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20 Senior Resident Vacancy – DSCI,New Delhi

Last Date:10 November,2020
Delhi State Cancer Institute (DSCI)
New Delhi

DSCI Senior Resident Recruitment 2020 is open and inviting application for the posts of 20 Senior Resident Vacancy from MBBS in related Subjects pass candidates interested in sarkari result DSCI Senior Resident Online application can apply before 10 November 2020. Please go through this article and follow each tables for full vacancy details, educational qualification, eligibility criteria, pay scale, salary and How to apply Delhi State Cancer Institute DSCI job opening at official website

Employment Notification 20 Senior Resident Vacancy – DSCI,New Delhi

Name of the post – Senior Resident
No of post – 20
Pay Scale – 67700/- Level 11

Educational Qualification:
MBBS or equivalent qualification recognized by MCI and Post Graduate qualifications like MD/ DipNB in Radiotherapy / Radiation Oncology / DMRT recognized by the Medical Council of India.

Apply to 20 Senior Resident Vacancy – DSCI,New Delhi

General Instruction:

  • Initial appointment is for 44 days, which can be extended for further 44 days by giving one day break after receiving written request from the concerned doctor, which is duly recommended & forwarded by the concerned HOD or till regular incumbents join whichever is earlier. The maximum tenure of Senior Resident Post is 03 years including the previous tenure served in any govt. Hospital/Institute/ Organization.
  • Rs. 67700/- as per 7 th CPC and other allowances.
  • The entitlement of H.R.A. will be as per Govt. Rules.
  • The period of service rendered by you as Senior Resident in Govt. Hospitals/ autonomous Bodies founded by the Govt. Prior to this appointment, if any, will count while reckoning the tenure as Senior Resident. An undertaking in this regard is to be furnished with acceptance letter along with documents proof.
  • The candidates are hereby directed to submit certificate of fitness from a registered medical practitioner within 7 days of joining.
  • The Private of any kind what so ever is strictly prohibited. Beside the candidates will not work simultaneously as SR in any other hospital. Breach of this condition will result in termination of appointment & necessary proceedings may also be initiated in consultation with DMC for cancellation of certificate of Registration.
  • He/she must have valid registration certificate issued by Delhi Medical Council or should have applied for DMC on or before the date of interview.
  • He/she will have to wear white coat on duty with the name badge. He/She will not smoke on duty or examining patients.
  • For SC/ST/OBC categories: The appointment is provisional and is subject to the verification of the caste/tribe/other backward class certificate through proper channel and if the claim to belong SC/ST/OBC is found false, the services will be terminated forthwith without assigning any reason and without prejudice to such further action that may be taken under the Indian Penal Code for production of false certificates.
  • For SC candidates: Candidates should inform about the change, if any of their religion to their appointing/administrative authorities immediately after such change. Candidate, who has already changed the religion to SC category, must inform it clearly before joining to the department.
  • Experience certificate of SR ship will only be issued after the NO DUES CERTIFICATE from all concerned along with leave record.
  • He/she will work under residency scheme applicable to him/her form time to time.
  • The leave admissible to the Ad-HOC Senior Residents will be 3 ½ days paid leave for 44 days of service rendered by them. In case of unauthorized /wilful absence of duties for more than 7 days, the appointment shall be terminated without assigning any reason. No salary will be paid for any kind of unauthorized absence from duty even by the name of Strike. Further, while issuing the experience certificate the period of unauthorized absence/strike period will be mentioned in it.
  • The production of certificates of fitness from the resident medical practitioner.
  • Submission of attested copies of all the certificates of appointment he/she will be required to take an oath of allegiance to constitution of India to take solemn affirmation to the Office in the prescribed Performa.
  • Verification of character and Antecedent by the District Magistrate of the State/City where he/she has/had been residing for the last five years.
  • If any declaration given or information furnished by him/her found to be false or if he/she is found to have wilfully suppressed any material, facts/ information he/she is liable to be removed from services and such other action as Govt. May deem necessary.
  • The appointment for the above mentioned post (s) on tenure basis, you are required to give seven days prior notice for resignation otherwise are required to deposit Seven days salary in lieu of the prior notice. In case, further extension is not required, the same may be informed seven days before the last day of tenure (i.e. 44th days) otherwise seven days salary may be deposited in lieu of the prior notice.
  • In case of unsatisfactory work and conduct report from the concerned department, the contract appointment shall be terminated and no correspondence shall be entertained in this regard. If termination of services is made due to continue absence of the appointee, on disciplinary grounds, Seven days salary shall be deducted from your salary.
  • The candidature for selection will be accepted on submission of valid ‘applied for DMC’ for PG within the stipulated period, subject to provision of passing out certificate.
  • Candidates already working in other organization/hospital are required to submit relieving order from concerned organization/hospital before joining. Without the relevant documents, no acceptance/joining to the post of Senior Resident will be allowed under any circumstances.
  • He/she is required to report for acceptance of offer letter within 7 days of issue of this letter in He/she is required to report for acceptance of offer letter within 7 days of issue of this letter in the Admn Branch, Delhi State Cancer Institute, Dilshad Garden, Delhi 110095, failing which offer of appointment will stand cancelled/withdrawn suomoto considering that the candidate is not interested. No claim or request for extension of period to join will not be entertained after the cancellation of offer of appointment.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 20 Senior Resident Vacancy – DSCI,New Delhi

  • Delhi State Cancer Institute (DSCI) has been established as an independent and autonomous institution by the Government of NCT of Delhi for providing comprehensive management facility with the latest and most advanced techniques available under one roof for patients suffering from cancers – at par with some of the best such institutions in the country as well as at international level
  • The administrative machinery of the Government of NCT of Delhi headed by the Chief Secretary, Principal Secretary Health, and Principal Secretary Finance has constantly supported and guided at every step in smooth establishment and consistent growth of this dedicated Institute.
  • To establish the DSCI as one of best Centres in the country and to become a leading centre in Cancer Management in the international field within next 3-5 years by providing:
    latest technology facilities for diagnostic and treatment of cancer
    integrated patient care with humane approach
    dedicated R&D facilities
    human resource development responsibilities
    technology development
    technology transfer
    community service programs: IEC programs, screening/early detection, rehabilitation, R&D
  • As per the approved plans, the DSCI would be at par in facilities and services with some of the reputed cancer hospitals in the country within the next 2 years and with some of the best international centres in the field within the next 3-5 years.
  • All the facilities at DSCI are being established with an aim to obtain international credibility and accreditations like UICC affiliation, ISO 9002, ISO 14001, NABL and other national/international certifications/affiliations for excellence in services of the Institute

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