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20 Member I Vacancy – FCSCA,Jammu and kashmir

Last Date:18 March,2021
Department of Food Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs (FCSCA)
Jammu and kashmir

Department of Food Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs Jammu and kashmir (FCSCA Jammu and Kashmir) has 20 vacant contractual post of Member I and is looking for applications from suitable candidates to fill these up.Candidates willing to work on these terms may apply by 18-03-2021 as per given format. All required documents of qualification, experience, age must be attached with the aplication form.

Employment Notification 20 Member I Vacancy – FCSCA,Jammu and kashmir

Name of the post– Member I
No of post – 20
Pay Scale – As per norms

Educational Qualification:
Bachelor Degree

Apply to 20 Member I Vacancy – FCSCA,Jammu and kashmir

General Instruction:

  • Applications are hereby invited from suitable and interested candidates for being considered for appointment to the post of Member-1, District Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (District Commission) in different Districts of Jammu & Kashmir in terms of Section 28 of the Consumer
    Protection Act, 2019, read with the rules framed there under issued vide G.S.R 452(E) dated 15-07-2020 against the available vacancies.
  • The appointment is subject to submission of an undertaking by the candidate that he/she does not and will not have any such financial or other interest as are likely to affect prejudicially his/her functions as Member of the District Commission.
  • The Member shall receive salary and allowances and their terms and conditions of services shall be as per the rules notified by the Government in this regard.
  • The Member of a District Commission shall hold office for a term of four years or upto the age of 65 years whichever is earlier.
  • Every appointment of a Member shall be subject to submission of a certificate of Physical fitness signed by a Civil Surgeon or Chief Medical Officer to his/her medical fitness.
  • Declaration of Financial and other interest- A Member before entering upon his/her office shall declare his/her assets and liabilities.
  • Oath of office and secrecy Every person appointed as Member before entering upon his/her office shall take an oath of office and secrecy in Form I and II.
  • No TA/DA is admissible for attending any test or interview in this connection, if conducted by the Selection Committee.
  • Applications shall be submitted only digitally through an e-mail by attaching the duly filled application form in PDF format at the given e-mail address:-
  • The Department of Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs, Government of J&K, shall duly acknowledge the receipt of every application through a return mail.
  • A fee of Rs. 2000/- (Two Thousand only) per application has to be deposited through Government of J&K’s Treasury under Scheme code 04080110100990383(under the classification Receipt Head-0408,Sub Major Head-01, Minor Head-101, Group Head-0099 & Sub Head-0383). The receipt of Treasury Fee shall be the only enclosure to be attached with the duly filled application form in PDF.
  • It is clarified that multiple applications have to be submitted in case a candidate wants to apply for multiple District Commissions. Separate Fee is to be submitted for each application.
  • Candidates are not required to submit any document along with the Application Form, except for the receipt of Treasury Fee. Original documents/testimonials will be seen only when specifically called for Viva or interaction with the Selection Committee, at a later stage.
  • If shortlisting of candidates is resorted to, the Selection Committee may invite such number of candidates for Viva / interaction as it deems appropriate.
  • The procedure for appointment shall be in consonance with Rule 6 (Procedure for appointment) of the Consumer Protection (Qualification for appointment, method of recruitment, procedure of appointment, term of office, resignation and removal of the President and members of the State and District Commission) Rules, 2020.
  • The above mentioned shortlisting criteria, however, shall not be binding upon the Selection Committee while recommending its panel of candidates to the government. As per rule 6(9) of the Consumer Protection (Qualification for appointment, method of recruitment, procedure of appointment, term of office, resignation and removal of the President and members of the State and District Commission) Rules, 2020, the Selection Committee shall make its recommendations of suitable panel after taking into account the suitability, record of past performance, integrity and adjudicatory experience of the candidates.
  • The Selection Committee reserves the right to issue any clarification at any later stage, if required.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 20 Member I Vacancy – FCSCA,Jammu and kashmir

  • The Department of Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs is entrusted with the responsibility of distribution of essential commodities namely Rice, Wheat, Sugar, Kerosene Oil under the Public Distribution System. The Department implemented the National Food Security Act, 2013 in whole of the J&K State with effect from 1st of Feb, 2016 with the objective to provide access to adequate quantity of quality food at affordable prices. Currently foodgrains are received by the State from the Government of India, for distribution among the AAY, Priority Household (PHH) and Non-priority Households (NPHH). The Department also plays an active role in managing the supplies of other essential commodities.
  • The Department is also committed to protect and guard the interest of the consumers in the state. To redress the Consumer Grievances, the department has established the Consumer Redressal Agencies These agencies have proved to be fruitful institutions for redressing the grievances of the consumers. The State and District Consumer Councils have also been established under the Consumer Protection Act, 1987 to promote and protect the rights of the consumers. The Department also has a Legal Metrology Wing responsible for bringing, uniformity in respect of Weights and Measures in trade and commerce and regulate sale of goods in package form. The Officers of Legal Metrology Wing are authorized to institute complaints in the Consumer Forum on behalf of aggrieved consumers.
  • The Department of Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs previously known as “Consumer Affairs and Public Distribution Department” is one of the oldest Department in the State entrusted with the responsibility of implementing one of the prime social sector programme of providing “Food Security” to one and all in general and to the vulnerable sections of the Society in particular by way of providing foodgrains like rice, wheat, and Atta and other essential commodities like Sugar, K.oil and Petroleum Products besides, protecting the consumer rights.
  • The Department of Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs has been performing the following prime functions:
  • Public Distribution System
    Regulation of Supplies, LPG and other Petroleum Products etc.
    Price/Market Control
    Redressal of Consumer Grievances and Protection of Consumer Rights
    Consumer Awareness Programme
  • The Public Distribution System envisages the system of management of food economy and distribution of foodgrains at affordable prices.
  • The PDS is although supplement in nature has almost all along helped to ensure availability of un-interrupted supplies of foodgrains in equitable basis at affordable prices not only giving relief to the consumer masses but also exercising stabilizing influence upon the prices of these goods. The PDS is operated under the joint responsibility of Central and State Government. The Central Government through FCI has the responsibility for procurement, Storage, Transportation and bulk allocation of foodgrains, the State Government has the responsibility of making allocation within the State, identification of families, issue of ration cards and distribution of foodgrains to the ration families.
  • The PDS has evolved country wide in 1960 to meet the critical food shortages in urban areas, later on extending to tribal blocks and areas of high incidence of poverty in 1970’s and 1980’s till June 1992 When a general entitlement scheme for all consumers without any specific target was launched in the shape of Revamped Public Distribution System (RPDS).
    In June 1997 the Government of India launched the Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS) with the focus on poor replacing the RPDS. The allocation to the foodgrains to the Sate/UT’s was made by the Government of India on the basis of average consumption in the past i.e. average Annual off – take of foodgrains for the PDS during the past 10 years at the time of introduction of TPDS.

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the employment notification

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