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20 Senior Resident Vacancy – RIMS,Jharkhand

Last Date:05 March,2021
Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS)

Candidates reporting after scheduled time shall not be allowed to attend the interview.Candidates are invited to attend for Walk-In-Interview at Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences Ranchi (RIMS Ranchi) for the recruitment to 20 contractual posts of Senior Resident under a given project. Walk-In-Interview will be held on 05-03-2021 (9 AM).Candidates reporting after scheduled time shall not be allowed to attend the interview.

Employment Notification 20 Senior Resident Vacancy – RIMS,Jharkhand

Name of the post– Senior Resident
No of post – 20
Pay Scale – Rs 67700

Educational Qualification:
MD/ MS/ DNB/ DM/ MCh in respective discipline

Apply to 20 Senior Resident Vacancy – RIMS,Jharkhand

General Condition:

  • Applications are invited for filling up the Senior Resident posts (Category wise) on Tenure basis for 03 years in different Departments of Super speciality, Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, Ranchi an autonomous institution under Government of Jharkhand.
  • Application duly filled in prescribed format and signed by the candidate along with all relevant self attested copy of certificates to be submitted at the time of interview.
  • The candidates are required to produce original of all enclosed documents for verification at the time of interview.
  • Separate application duly filled in prescribed format is to be submitted, if the candidate is applying for more than one post.
  • Self attested photocopies of all certificate(s) such as all mark sheets (Undergraduate), attempt certificate of MBBS & MD/MS/DNB/Diploma/DM/MCh certificate of registration, postgraduate passing certificate along with oneself attested passport-size-photograph are required to be attached with the application form.
  • Applications not filled in prescribed format will not be considered.
  • The post of Senior Resident tenure posts and for the period of 03 years only.
  • The candidate must not have completed 03 years of Senior Residency/tutorship in the subject applied from anywhere.
  • Employees of Government or Semi-government institutions must bring No Objection Certificate from the employer at the time of interview.
  • The candidate must be a citizen of India.
  • The post(s) is/are whole time and private practice of any kind will not be allowed.
  • No TA/DA will be given to the candidates for Walk-in-interview.
  • Reservation policy as per Jharkhand Government Rules will be applicable.
  • Canvassing in any form and/or bringing in any influence will be treated as disqualification.
  • Director, RIMS, Ranchi reserves the right to cancel this advertisement without assigning any reason.
  • All disputes are subject matter of Ranchi Jurisdiction.
  • The number of vacancies may be increased or decreased according to the final roster clearance by the competent authority.
  • Advertisement is also available on website www.rimsranchi.orq
  • 40 years for General candidates, 45 years for ST/SC candidates and 42 years for BC- I & II Candidates
  • Relaxation for Orthopedics Physical Handicapped(OPH)-45 year for General candidates, 50 years for ST/SC candidates and 47 years for BC-1&Il Candidates.
  • Relaxation for Govt. Employee 50 years for General candidates, 55 years for ST/SC candidates and 52 years for BC-1&Il Candidates.
  • Relaxation of age will be given to the Female Candidate for 3 years as per Govt. of Jharkhand rules, this will be over and above in their respective category.
  • Attend this Interview on 05-03-2021 (9 AM) at given venue along with original certificates, attested photocopies of all required certificates and copy of recent passport size and experience certificate. The appointments may be terminated at any time without notice or assigning any reason thereof.
  • The selected candidates shall not claim for regular appointments at this Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences Ranchi as the positions are co-terminus with respective project.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 20 Senior Resident Vacancy – RIMS,Jharkhand

  • The Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS), established on 15 August 2002 by upgrading the then Rajendra Medical College and Hospital (RMCH) originally setup in 1960, is a medical institute of in Ranchi, the capital of Jharkhand, India. The college is an autonomous body established under an act of Jharkhand Assembly and is one of the premier medical colleges in the state and India.
  • The institute provides free medical service along with medicines. Developments in the field of surgery include minimal access cosmetically sound (MACS) surgery.
  • The RIMS has blocks in a multi-storied building with several medical departments. RIMS has about 33 departments which include emergency, Blood bank, Pathology, Forensic Medicine, Orthopedic, Neurosurgery, OBST & Gynae, ENT, Eye, Anesthesiology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Pharmacology, Skin STD & Leprosy, PMR, Urology, cardiology,Radiology and others. RIMS has facilities like CT scan, emergency pathology for 24 hrs, AIDS Clinic, X-Ray, USG, TeleMedicine Department and a Deep X-Ray unit. Dental institute began functioning in 2017 with an annual intake of 50 students.
  • RIMS has its own blood bank, nursing school, dental college and nursing college. At RIMS medical courses include MBBS, BDS, postgraduate – MD, MS,DM, MCh and Diploma. It also offers radiology and pathological investigation facilities.
  • A Regional Institute of ophthalmology Block is coming up.
  • The decision to upgrade the institute to university for conducting MBBS exams was taken in 2016.
  • RIMS Ranchi has a very large and spacious campus. There is an OPD complex with entrances through central emergency and a separate entrance for OPD. Main hospital building it a 5 storied building which houses all specialty departments and Neurosurgery department. The building has large corridors connecting different wards and OTs.
  • Super specialty building houses department of cardiology, cardio OPD, department of urology, department of pediatric surgery and has space for other departments developing in future. Oncology block it has onco OPD, ward, OTs and central library on the top 2 floors.

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the employment notification

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