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29 Manager, Assistant Manager and Various Vacancy – MPSCB,Madhya Pradesh

Last Date: 31 January,2021
Madhya Pradesh State Cooperative Bank (MPSCB)
Madhya Pradesh

Madhya Pradesh State Cooperative Bank (MPSCB) is inviting application from eligible Indian citizens for appointment to total 29 posts of Manager, Assistant Manager and Various.Interested and Eligible Candidates may apply online by 31-01-2021 , after making sure that they meet the concerned eligibility criteria. All personal and educational details must be mentioned properly. Candidates must have personal email id and mobile number.

Employment Notification 29 Manager, Assistant Manager and Various Vacancy – MPSCB,Madhya Pradesh

Name of the post – Manager, Assistant Manager and Various
No of post – 29
Pay Scale – Rs. 120739,Rs. 110716,Rs. 90126,Rs. 73205

Educational Qualification:
Post Graduation /CA/CFA ,Law Graduate First class,MCA/B.E/BTech.

Apply to 29 Manager, Assistant Manager and Various Vacancy – MPSCB,Madhya Pradesh

General Instruction:

  • The candidates must read the rules and regulations carefully.
  • Incomplete application form shall not be accepted.
  • The possibility of occurrence of some problem in conducting examination cannot be ruled out completely,which may impact test delivery and/or result from being generated. In that event, every effort will be made to rectify the problem, which may include shifting the candidates to the other centres or to conduct another examination if considered necessary. Decision of MPRSB in this regard shall be final. Candidates not willing to accept such change shall lose his/her candidature for the exam.
  • Family members of Board of Directors of MPRSB cannot be allowed to apply as per M.P. Co-operative Society Rules 1962 Rule no 44.
  • Since the application is being sought online and no other documents have been sought at the time of application, the candidate has to ensure that he/she possess all the qualifications for the post applied, including working experience where desired. The candidate shall appear in the examination at his/her own responsibility and he/she does not possess any right to be selected but subsequently, if the candidate is selected, he/she shall be considered for appointment only when he/she clears the personal interview & also submits all the required original documents to the concerned officer for verification and also work experience certificate as desired will have to be produced.
  • If, at any time, it comes to notice that the candidate did not possess the required qualifications at the time of filling the application form, his/her application shall be cancelled at any stage of the selection process even though he/she may have been selected.
  • Candidate belonging to SC/ST category shall be paid To and Fro fare only as per state govt. rules for attending the interview only.
  • Before joining as probationer, the selected candidate has to complete necessary formalities like personal guarantee, financial fidelity etc. as decided by the bank.
  • Probation Period shall be of twelve months, but it can be extended for further six months and six months. Total probation period shall not exceed 24 months. In case the performance of the probationer is not found satisfactory, the services of the probationer will be terminated as per Bank Staff Service Rules.
  • Selected candidates will have to furnish an affidavit in prescribed format for issuing conditional appointment letter in anticipation for submission of character verification from Police department within 90 days of joining.But the joining of the candidate will be considered only after submission of medical fitness certificate from competent authority in prescribed format. If police report does not found satisfactory his/her appointment would be terminated with immediate effect.
  • Candidates already employed in regular (confirmed) services will have to submit NOC from his employer at the time of joining. In absence of such NOC, candidates will not be eligible to join on the selected post.
  • Candidates will have to serve an organization in which he/she has been appointed for a minimum period of five year from the date of appointment. If he/she fails to serve above tenure he/she will have to deposit entire expenditure incurred on his/her training.
  • Fee once paid shall not be refunded. MPRSB reserves the right to change the vacant post details at any time and also to cancel the recruitment procedure at any stage. The decision on it of MPRSB shall be final.
  • Decision of MPRSB in all matters relating to recruitment will be final and binding on the candidates. No correspondence or personal enquiries shall be entertained by MPRSB in this behalf.
  • If the examination is held in more than one session, the scores across various sessions will be equated to adjust for slight differences in difficulty level of different test batteries used across sessions. More than one session may be required if the node capacity is less or some technical disruption takes place at any center or for any candidate.
  • Selected candidates can be posted in Apex Bank Head office as well as its branches and Training College of Apex Bank officers and can be posted in any district of Madhya Pradesh.
  • Instances for providing incorrect information and/or process violation by a candidate detected at any stage of the selection process will lead to disqualification of the candidate from the selection process and he/she will not be allowed to appear in any recruitment process organized by MPRSB in the future. If such instances go undetected during the current selection process but are detected subsequently, such disqualification will take place with retrospective affect.
  • Any candidate, who has involved in such activities, which lead to moral turpitude or atrocities against women or convicted for any offences under law and got punishment by Court of law for any offence, will not be eligible for selection, but this condition will not be applicable if the time period of such offence or punishment has elapsed more than 5 years.
  • The selection of candidate will be on the basis of final merit list prepared by MPRSB on the basis of total mark obtained in main exam and interview. If the candidate gets equal marks selection will be on the basis of seniority in age.
  • The M.P.RAJYA SAHAKARI BANK MYDT would be analyzing the responses (answers) of individual candidates with those of other candidates to detect patterns of similarity of right and wrong answers. If, in the analytical procedures adopted by M.P.RAJYA SAHAKARI BANK MYDT in this regard, it is inferred/concluded that the responses have been shared and scores obtained are not genuine/valid, M.P.RAJYA SAHAKARI BANK MYDT reserves the right to cancel the candidature of the concerned candidates and the result of such candidates will be disqualified.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 29 Manager, Assistant Manager and Various Vacancy – MPSCB,Madhya Pradesh

