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200 Executive Trainee Vacancy – NPCIL,All India

Last Date:09 March,2021
Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL)
All India

NPCIL recently released an Official Notification for the posts of 200 Executive Trainee Vacancy through GATE 2018/2019/2020 from B.E./B.Tech. pass candidates interested in sarkari result NPCIL Executive Trainee Online application can apply before 09 March 2021. Please go through this article and follow each tables for full vacancy details, educational qualification, eligibility criteria, pay scale, salary and How to apply NPCIL Executive Trainee job opening at official website

Employment Notification 200 Executive Trainee Vacancy – NPCIL,All India

Name of the post– Executive Trainee
No of post – 200
Pay Scale – 55000/- (Per Month)

Educational Qualification:
BE/B Tech/B Sc (Engineering) /5 year Integrated M Tech with a minimum of 60% aggregate marks in one of the 7 engineering disciplines mentioned in the Table below from University / Deemed University or Institute recognized by AICTE/UGC.

Apply to 200 Executive Trainee Vacancy – NPCIL,All India

General Instruction:

  • Candidates are requested to read the eligibility criteria and ensure that they meet all the criteria before applying.
  • Candidate must ensure that she/he has valid GATE 2018/GATE 2019/GATE 2020 Score with qualifying marks applicable in the discipline against which she/he wish to apply.
  • A Candidate has to apply through online application form provided on the website only.
  • The online application form will be available on the website from March 24, 2020 (1000 Hrs) to April 02, 2020 (1700 Hrs).
  • It is mandatory to put in all the relevant information such as GATE 2018/GATE 2019/GATE 2020 Registration Number as mentioned on GATE Admit Card of the candidate, COAP Registration Number, qualifying degree details, experience details (if any), percentage of marks, email address (as mentioned while applying for GATE 2018/2019/2020), mobile number (as mentioned while applying for GATE 2018/2019/2020), address for correspondence, soft copy of scanned photograph and signature (JPEG) to complete the online application process and get the Application number. Therefore, applicants are advised to keep such information ready before applying online.
  • Before applying online candidate should scan her/his photograph in JPEG format, of size not more than 50KB (maximum 480 X 640 Pixels) and a minimum of 10 KB (minimum 180 x 240 pixels) and signature in JPEG format of size not more than 20KB (maximum 160 x 560 pixels) and a minimum of 80 x 100 pixels. The photograph uploaded will be printed on the interview call letter and only the applicant whose photograph is printed on
    the call letter will be allowed to appear for interview, if called for.
  • Candidate is requested to enter her/his valid and active email address, as all important communications will be sent to this email address. SMS will also be sent to the candidate if an active mobile number for communication is provided. If the mobile number registered by the candidate is in the TRAI NCPR list (formerly called DND), candidate will not receive SMS alerts related to the registration. If candidate wants to receive future SMS alerts from NPCIL related to recruitment of ET-2020, she/he is requested to remove her/his mobile number from the NCPR list through service provider.
  • The applicant is required to furnish information such as GATE 2018/GATE 2019/GATE 2020 Registration Number as mentioned on GATE Admit Card of the candidate, Discipline, Name, Date of Birth, Category, Email, Mobile number, PwBD details and other exemption details, if applicable. On successful completion of this stage, activation link is sent to applicant’s email. Click on Apply=>Online Registration link at top/left corner of web page for registration.
  • The applicant is required to activate the account by clicking on the activation link received through email after completing registration in Step 1.
  • On successful completion of this activation, candidate can login using their login id and password to apply online. In this step the applicant is required to fill in all details of his Educational Qualifications, Work Experience etc.
  • Only male candidates belonging to General/EWS/OBC categories are required to make a non-refundable payment of ` 500/- towards application fee with the applicable bank charges using State Bank Collect link provided on the website after final submission of the online application. The State Bank Collect facility can also be operated through the website by selecting State Bank Collect option => Click Check Box & Proceed => Select state as Maharashtra => type of Corporate/Institution as Others =>Others Name as NPCIL =>Submit =>Select Payment Category
    as Recruitment of Executive Trainees 2020.
  • SC, ST, PwBD, Ex-serviceman, DODPKIA, Female applicants and employees of NPCIL are exempted from the payment of Application Fee.
  • Only after verification of payment of fee, the online application form can be viewed/printed. The printed application is required to be brought at the time of attending interview. The information with respect to Application Number, GATE 2018/2019/2020 Registration Number, name of the
    applicant, date of birth, mobile number and email id entered while making the online payment through ‘State Bank Collect’ should be same as entered in online application for verification of the payment. The applicable bank charges towards payment of Application Fee through ‘State Bank Collect’ of SBI will have to be borne by the candidate. The application fee can be paid through ‘State Bank Collect’ on any day between March 24,
    2020 to April 02, 2020 only. The printed receipt of ‘State Bank Collect’ is required to be produced at the time of Interview.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 200 Executive Trainee Vacancy – NPCIL,All India

  • The Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL) is an Indian public sector undertaking based in Mumbai, Maharashtra. It is wholly owned by the Government of India and is responsible for the generation of nuclear power for electricity. NPCIL is administered by the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE).
  • NPCIL was created in September 1987 under the Companies Act 1956, “with the objective of undertaking the design, construction, operation and maintenance of the atomic power stations for generation of electricity in pursuance of the schemes and programmes of the Government of India under the provision of the Atomic Energy Act 1962.” All nuclear power plants operated by the company are certified for ISO-14001 (Environment Management System).
  • NPCIL was the sole body responsible for constructing and operating India’s commercial nuclear power plants till setting up of BHAVINI Vidyut Nigam) in October 2003. As of 10 August 2012 the company had 21 nuclear reactors in operation at seven locations, a total installed capacity of 6780 MWe.Subsequent to the government’s decision to allow private companies to provide nuclear power, the company has experienced problems with private enterprises “poaching” its employees.

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