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22 Assistant Professor Vacancy – ISI,West Bengal

Last Date:30 April,2021
Indian Statistical Institute (ISI)
West Bengal

Applications are invited from suitable Candidates for the recruitment to the Posts of Assistant Professor in Indian Statistical Institute Kolkata (ISI Kolkata) . Submit completed applications along with all relevant documents to the given address on or before the due date of 30-04-2021 .Applications received after last date and by any other mode will not be considered.

Employment Notification 22 Assistant Professor Vacancy – ISI,West Bengal

Name of the post– Assistant Professor
No of post – 22
Pay Scale – As per norms

Educational Qualification:
Ph.D. in the appropriate branch and 3 yrs experience.

Apply to 22 Assistant Professor Vacancy – ISI,West Bengal

General Information:

  • The Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) invites applications from exceptionally bright and motivated individuals with an established record of high-quality research and development, and a strong commitment to teaching for positions of Assistant Professor in its various scientific divisions and centres.Foreign nationals are also eligible to apply. Recruitments in higher positions (Associate Professor and above) may also be made depending on experience and suitability of the candidate, and requirement of the division.
  • Duties include undergraduate and post-graduate teaching, independent research, consultancy/sponsored research, research supervision, and participation in institutional activities.
  • This is a rolling advertisement and is valid from the date of announcement of this notification till December 31, 2021. Interested individuals are encouraged to apply for the positions throughout the year. The recruitment committee(s) will meet regularly subject to the number of vacancies available at that point to consider the applications and arrange for seminars and/or interviews of the short-listed candidates. The processing will be done based on applications received by April 30, 2021; August 31, 2021 & December 31, 2021 (subject to availability of vacancy).
  • Horizontal reservation applies across all categories as per Government of India rules. One vacancy each is reserved preferably for (c) and [(d) &(e)] types respectively as defined in section 34(i) of the RPwD Act 2016.
  • Women candidates and candidates from under-represented categories are especially encouraged to apply.Vacancies may be increased or decreased based on the requirements at the time of the recruitment. The Institute reserves the right not to fill all the vacancies.
  • As per Government of India rules, without any compromise on qualification, experience and competence. Necessary certificates must be enclosed with the application form.
  • Further details about the scientific divisions, faculty profiles, academic programs, and areas of research as well as the desired areas of expertise being sought for are available at the divisional websites.
  • Interested candidates should apply to a specific division of their choice. They may apply for one more division as their second choice.
  • ISI is a multi-locational Institute. Candidates can also list their preferences for locations in the application.
  • Institute reserves the right to offer appointment to the selected candidates at locations and divisions/ units of its choice as per requirement, not restricted to the preferences mentioned by the candidates.
  • At least 8 positions will be for applicants with background in Statistics (that is, having a PhD in Statistics and/or PhD thesis topic is on Statistics) and related areas (including Probability Theory).

How To Apply:

Vacancy Notice 22 Assistant Professor Vacancy – ISI,West Bengal

  • Candidates must apply with a forwarding letter addressed to the Director, Indian Statistical Institute referring to the advertisement number and its date of publication.
  • The following documents are required (in PDF format).
    1. Filled in Application Form in the proforma available at the end of this advertisement
    2. Curriculum Vitae with a list of all publications
    3. Proposed research plan
    4. Proposed teaching plan at the undergraduate and post-graduate levels
    5. Caste and/or Disability Certificate from the competent authority, as applicable
    6. Any other relevant information the applicant may wish to furnish
    7. Reprints of up to five important publications
  • A single PDF file needs to be made along with the required documents in the order specified above. This single PDF file must be emailed to:
  • with a copy to the Professor-in-Charge/ Head, SQC & OR of the relevant scientific division
  • Printout of the application form, along with attested copies of educational qualification, experience, Age must reach the given address before 30-04-2021 .Candidates should retain photocopy of the application form submitted for future reference.
  • Candidates can superscribe the envelope as “Application for the post of Assistant Professor

About Us:

  • Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) is a Research institute which is recognized as an institute of national importance by the 1959 act of the Indian parliament.It grew out of the Statistical Laboratory set up by Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis in Presidency College, Kolkata. Established in 1931, this unique institution of India is one of the oldest and most prestigious institutions focused on statistics, and its early reputation led it to being adopted as a model for the first US institute of Statistics set up at the Research Triangle, North Carolina by Gertrude Mary Cox.
  • Mahalanobis, the founder of ISI, was deeply influenced by wisdom and guidance of Rabindranath Tagore and Brajendranath Seal. Under his leadership, the institute initiated and promoted the interaction of Statistics with natural and social sciences to advance the role of Statistics as a key technology by explicating the twin aspects – its general applicability and its dependence on other disciplines for its own development. The institute is now considered as one of the foremost centres in the world for training and research in Computer science, Statistics, Quantitative Economics and related sciences.
  • ISI has its headquarters in Bonhooghly (Baranagar), Kolkata, West Bengal. It has four subsidiary centres focused in academics at Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai and Tezpur, and a branch at Giridih. In addition, the Institute has a network of units of Statistical Quality Control and Operations Research at Vadodara, Coimbatore,Giridih, Hyderabad, Mumbai and Pune engaged in guiding the industries, within and outside India, in developing the most up–to–date quality management systems and solving critical problems of quality, reliability and productivity.
  • Primary activities of ISI are research and training of Statistics, development of theoretical Statistics and its applications in various natural and social sciences. Originally affiliated with the University of Calcutta, the institute was declared an institute of national importance in 1959, through an act of Indian parliament, Indian Statistical Institute act, 1959. ISI functions under the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MOSPI) of the Government of India.
  • Key areas of expertise of ISI are Statistics, Computer Science, Mathematics, Mathematical Economics, Operations Research and Information Science and it is one of the few research oriented Indian schools offering courses at both the undergraduate and graduate level.

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