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26 Clerk, MTS, Librarian, Reception In-charge & Other Vacancy – NSD,Delhi

Last Date: 6 November,2020

NSD Delhi Recruitment 2020 aka National School of Drama notification page for latest vacancy updates, eligibility criteria and how to apply NSD Delhi Vacancy 2020. We check and verify the job location, selection process and age limit from National School of Drama Job 2020 Official website. We provide all details including application fee, salary pay and scale and NSD Delhi Exam 2020 Date. Sarkari Result Naukri is best Place for searching all National School of Drama recruitment 2020 updates. Moreover we will provide you full syllabus of NSD Delhi vacancy 2020 and current exam pattern to get success. Official Website is

Employment Notification 26 Clerk, MTS, Librarian, Reception In-charge & Other Vacancy – NSD,Delhi

Name of the post – Clerk, MTS, Librarian, Reception In-charge & Other
No of post – 26
Pay Scale – 18000–56900, 19900–63200, 25500–81100, 56100–177500

Educational Qualification:
10th, 12th, Diploma, Graduate, Post Graduate.

Apply to 26 Clerk, MTS, Librarian, Reception In-charge & Other Vacancy – NSD,Delhi

General Information:

  • The National School of Drama, an autonomous institution under Ministry of Culture, Government of India invites applications for various vacant posts. The details of vacant posts are indicated below.
  • 10th or equivalent examination pass.
  • Candidates are required to apply online only by using the Website – or Please visit NSD Website : for details. Last date for receipt of applications is 06.11.2020.
  • Detailed information about the recruitment and instructions for filling up online applications are available on the above mentioned URL. Candidates working in Govt.Deptt. / Autonomous organisation / PSU and fulfilling the requirements are required to submit ‘No Objection Certificate’ from their present employer at the time of final examination/Skill Test as applicable.
  • Age relaxation will be given to candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC and other specified categories, as per orders of the Govt. of India. Employees of National School of Drama (Permanent/Contract/Daily Wages/Ad-hoc basis) are entitled to age relaxation as per revised Recruitment Rules of NSD and DoPT Guidelines. The age limit as indicated will be reckoned as on 01.10.2020.
  • No TA/DA will be paid by the National School of Drama for attending the interview.However, candidates belonging to SC/ST category will be paid 2nd Class railway/bus fare by the shortest route from their place of residence to New Delhi and back on production of railway/bus tickets/receipts.
  • Number of posts may vary and the National School of Drama reserves the right to increase or decrease number of posts and may or may not fill any post(s) and its decision in the regard shall be final. Applicants for the above vacant posts with reference to the advertisement dated 15.06.2019 issued earlier are required to apply afresh. Any dispute, if arising on this recruitment, High Court of Delhi at New Delhi alone shall have the jurisdiction.
  • Information regarding short listing of candidates, date of skill test/written examination will be intimated to candidate on their email and NSD Website. Therefore, candidates are required to check their email and NSD Website for updates.
  • Application fee of Rs. 200/- for UR and Rs. 100/- for OBC (Non Creamy Layer) is to be paid online through Net Banking, Credit or Debit Card.
  • Candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, Women and Persons with Disability eligible for reservation are exempted from paying application fee. Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstance.
  • According to the guidelines for framing of Recruitment Rules issued by the Department of Personnel & Training, in case a feeder channel for promotion is consisted of only one post a composite method of Recruitment has been prescribed. This mode of recruitment is by deputation (including short-term contract)/promotion so that the Departmental Officer is considered along with the outsider. If the Departmental Officer is selected for the post it will be treated as having been filled by promotion. Otherwise, the post is to be filled by deputation/short term contract for a prescribed period at the end of which the Department Officer will again be afforded an opportunity to be considered for appointment to the post.
  • Officers holding analogous posts in the Central/State Govts., autonomous organization, universities, colleges etc. Hindi Translators working in the pay scale of Rs. 9300-34800 plus GP Rs. 4600 with a minimum of 8 years in the scale in the Central/State Govt., Autonomous organisations etc.
  • Sr. Hindi Translator in the pay scale of Rs. 9300-34800 plus GP Rs. 4600 with 8 years service.
  • Officers holding the analogous posts or Officers holding the posts of Sr. Hindi Translator in the scale of pay of Rs. 9300-34800 plus GP Rs. 4600 with 8 years in the Central/State Govts., Autonomous Organisation etc.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 26 Clerk, MTS, Librarian, Reception In-charge & Other Vacancy – NSD,Delhi

