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24 PGT, TGT and Various Vacancy – RIE,Rajasthan

Last Date:11 January,2021
Regional Institute of Education (RIE)

All Eligible Candidates may apply for PGT, TGT and Various in Regional Institute of Education Ajmer (RIE Ajmer) along with one latest passport size photograph and self attested copies of date of birth, qualification, caste, experience, age etc to the given address 11-01-2021 .Please check eligibility conditions before applying to the post, otherwise the candidate will be rejected.

Employment Notification 24 PGT, TGT and Various Vacancy – RIE,Rajasthan

Name of the post – PGT, TGT and Various
No of post – 24
Pay Scale – Rs 27500,Rs 26250,Rs 21250

Educational Qualification:
BEd / four year integrated Degree course OR BEd /12th with 50% marks and CTET qualified.

Apply to 24 PGT, TGT and Various Vacancy – RIE,Rajasthan

General Information:

  • Candidates who fulfill the above eligibility conditions may send their application in the following format with a recent passport size photograph and original testimonials, proof of age, caste certificate in r/o SC/ST/OBC and produce a set of self attested copies of testimonials for scrutiny. Applications should reach to the Administrative Officer, Regional Institute of Education, Captain D.P.Choudhary Marg, Pushkar Road, Ajmer 305004 by speed post/registered post latest by 5:00 p.m. on 11-01-2021. Applications incomplete in any respect including self attested copies of documents will be rejected. Institute reserves the right not to fill any or all the posts mentioned above.
  • Application form only in the prescribed format will be considered.
  • The number of posts mentioned above is tentative. However. number of posts may he increased or decreased at any stage.
  • The age relaxation in respect of candidates belonging to SC’STOBC D, WOMEN categories is provided in accordance with the GOI/UGC rules.
  • No TA/DA. Local conveyance etc. will be paid for attending the interview.
  • Merely fulfilling the minimum eligibility conditions does not constitute a claim for selection.
  • Institute reserves the right to cancel/postpone the recruitment process at its discretion.
  • Offer of appointment will also be sent through E-mail only.
  • Separate application is required for different post.
  • The contractual engagement will confer no right to claim the post on regular basis or contract basis or extension of the contract.
  • The engagement will be made as per the need of the Institute.
  • The Institute reserves the right to terminate the contractual engagement at any time without assigning any reason thereof.
  • Reservation would be applicable as per GOI rules.
  • Incomlete application will not be entertained.
  • It is the responsibility of the candidates to ensure that they fulfill the eligibility condition/criteria in terms of Educational qualifications etc.
  • Candidates already in jobs should get their applications forwarded through their employers and send with “No Objection Certificate”.
  • The above selection/temporary appointment will be subject to the condition’s as mentioned and may be interpreted in NCERTs letter No. 1 -15/96-DMS/R1E Admn,!433 dated 29-07-2019 on relevant posts.
  • The online interview will be conducted for shortlisted candidates and they will be intimated by e-mail.
  • The list of shortlisted candidates will be uploaded on Institute’s website.
  • Applicants are requested to submit their filled applications along with complete bio-data and all enclosures to given address by 11-01-2021 .
  • Candidates must superscribe the envelope properly as “Application for the position of PGT, TGT and Various
  • Administrtaive Officer, Regional Institute of Education, Captain D.P Choudhary Marg, Pushkar Road, Ajmer 305004.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 24 PGT, TGT and Various Vacancy – RIE,Rajasthan

  • Innovating and evolving ways and means befitting the emerging scenario in school education to uphold the value & enshrined in the Indian Constitution.
  • Ensuring the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of educational programmes and policies of Government of India and NCERT.
  • Catering to the educational needs of the Northern Region (Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Uttarakhand, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Delhi and Chandigarh).
  • Facilitating and undertaking research, development and training for the holistic development of school education and teacher education.
  • Nurturing and ensuring excellence, quality and inclusive growth in school education and teacher education
  • To act as resource centre for conducting research, training and development of school education and teacher education.
  • To prepare quality teachers and teacher educators at all levels of school education.This is done through various pre-service courses i.e. four year integratedB.Sc.B.Ed., B.A.B.Ed., two year B.Ed., two year M.Ed., Ph.D. and Diploma in Guidance &Counselling, and in-service teacher training programmes conducted throughout theyear.
  • To conduct in-service training programmes for teachers, teacher educators, supervisors and administrators concerned with school education and according to the needs of the States/Union Territories of the northern region.
  • To provide necessary help to the state agencies concerned with school education.
  • To produce instructional material for school education.
  • To advise state departments of education on policies and programmes related to various aspects of school education.
  • To provide consultancy services and extension programmes at national and internationallevel.
  • To undertake policy research studies related to school education and teacher education by the faculty and research scholars of the institute.
  • The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) is an autonomous organisation set up in 1961 by the Government of India to assist and advise the Central and State Governments on policies and programmes for qualitative improvement in school education. The major objectives of NCERT and its constituent units are to: undertake, promote and coordinate research in areas related to school education; prepare and publish model textbooks, supplementary material, newsletters, journals and develops educational kits, multimedia digital materials, etc. organise pre-service and in-service training of teachers; develop and disseminate innovative educational techniques and practices;collaborate and network with state educational departments, universities, NGOs and other educational institutions; act as a clearing house for ideas and information in matters related to school education; and act as a nodal agency for achieving the goals of Universalisation of Elementary Education. In addition to research, development, training, extension, publication and dissemination activities, NCERT is an implementation agency for bilateral cultural exchange programmes with other countries in the field of school education. The NCERT also interacts and works in collaboration with the international organisations, visiting foreign delegations and offers various training facilities to educational personnel from developing countries.

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the employment notification

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