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220 Military Nursing Service Vacancy – Indian Army,All India

Last Date:10 March,2021
Indian Army
All India

Indian Army is taking application from Female Indian candidates for admisison to 4 years BSc Nursing Course to join Military Nursing Service. Interested and Eligible Candidates may submit their application only through provided online facility latest by 10-03-2021. Before filling form, candidates should make ensure about meeting concerned eligibility criteria of mentioned course. All personal and educational details must be mentioned properly.

Employment Notification 220 Military Nursing Service Vacancy – Indian Army,All India

Name of the post– Military Nursing Service
No of post – 220
Pay Scale – As per norms

Educational Qualification:
12th with Science with 50% marks

Apply to 220 Military Nursing Service Vacancy – Indian Army,All India

General Conditions:

  • Applications are invited from FEMALE CANDIDATES (only) for admission to 4 years B Sc. (Nursing) Course commencing in 2021 at Colleges of Nursing of Armed Forces Medical Services. Candidates will be awarded admission in Colleges of Nursing based on the merit cum choice, subject to medical fitness and the vacancies in each College. The selected candidates shall execute an Agreement/Bond to serve in the Military Nursing Service. On successful completion of nursing training (4 years), the candidates will be granted Permanent/Short Service Commission in the Military Nursing Service, under the terms and conditions laid down for grant of such commission. They shall have to refund the Bond money as per the Bond executed in the event of withdrawal from the Course, termination of training or refusal to accept Commission in the MNS, if offered. During training they will be provided with free ration, accommodation, uniform allowance and monthly stipend as per terms and conditions as amended from time to time.
  • Subsequent to passing the final year University examination for BSc (Nursing) Course, the candidates will be offered Commission in the Military Nursing Service subject to medical fitness. The date of declaration of result from respective Universities will be the date of Commission for the candidates. The date of Commission determines the date of seniority in service among all candidates who have joined the Course in the same year.
  • Candidate must have passed in the first attempt, Senior Secondary Examination (10+2) or equivalent (12 Years schooling) examination with Physics, Chemistry, Biology (Botany & Zoology) and English with not less than 50% aggregate marks as a regular student from a Statutory / Recognized Board /University/ Examination Body. Candidates who will be appearing for final year of qualifying examination during the current academic session may also apply provisionally. The candidates finally selected for the course will have to submit proof of passing the qualifying examination with requisite subjects and marks before joining the Course.
  • Medical fitness will be determined as per standards applicable for Commission in the Armed Forces as amended from time to time. X-Ray examination of Chest and USG (of abdomen & pelvis) will be done. Minimum height required for entry into Armed Forces for female candidates is 152 cm. Gorkhas and candidates belonging to North Eastern region of India, Garhwal and Kumaon will be accepted with a minimum height of 148 cm. Details of medical standards can be seen in the Indian Army websites
  • Computer Based Examination: Eligible applicants will be called for an objective type Computer Based Examination of 150 marks for 90 minutes duration likely to be held in the month of Apr 2021.
  • The candidates qualified in the Computer Based Examination will be called for interview & Medical Examination in the month of Jun 2021 at selected centres. The Interview has a maximum weightage of 100 marks. Candidates declared FIT/UNFIT in medical examination will be informed about their medical status, including the procedure of requesting for APPEAUREVIEW MEDICAL BOARD by the President of the Selection Medical Board (SMB). Final selection will be based on the combined merit of Computer Based Examination & Interview, subject to medical fitness of the candidate, choice & vacancy in each College.
  • The candidates are required to choose the 3 examination centres in order of preference from the list of centres provided while filling the online application form. Allotment of centers will be on “first apply-first allot” basis. If the number of candidates is inadequate/more than the capacity of a centre, the candidates opting for that centre will be allotted their second or third preference as per the administrative feasibility. No correspondence/requests regarding change of centre from any candidate will be accepted.

