, Bhubaneswar-751054.
  • The Commission is headed by the Chairman, and in addition it comprises of a Member. They are appointed by the Government, and are governed by Rules regulating their recruitment and conditions of service. The Commission is accountable to the General Administration Department of Government in administrative and financial matters. Secretary is the Head of Office; and assisting him are the Joint Secretary / Addl. Secretary, Under Secretary, Accounts Officer, and the Special Officer. Chairman is vested with the authority to dispose of matters pertaining to discharge of the Commission’s mandate, and its smooth functioning.
  • By end of the year, 2012 the Commission has carried out 153 cases of recruitment, and selected and sponsored suitable candidates for appointment against 6317 number of posts in all.

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