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24 Junior Secretariat Assistant & Junior Stenographer Vacancy – NAL,Bangalore (Karnataka)

Last Date:27 December,2020
National Aerospace Laboratories (NAL)
Bangalore (Karnataka)

NAL Junior Secretariat Assistant Notification 2020 is open (08/2020) and inviting application for the posts of 24 Junior Secretariat Assistant & Junior Stenographer Vacancy from 12th in related Subjects pass candidates interested in sarkari result NAL Junior Secretariat Assistant Online application can apply before 27 December 2020. Please go through this article and follow each tables for full vacancy details, educational qualification, eligibility criteria, pay scale, salary and How to apply National Aerospace Laboratories NAL Junior Secretariat Assistant job opening at official website

Employment Notification 24 Junior Secretariat Assistant & Junior Stenographer Vacancy – NAL,Bangalore (Karnataka)

Name of the post – Junior Secretariat Assistant & Junior Stenographer
No of post – 24
Pay Scale – 19900 – 63200/-

Educational Qualification:

Apply to 24 Junior Secretariat Assistant & Junior Stenographer Vacancy – NAL,Bangalore (Karnataka)

General Conditions:

  • The appointment is in the National Aerospace Laboratories, Bengaluru, under the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), which is an Autonomous Body.
  • Candidates applying for more than one post should submit separate application form for each post along with prescribed application fees and copies of certificates and testimonials for each post.
  • A Non-refundable application fee of Rs.100/- (Rupees One Hundred only) is payable separately for each post (candidates belonging to SC/ST/PWD and regular employees of CSIR are exempted from payment of application fee) in the form of online payment.
  • The date of determining the age limit / qualifications shall be the closing date prescribed for receipt of completed applications in NAL i.e December 27, 2020.
  • Applications from the candidates working in Government Departments and Public Sector Undertakings will be considered only if forwarded through proper channel within 15 days from the closing date prescribed for receipt of applications and with a clear certificate that the applicant will be relieved within one month of receipt of appointment order.
  • The appointees are liable to be posted in any of the Laboratories / Institutes of CSIR situated in other parts of India as and when need arises.
  • The selected candidates will be on probation for a period of ONE YEAR from the date of taking over charge of the post in the Laboratory. The probationary period may be extended or curtailed at the discretion of the Competent Authority.
  • The selected candidates will not be permitted to apply for appointment elsewhere or in this Laboratory during the probationary period and if they have already applied for any posts in any other organization, they may have to intimate the details of such applications, immediately after joining the Laboratory.
  • Mere fulfilling the minimum eligibility criteria will not entitle a candidate to be called for written test /typewriting test/etc… The Laboratory reserves the right to call for Written test / Typing test to only those candidates who in its opinion are likely to be suitable and will not entertain any correspondence in this regard.
  • 0nly outstation candidates (within India) called for final written test/typing test only will be reimbursed Travelling Allowance (TA) as admissible under rules i.e. a single second class railway fare (by mail or express) each way from their place of residence or from the place of undertaking the journey whichever is nearer to Bengaluru on production of proof of journey as per rules.
  • Application(s) — (i) not accompanied with prescribed application fees (exempted for SC/ST/PWD candidate); (ii) without the requisite information & copies of marks cards, etc., as per the application format given below; and (iii) those received after the due date will not be considered. Incomplete applications will be outrightly rejected.
  • NAL reserves the right not to fill any of the posts / fill only few posts. The number of vacancies indicated above, may vary at the time of actual selection. The decision of Director, CSIR-NAL who is also appointing authority will be final in all stages of Selection of above said positions.
  • Applications for the above posts are required to be submitted in the online format only. Print a copy of application applied for your reference.
  • As the Screening of applications will be done on the basis of information furnished by the applicants, it is necessary that only accurate, full and correct information is furnished by the applicants in the Online Electronic Application Form. Furnishing of wrong I false information will be a disqualification and NAL will NOT be responsible for any of the consequences of furnishing such wrong/false information. FURTHER, IT IS REQUESTED THAT CANDIDATES MAY REGISTER ONLINE IMMEDIATELY ON SEEING THE ADVERTISEMENT TO AVOID LAST DAY RUSH / DISAPPOINTMENT.
  • Canvassing in any form and / or bringing any influence political or otherwise will be treated as a disqualification for the post.