How To Apply:

Vacancy Notice 220 Military Nursing Service Vacancy – Indian Army,All India

  • Candidates may apply and pay the application fee online through which will be accessible from 17 Feb 2021 to 10 Mar 2021. The candidate’s E-mail ID is the user ID for this website and the candidate will select her own password. Candidates must remember their usemame & password for further correspondence.
  • Only the Eligible candidates will be able to pay the online application processing fee of Rs 750/- (Rupees seven hundred and fifty only). On successful completion of online payment a bank reference number (DU Number) will be generated for the future correspondence of the candidate. (Online submission of applications & online payment of fee can be done till 5:00 PM on 10 Mar 2021).
  • The Admit cards for Computer Based Examination will be made available on by 2nd week of Apr 2021. No Admit card will be sent by Post.
  • It is candidate’s responsibility to ensure successful payment of the application fee.
  • Admit Cards will be generated only for those candidates who have successfully completed the payment of application fee and entered the correct DU number in the online application form.
  • Applications sent by post will not be accepted.
  • No correspondence/requests regarding refund of application fee from any candidate will be accepted.
  • Duplicate submission of application will be summarily rejected and no fee will be refunded.
  • It is mandatory for the candidates to submit one active E-mail ID and mobile number for all future correspondence with us.
  • The selection of the candidate for BSc (Nursing) will however be subject to producing of the original Mark sheet/Certificate of the qualifying examination i.e. 10+2 or equivalent before final selection and meeting all other eligibility criteria. The selected candidates, if found not in possession of documents /mark sheets as per eligibility criteria, at the institution to which they report, the admission is liable to be cancelled. In such cases no TA will be applicable.
  • No correspondence will be entertained from the candidates with regard to either the receipt of applications/ status of applications/ details or reasons of rejected applications.

About Us:

  • The Indian Military Nursing Services is a part of Armed Forces Medical Services (AFMS) of the Indian Army, first formed under British rule in 1888. An officer in the Military Nursing Services is granted Permanent Commission or Short Service Commission by The Govt guzet notification. The list of names are published in the weekly gazette of Government of India from time to time.
  • The Indian Army Military Nursing Service has its origin in the Army Nursing Service formed in 1888 as part of the British Army. The force went through many changes in its years of existence. In 1893, it was designated as Indian Army Nursing Service. The force went through further changes in 1902, when the Indian Nursing Service and the Army Nursing Service were combined and on 27 March 1902, it was redesignated to Queen Alexandra’s Imperial Military Nursing Service.At the outbreak of the World War in 1914 there were just fewer than 300 nurses in the QAIMNS, by the end of the war this had raised to 10,404. The Army nurses served in Flanders, the Mediterranean, the Balkans, the Middle East and onboard hospital ships. Of the 200 plus army nurses died on active service, many were Indians. After, the war on 1 October 1926, the Nursing Services was made a permanent part of British Indian Army. This date is now being celebrated as the Corps day of Military Nursing Service, though in actual its origins occurred 45 five years before (many Corps of the Army) the Army Medical Corps also traces its origin to more than hundreds of years back in the similar way, though it was constituted in the present form in 1948.
  • With the outbreak of the Second world war, nurses once again found themselves serving all over the world, including Singapore, Burma, Italy, Mesopotamia, Ceylon, Egypt and Western Africa. The changing working conditions and wartime shortages led to changes in uniform. Khaki slacks and battledress blouses replaced the grey and scarlet ward dress and rank insignia was adopted to signify the officer status of the nurses. In the Far East, the fall of Hong Kong and Singapore led to many army nurses (including Indian) being captured by the Japanese and endured terrible hardships and deprivations of the Far East prisoner-of-war camps. During the middle of the war in 1943, the Indian arm of the Nursing Services was separated through Indian Military Nursing Service Ordinance, 1943 and redesignated, thereby constituting the Indian Military Nursing Service (IMNS). The IMNS was an auxiliary subject to the provisions of the Indian Army Act, 1911. However they were of commissioned officers ranking equally with Indian commissioned officers. This was the first time in the history of the Indian Army women were granted commissioned officer ranks.

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the employment notification

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