  • M.P. State Coop. Bank Ltd. had been registered on 02/04/1912 (Under Cooperative Act 1912, dhara 2) at Jabalpur naming “Provisional Cooperative Bank Ltd. Central Provinces brar”, later on its Head Office has been transferred to Nagpur. Bank has started its operations with the initial capital of Rs.5.00 lakhs aiming to provide finance in the field of Agriculture. Earlier individual shareholders were nominated as the representatives on the board of the Bank, to provide the democratic status to the Bank; maximum share has been transferred to cooperative societies and District Central Cooperative Banks, which started a movement to form a Board of Apex Bank with the representatives from Members Cooperative Institutions.
  • In the year 1956 Madhya Pradesh Cooperative Bank Ltd. Nagpur has been divided and came into existence as “Mahakaushal Coop Bank“, Jabalpur with the affiliations of 14 District Banks. With the reorganization of the Indian state in the year 1956 and formation of new Madhya Pradesh state on 01 Nov, 1956 “Mahakaushal Coop Bank “ has been renamed as “M.P.Rajya Sahakari Bank Mydt. “ (M.P.State Coop Bank Ltd.)expanding their working with 56 District Central Coop Banks simply on the basis of one district one bank rule the number of District Central Coop. Banks come to 52 in 1956,48 in 1961,44 in 1966,43 in 1968 and finally 45 after division of “Bhopal District Central Coop Bank,“and Raisen District Central Coop Bank.” Again in November 2000 after the division of Madhya Pradesh State and formation of New Chattisgarh State 7 Districts Central Coop Banks has transferred to the new state and rest 38 districts Central Coop Banks has been remained with “Madhya Pradesh State Coop Bank”.
  • M.P.Rajya Sahakari Bank Mydt.(Apex Bank) is a premier organization providing long term, medium term and short term Agriculture finance in the state with help of NABARD through District Central Coop Banks and Primary Agriculture Credit Cooperatives Societies (PACCs)to farmers & different strata of the society in order to the fulfil their financial requirements. Apex Bank is operating with their 24 Branches in the State serving through the attractive Loan and deposit schemes. Apex Bank is playing a pivotal in the field of providing rural finance in the M.P.State providing Agriculture/Non-Agriculture Loans and Advances with the help of NABARD under various schemes and also offering commercial loans to customer under the Loan portfolio such as Consumer Loans. Housing Loan, Higher Education Loan, Project Loan, Vehicle Loan etc. to name a few.

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