Selection Process:

Vacancy Notice 24 Junior Secretariat Assistant & Junior Stenographer Vacancy – NAL,Bangalore (Karnataka)

  • The selection will be made based on the written test and typewriting test on Computer. The written test will be conducted for those candidates who are shortlisted by the duly constituted Selection / Screening Committee of the Laboratory. The written exam consists of the papers (Paper-1 and Paper-2). The second paper will be evaluated only for those candidates who secures the minimum threshold marks (to be determined by the Selection committee) in the first paper.
  • The first paper i.e. mental ability test consists of 100 questions with maximum marks of 200 marks (two marks for every correct answer). The second test consists of i) General Awareness and ii) English language with 50 question each. Each test will carry maximum of 150 marks (3 marks for every correct answer). Based on the performance in the written test, merit list will be drawn. Minimum qualifying marks will be fixed by the Selection Committee for each test. Those who secure minimum qualifying marks will be called for qualifying typing test on computer. Final merit list will be drawn based on the performance of candidates in written test and only those candidates who qualify in the typing test in computer keeping in view the number of posts to be filled. Cutt off / qualifying marks will be fixed by the Selection Committee. Offer of appointment will be issued to candidates based on final merit list recommended by Selection Committee & approval by Appointing Authority.
  • The selection will be made based on the results of Open Competitive/written examination held among the candidates possessing minimum educational qualification of 10+2 / XII or its equivalent and proficiency in computer typing speed and in using computer as per the prescribed norms fixed by DoPT for time to time.
  • The final merit list will be prepared based on minimum qualifying marks (to be fixed by the Selection Committee) in shorthand test (Shorthand and Transcription) and qualifying typing test in computer. Selection Committee will draw final merit list and its recommendation will be submitted to Appointing Authority for approval. Offer of appointment will be issued to candidates in the order of merit.
  • The Screening / Selection Committee duly constituted by Competent Authority will fix its own criteria for shortlisting of candidates in case of large number of applications received at CSIR-NAL. ii) The nature of Written examination / test viz., written test, qualifying typing test, shorthand test will be intimated in due course and will be intimated to shortlisted candidates in CSIR-NAL website.

About Us:

  • National Aerospace Laboratories (NAL), is India’s first largest aerospace firm. It was established by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) at Delhi in 1959 and its headquarters was later moved to Bangalore in 1960. The firm closely operates with HAL, DRDO and ISRO and has the prime responsibility of developing civilian aircraft in India. The CSIR-NAL mandate is to develop aerospace technologies with strong science content, design and build small and medium-sized civil aircraft, and support all national aerospace programmes.
  • NAL is a high technology oriented institution concentrating on advanced topics in the aerospace and related disciplines. Originally started as National Aeronautical Laboratory, it was renamed National Aerospace Laboratories to reflect its major involvement in the Indian space programme, its multidisciplinary activities and global positioning. It is India’s only civilian aerospace laboratory with a high level of competence and the expertise of its scientists is globally acknowledged.
  • NAL employs a staff of about 2,500 with about 350 full-fledged R&D professionals.NAL is equipped with facilities such as the Nilakantan Wind tunnel Centre and a computerised fatigue test facility. NAL also has facilities for investigating failures and accidents in aerospace.
  • The story of CSIR-NAL began on 1 June 1959, when the National Aeronautical Research Laboratory (NARL) was set up in Delhi, with Dr P Nilakantan as its first Director. Barely nine months later, in March 1960, it made its humble beginning by setting up its office in the stables of the Palace of Maharaja of Mysore on Jayamahal Road, Bangalore as National Aeronautical Laboratory(NAL). The first Executive Council was chaired by JRD Tata and included Prof Satish Dhawan and the designer Dr V M Ghatage among its members. Originally started as National Aeronautical Laboratory, it was renamed National Aerospace Laboratories (NAL) in April 1993 to reflect its growing involvement in the Indian space programme, its multidisciplinary activities and global position.

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