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22 Scientific Officers Vacancy- OPSC,Odisha

Last Date:05 April,2021
Odisha Public Service Commission (OPSC)

OPSC released an Official Notification for the posts of 22 Scientific Officers from M.Sc. pass candidates interested in sarkari result OPSC Scientific Officer Online application can apply before 05 April 2021. Please go through this article and follow each tables for full vacancy details, educational qualification, eligibility criteria, pay scale, salary and How to apply Odisha PSC Scientific Officer job opening at official website

Employment Notification 22 Scientific Officers Vacancy- OPSC,Odisha

Name of the post– Scientific Officers
No of post – 22
Pay Scale – 44900/- Level- 10

Educational Qualification:
Masters Degree in Chemistry, Physics & Zoology form recognized University.

Apply to 22 Scientific Officers Vacancy- OPSC,Odisha

General Instruction:

  • Online applications are invited from the prospective candidates through the proforma application to be made available on the Website of the Commission ( link for registration/ re-registration & payment of examination fee shall be available from 04.03.2021 to 05.04.2021 (Note: 12.04.2021 is the last date for submission of Registered Online Application) for recruitment to 22 (Twenty Two) posts of Scientific Officer (Group — B) in the State Forensic Science Service Organization under Home Department in the scale of pay of 44,900/- in Level 10, Cell – 1 Pay Matrix of ORSP Rules, 2017 with usual Dearness and other Allowances as may be sanctioned by the Government of Odisha from time to time.
  • In case of non-availability of eligible/ suitable women candidate(s), the unfilled vacancies shall be filled up by eligible/suitable male candidate(s) of the same category.
  • The exchange of reservation between Scheduled Caste & Scheduled Tribe will not be considered.
  • The Number of vacancies to be filled up on the basis of this recruitment is subject to change by Government without notice, depending upon the exigencies of public service at the discretion of the State Government.
  • The PWD candidates having a permanent disability of 40% and more along with physical requirement of MF, S, SE, BN and functional classification of OA, OL, BL & HI (with suitable aid) are eligible to apply for the post.
  • A candidate must be a citizen of India;
  • He or she must be able to speak, read and write Odia and must have passed a language test in Odia equivalent to the Middle School Standard;
  • The candidate must be of good mental condition, sound health, good physique, active habits and free from organic defects likely to interfere with the discharge of his duties in the service and in case a candidate, who after such medical examination as the Government may prescribe, is not found to satisfy these requirements shall not be appointed to the service;
  • A candidate, who has more than one spouse living, will not be eligible for appointment unless the State Government has exempted his/her case from operation of this limitation for any good and sufficient reasons;
  • If a candidate has at any time, been debarred for a certain period/chance(s) by the Odisha Public Service Commission or other State Public Service Commission or U.P.S.C. from appearing at any Examination/Viva Voce test, he/she will not be eligible for such recruitment for that specified period/chance(s);
  • Government servants, whether temporary or permanent, are eligible to apply provided that they possess the requisite qualification and are within the prescribed age-limit as provided under Para – 3 & 4 of the advertisement. They must submit No Objection Certificate issued by the competent authority during document verification.
  • A candidate who claims change in his/her name after having passed the High School Certificate Examination or equivalent examination, is required to furnish copy of publication of the changed name in local leading daily newspaper as well as copy of notification in the Odisha Gazette in support of his/her change of name;
  • Only those candidates, who fulfil the requisite qualification & are within the prescribed age limit etc. by the closing date of submission of online application, will be considered eligible.
  • Online applications submitted to OPSC if found to be incomplete in any respect are liable to rejection without entertaining any correspondence with the applicants on that score;
  • Admission to the Viva Voce Test will be provisional. If on verification at any stage before or after the Viva Voce Test, it is found that a candidate does not fulfil all the eligibility conditions, his/her candidature will be liable to rejection. Decision of the Commission in regard to eligibility or otherwise of candidate shall be final.
  • This advertisement should not be construed as binding on the Government to make appointment;
  • Concessions meant for S.T. I S.C. by birth & S.E.B.0 are admissible to the Scheduled Tribe, Schedule Caste & Socially and Educationally Backward Classes of Odisha only;
  • Community /Caste status once mentioned by the candidates under the appropriate box of the online application form will be treated as final and the same shall not be changed subsequently under any circumstances.
  • Any misrepresentation or suppression of information by the candidate in the online application, will result in cancellation of his/her candidature or penalty, as decided by the Commission be imposed on the candidate;
  • On appointment, the officers may be called upon to undergo the course of training as directed by the Government from time to time;

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 22 Scientific Officers Vacancy- OPSC,Odisha

  • The Origin of the Public Service Commission in India is found in the First Dispatch of the Government of India on Indian Constitutional Reforms on March 5, 1919 which referred to the need for setting up some permanent office charged with the regulation of service matters. This concept of a body intended to be charged primarily with the regulation of service matters, found a somewhat more practical shape in the Government of India Act, 1919. Section 96C of the Act provided for the establishment in India of a Public Service Commission which should “discharge, in regard to recruitment and control of the Public Services in India, such functions as may be assigned thereto by rules made by the Secretary of State in Council”.
  • After the passing of the Government of India Act, 1919, a prolonged correspondence took place between the Secretary of State, the Government of India and Local Governments, regarding the functions and machinery of the body to be set up. This continued for over four years. No decision was, however, arrived at, and the subject was referred to the Royal Commission on the Superior Civil Services in India (Lee Commission). In their report dated 27th march, 1924, the Lee Commission recommended that the statutory Public Service Commission contemplated by the Government of India Act, 1919 should be established without delay.
  • In spite of the provisions of the Section 96(C) of the Government of India Act, 1919 and the strong recommendations made by the Lee Commission in 1924 for the early establishment of a Public Service Commission, it was not until October, 1926 that the Public Service Commission was set up in India for the first time.
  • The first Public Service Commission was established on October 1, 1926. The Commission consisted of four Members in addition to the Chairman, appointed by the Secretary of the State in Council. Sir Ross Barker, a member of the Home Civil Service of the United Kingdom, was the first Chairman. The Commission was built up by him and his successors on the model and in accordance with the traditions of the British Civil Service Commission.

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