  • The National School of Drama is one of the foremost theatre training institutions in the world and the only one of its kind in India. It was set up by the Sangeet Natak Akademi as one of its constituent units in 1959. In 1975, it became an independent entity and was registered as an autonomous organization under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860, fully financed by the Ministry of Culture, Government of India. Training in the School is highly intensive and is based on a thorough, comprehensive, carefully planned syllabus which covers every aspect of theatre and in which theory is related to practice. As a part of their training, students are required to produce plays which are then performed before the public. The syllabus takes into account the methods of great theatre personalities who have shaped contemporary theatre in all its variety. The systematic study and practical performing experience of Sanskrit drama, modern Indian drama, traditional Indian theatre forms, Asian drama and western dramatic protocols give the students a solid grounding and a wide perspective in the art of theatre.
  • Besides its 3-year training programme, the School has also explored new vistas in the areas of children’s theatre and decentralization of theatre training through workshops under the Extension Programme.
  • The School has two performing wings – the Repertory Company and Theatre-in-Education Company.
    The Repertory Company was started in 1964 with four artistes – Shri Ramamurthy, Ms. Meena Williams, Ms. Sudha Shivpuri and Shri Om Shivpuri – with the objective of providing a platform where graduates of the School could perform plays professionally. Over the years it has presented works of various playwrights and directors who have been associated with it and has evolved into one of NSD’s major institutions, working on contemporary and modern plays as well as introducing experimental work on a regular basis. In addition to doing productions, it organizes its own Festival, where past and new productions are introduced and staged each summer. NSD’s Repertory Company also tours and performs extensively in India and abroad.
  • The second performing wing the ‘Theatre-In-Education Company’ (Sanskar Rang Toli) was established in October 16, 1989, and is one of the most important theatre education resource centres in the country. It consists of a group of actor-teachers working with and performing for children. The major focus of the TIE Company is to perform creative, curriculum-based and participatory plays in schools, specially designed and prepared for children of different age groups. The major thrust of the plays is to create an atmosphere that encourages children to raise questions, take decisions and make choices with an awareness of themselves within the larger social context. The TIE Company has done more than 800 performances of 26 plays in Delhi and other parts of the country. More than 5.5 lakh children, apart from college students, teachers, parents and theatre lovers, have witnessed these plays.
  • In addition to these two wings, the School also has an active Extension Programme, a publication section and a literary forum named Shruti. The Extension Programme, under which NSD faculty and alumni conduct workshops in various parts of the country, was launched in 1978 and since then has conducted workshops and programmes for adults and children across the country, and in Nepal, Sikkim, Laddakh and Bhutan as well. The ‘Traditional Theatre Project’ initiated in 1980, has facilitated creative interaction between traditional and contemporary theatre artists on a regular basis. Along with an introduction to theatre, these workshops also seek to develop personality and expand the emotional horizons of the participants.
  • The Publication Unit of the National School of Drama is responsible for publishing text books on theatre, arranging for the translation of important books on theatre from English into Hindi and bringing out other important books on theatre. The unit’s first major publication titled Rang Yatra which chronicled 25 years history of the NSD Repertory Company from 1964 onwards, came out in 1990. Besides its regular publications, until 2010 the unit has brought out 82 publications on drama and related subjects.

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