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2098 Post Graduate Assistants Vacancy – TRBTN,Tamil Nadu

Last Date:25 March,2021
Teachers Recruitment Board Tamil Nadu (TRBTN)
Tamil Nadu

TRB Tamil Nadu recently released an Official Notification for 2098 Post Graduate Assistants/Physical Education Directors Grade – I & Computer Instructor Grade I form Post Graduate, B.Ed Pass candidates interested in sarkari result TRB Tamil Nadu Post Graduate Assistants Online application can apply before 25 March 2021. Please go through this article and follow each tables for full vacancy details, educational qualification, eligibility criteria, pay scale, salary and How to apply TRB TN Post Graduate Assistants job opening at official website

Employment Notification 2098 Post Graduate Assistants Vacancy – TRBTN,Tamil Nadu

Name of the post– Post Graduate Assistants
No of post – 2098
Pay Scale – 36900 – 116600/- Level 18

Educational Qualification:
Post Graduate, B.Ed.

Apply to 2098 Post Graduate Assistants Vacancy – TRBTN,Tamil Nadu

General Information:

  • Candidates should ensure that they have their scanned recent color passport size photograph (JPG/JPEG /PNG format of size 20-60 KB) and signature (JPG/JPEG/PNG format of size 10-30 KB) separately. The candidates have to upload their photo image and signature image while applying online. T he online application uploaded without the candidate’s photograph and candidate’s signature will be rejected. No correspondence in this regard will be entertained.
  • A valid e-mail id and Mobile Number of candidate are mandatory for registration and e-mail id should be kept active as all the communications will be sent to the registered email id only.
  • Evidence of claims made in the online application should be submitted at the time of Certificate Verification, if called for. Any subsequent claim made thereafter on submission of online application will not be entertained at any cost.
  • Incomplete applications and applications containing false claims or incorrect particulars relating to category of reservation, basic qualifications, communal category and other eligibility criteria will be liable for rejection.
  • The number of vacancies notified is only tentative and it is liable for modification with reference to vacancy position of User Departments before
    finalization of selection.
  • Possession or use of electronic devices such as Mobile phone, Micro phone or any other Associated Accessories, Calculator, Log Tables, Pager, Digital Diary, Books, Electronic equipment or gadgets, etc., are strictly prohibited in the Examination Hall. If any candidate is found in possession of any these devices/documents, candidate’s candidature is liable to be cancelled. Also, the candidate should not bring any valuables to the Examination Centre and the Centre shall not be responsible for their safe custody.
  • Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification for selection.
  • No candidate should misbehave in any manner or create a disorderly scene in the Examination Centre or harass the staff employed by the Board during the conduct of the Examination. Any such misconduct will be viewed seriously and penalized accordingly.
  • Candidates will have to bear their own expenses to attend the Examination and the Certificate Verification, if called for. No T.A./D.A. will be paid.
  • In the matter of recruitment, the decision of the Teachers Recruitment Board is final.
  • The online application can be submitted till 5.00 pm on 25.03.2021 after which the link will be disabled.

Selection Process:

Vacancy Notice 2098 Post Graduate Assistants Vacancy – TRBTN,Tamil Nadu

  • The list of provisionally selected candidates will be published in the website viz. The final selection of the candidates is
    subject to fulfillment of necessary eligibility criteria and the decision of Teachers Recruitment Board is final.
  • The appointment orders for provisionally selected candidates will be issued by the Appointing Authority after due verification and subject to fulfillment of eligibility criteria for appointments.
  • Original Certificates and Mark Statements pertaining to the following applicable Educational qualifications
    (i) 10th / SSLC.
    (ii) 12th / Higher Secondary or its equivalent.
    (iii) U.G. Degree in the relevant subject or its equivalent.
    (iv) P.G. Degree in the same subject or its equivalent.
    (v) B.Ed. Degree or its equivalent.
    (vi) M.P.Ed degree or its equivalent or A Diploma equivalent to M.P.Ed degree.
  • Community Certificate should be obtained from the following authorities of Government of Tamil Nadu for candidates claiming Communal reservation as the case may be.
    (i) ST – Revenue Divisional Officer (if the certificate is issued after 11.11.1989)
    (ii) SC/SCA – Tahsildar of native taluk of the candidate.
    (iii) BC / MBC / DNC – Headquarters Deputy Tahsildar or Special Deputy Tahsildar.
    (iv) Community Certificate of married women issued in father’s name alone (Not in Husband’s Name) shall be accepted.
    (v) Community certificates issued by any other State or Union Territory Authorities will not be considered against vacancies reserved for 69%
    communal reservation. They will be considered only under Others Category.
  • For the post of Post Graduate Assistants, candidate who claims reservation under PSTM (Persons Studied in Tamil Medium) category has to submit Tamil Medium Study Certificate in the prescribed format (Annexure) for SSLC, Higher Secondary, Under Graduate Degree, Post Graduate Degree and B.Ed Degree or its equivalent as per Tamil Nadu Act No. 35 of 2020.
  • A candidate who wants to avail the benefit of reservation under PWD candidates would have to submit an Identity Card and Passbook with Disability Certificate issued by the Competent Authorities.

About Us:

  • Tamil Nadu is one of the most literate states in India. The state’s literacy rate is 80.33% in 2011, which is above the national average. A survey conducted by the Industry body Assocham ranks Tamil Nadu top among Indian states with about 100% Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER) in primary and upper primary education.
  • The structure of education in the state is based on the national level pattern with 12 years of schooling (10+2+3), consisting of eight years of elementary education, that is, five years of primary and three years of middle school education for the age groups of 6-11 and 11–14 years, respectively, followed by secondary and higher Secondary education of two years each besides two years of pre-primary education. The entry age in class 1 is 5+. Pre-primary classes form age group 3 to 4. The higher secondary school certificate enables pupils to pursue studies either in universities or in colleges for higher education in general academic streams and in technical and professional courses.
  • Tamil Nadu Board of Secondary Education, established in 1910, is under the purview of the Department of Education, Government of Tamil Nadu, India. The Tamil Nadu State Board of School Examination evaluates students’ progress by conducting three board examinations-one at the end of class 10 and the others at the end of class 11 & 12. The scores from the class 12 (combined with the class 11)board examinations are used by universities to determine eligibility and as a cut-off for admissions into their programmes.

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