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201 Assistant Engineer Vacancy – HVPNL,Haryana

Last Date:08 January,2021
Haryana Vidyut Prasaran Nigam Limited (HVPNL)

HVPNL invites Application for the post of 201 Assistant Engineer Electrical/Civil Cadre in Haryana Power Utilitiesviz. HVPNL HPGCL UHBVNL & DHBVNL based on result of GATE-2019 or 2020. Apply before 08 January 2021. Qualification/eligibility conditions, how to apply & other rules are given below…

Employment Notification 201 Assistant Engineer Vacancy – HVPNL,Haryana

Name of the post – Assistant Engineer
No of post – 201
Pay Scale – 53100 – 167800/- level-9

Educational Qualification:
B.E./B.Tech or ME/M.Tech

Apply to 201 Assistant Engineer Vacancy – HVPNL,Haryana

General Information:

  • Only eligible candidates are required to apply.
  • Before applying online, the candidate should ensure that he/she fulfils the eligibility criteria and other norms mentioned in this advertisement, as on the cut off date i.e. 08-01-2021.
  • Essential Qualification should be from a University / Institution duly recognized by Central Government or State Government. The Candidates who have obtained Degrees / Diplomas/ Certificates for the various courses from any institution declared fake by the University Grants Commission shall not be eligible for being considered for recruitment to the post advertised.
  • The merely holding of prescribed essential qualification does not entitle a candidate for selection.
  • Candidates must specify their preference for joining organizations under HPUs during the submission of online application form.
  • All computations of upper age limit shall be as on the cut off date for the said purpose.
  • Date of issuance of final marks sheet shall be taken as the date of acquisition of qualification.
  • Correspondence / Part-time Degree shall not be considered.
  • Candidates are required to fill their online application form complete in all respects and upload necessary documents in support of their claim, by last date of online submission of application form i.e. 08-01-2021 (midnight). Any Application Form received after the closing date Ghall not be entertained.
  • The original documents/certificates would be checked by HPUs at the time of verification/ checking of documents for the preparation of Selection/ Merit list.
  • The certificates pertaining to Domicile/ SC/ BC/ EWS/ ESM/ DESM/ DFF & ESP must be as per the prescribed format of the State Government. The certificates/ documents claiming weightage/marks under Socio-economic criteria and Experience alongwith Haryana domicile Certificate issued by competent authority must also be as under:-
    i.Certificate for an applicant whose father has died issued by Tehsildar/ Naib Tehsildar: Refer Annexure A -I.
    ii.Widow Certificate issued by Tehsildari Naib Tehsildar: Refer Annexure B -l.
    iii.Vimuktjati and Tapriwasjati Certificate issued by Tehsildar: Refer or Antyodaya Saral Centers at Distt. Level or Tehsildar office.
    iv.Experience Certificate issued by concerned Appointing Authority: Refer Annexure D-I.
    v.Self-declaration in prescribed format: Refer Annexure E -l.
  • The above mentioned documents as applicable are required to be uploaded during submission of online application form and brought at the time of verification/ checking of documents.
  • The selected candidates are required to submit original documents for verification alongwith Character & Antecedents verification forms (which will be supplied with the offer of appointment) to the respective Utility in which he/ she have been selected.
  • No TA payment shall be paid to candidates for appearing for the verification/ checking of documents.
  • Candidates must have a valid e-mail ID & Mobile Number which shall be entered in the online application form. The e-mail ID & Mobile Number entered in online application form must remain valid throughout the whole selection process. However, in case of change in e-mail ID & Mobile Number candidate must inform to HPUs failing which HPUs will not be responsible for bouncing back of any email/ message sent to the candidates, if any.
  • The necessary information relating to recruitment, if any, will be made available to all candidates only on the websites of HVPNL/ HPUs.
  • Percentage of marks in Essential Qualifications as awarded by the University / Institute shall only be considered. Wherever CGPA/OGPA/DGPA or Letter Grade in a degree / diploma is awarded, its equivalent percentage of marks must be indicated in the online application form as per norms adopted by University/ Institute. Proof of norms adopted by the University/ Institute to convert CGPA/OGPA/DGPA into percentage is to be submitted at the time of verification/ checking of documents, if called for.
  • In case the University / Institution does not have any scheme for converting CGPA into equivalent marks or in the absence of any proof of norms/formula, the equivalent percentage would be established by dividing the candidate’s CGPA by the maximum possible CGPA and multiplying the result with 100.

How To Apply:

Vacancy Notice 201 Assistant Engineer Vacancy – HVPNL,Haryana

  • In case the University / Institution does not have any scheme for converting CGPA into equivalent marks or in the absence of any proof of norms/formula, the equivalent percentage would be established by dividing the candidate’s CGPA by the maximum possible CGPA and multiplying the result with 100.
  • For submission of online applications, candidates have to visit on the website of HPUs,, &
  • The application fees is to be paid online through electronically mode i.e. Debit card/Credit card/ hletbanking.
  • Online application complete in all respects should be submitted within stipulated period starting from 07-12-2020 to 08-01-2021. The application form received through Courier or any other means will not be entertained in any case and will be rejected.
  • HARD Copy of online Application form is not required to be submitted.
  • It is made clear that any delay in submission of online application form by the due date shall be sole responsibility of the candidate.
  • The candidate should retain printout of online application form for future reference and same will have to be brought by the candidates at the time of verification/ checking of the documents.
  • Online application that are incomplete and without prescribed fee will be rejected straightaway and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained.
  • Candidates are advised to apply online well in time without waiting for last date of submission of application.

About Us:

  • Haryana Vidyut Prasaran Nigam Limited (HVPNL) was incorporated as a company under the Companies Act, 1956 on 19th August 1997 and was granted the certificate to commence its business on 18th September 1997. Subsequently, the transmission and distribution businesses of the erstwhile HSEB were transferred to HVPNL on 14th August 1998.
  • This was done through transfer scheme, notified by the Government, vide Notification No. SO/06/HA/98/S 23,24 & 25/99, dated 14.08.1998 which entrusted HVPNL with the functions of Power transmission & distribution.
  • Another transfer scheme, vide Notification No. SO 156/HA.10/98/Ss 23,24,25 & 55/99, dated 01.07.1999 further segregated HVPNL by carving out two more corporations- UHBVNL & DHBVNL.
  • On 1st July 1999, the distribution business was transferred to Uttar Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam Limited (UHBVNL) in the North Zone & Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam Limited (DHBVNL) in the South Zone.
  • The Company has ownership interest in BBMB Power Project.
  • The Company holds Business License issued by HERC for Transmission & Bulk supply of Power in Haryana.

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the employment notification

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