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2900 Field Assistant Vacancy – TANGEDCO,Tamil Nadu

Last Date:24 Apr,2021
Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation Limited (TANGEDCO)
Tamil Nadu

TANGEDCO Recruitment 2021 notification regarding filling of Field Assistant (Trainee) Job Vacancies. The PSU organization invites online application from eligible candidates having ITI qualification. These 2900 Field Assistant (Trainee) Post are in TANGEDCO, Tamil Nadu on direct recruitment.The job applications for TANGEDCO Jobs 2021 will be accepted online on or before 24 Apr 2021.

Employment Notification 2900 Field Assistant Vacancy – TANGEDCO,Tamil Nadu

Name of the post– Field Assistant
No of post – 2900
Pay Scale – Rs. 18,800 –59,900

Educational Qualification:
ITI (National Trade certificate/ National Apprenticeship certificate) in Electrician (OR) Wireman (OR) Electrical Trade under Centre of Excellence Scheme.

Apply to 2900 Field Assistant Vacancy – TANGEDCO,Tamil Nadu

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General Instruction:

Vacancy Notice 2900 Field Assistant Vacancy – TANGEDCO,Tamil Nadu

  • The number of candidatesadvertised is only approximate and is liable for modification including reduction/increasewith reference to vacancy position at any time before finalisation of selection.
  • The candidate on their selection will be placed on three months training period in the level 2 of workmen pay matrix and they should be preferred to serve anywhere in Tamil Nadu. After successful completion of training period they willbe appointedas Field Assistant.
  • Notwithstanding anything contained in any orders/instructions/ guidelines in force relating to request transfer of Officers/Workmen of the TANGEDCO/TANTRANSCO, for effecting maintenance, improving of administration, to ensure utmost consumer satisfaction, and in public interest, that the candidates appointed by Direct Recruitment to this post, until completion of five years, shall not be eligible to make any application requesting transfer to any other circle/office under the control of any other appointing authority and until completion of three years, shall not be eligible to make such application within the circle/office under the control of the same appointing authority.
  • All eligible candidates including the candidates sponsored by the Employment Exchange,those who have registered in the Employment Exchange,candidates who have completed ITI Apprentice in erstwhile TNEB/ TANGEDCO/ TANTRANSCO and Open Market candidates shall apply through online for competing in the selection process.Applying for the post through online and attending the physical test and written examination alone is not a guarantee for appointment or selection to the post.
  • The Rule of reservation of appointments is applicable to thispost and the distribution of vacancies will be as per rule in force.
  • Persons who belong to the State of Tamil Nadu alone, who belong to one of the Communities specified in Annexure-IIIshall be treated as persons whobelong to one such communities.
  • A minimum of thirty percent of all vacancies which are to be filled through direct recruitment shall be set apart for woman candidates. If no qualified and suitable woman candidates are available for selection against the vacancies reserved for them, those vacancies will be filled by male candidates belonging to the respective communal categories.
  • Candidates selected for appointment to the post will be required to produce a certificate of physical fitnessfrom the Medical Officerof rank as stipulated by TANGEDCO.
  • The Differently Abled persons should produce a copy of certificate of physical fitness specifying the nature of physical disabilityand the degree of disability based on the norms laid down, from the Medical Board to the effect that his/her disabilitywill not render him/her incapable of efficiently discharging the duties attached to the post to which he/she has been selected before appointment when called for by Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation.
  • The above eligibility/non-eligibilityis subject to modification as per the clarification to be received from the Government of Tamil Naduregardto Differently Abled Persons.
  • Reservation of appointment to “Destitute Widows” and “Ex-servicemen” will applyto this recruitment.Provided that in all cases, an Ex-Serviceman once recruited to a post in anyservice or class or category, cannot claimtheconcession of being called an Ex-Servicemanfor his further recruitment.
  • Even after filling up of the posts reserved for SC Arunthathiyars on preferential basis, if more number of qualified Arunthathiyars are available, they shall be entitled to compete with the Scheduled Castes other than Arunthathiyars in the inter-se merit among them and if any posts reserved for Arunthathiyars remain unfilled for want of adequate number of qualified candidates, it shall be filled up by Scheduled Castes other than Arunthathiyars.

Selection Process:

  • Applying for the post through online and attending the Physical Test and Written Examination is not a guarantee for appointment or selection to the post.
  • All candidates including the candidates sponsored by the Employment Exchange, those who have completed ITI apprenticeship training in TANGEDCO/TANTRANSCO/TNEBand open marketupon their eligibility as per qualification, age and other criteriahaveto apply through ONLINE to appear in the Physical Test.
  • The details of Physical Test to be conducted is provided as Annexure-II
  • After Certificate verification and physical test, the candidates who passed the Physical test alone will be permitted to appear in the Competitive Written Examination and the candidates who do not pass the Certificate verification and Physical test will not be permitted to appear in the Competitive Written Examination and further selection process. The competitive writtenexamination shall be of objective type questions.
  • fter verification of the original certificates, physical test and written examination, the eligible candidates will be selected as per eligibility, merit of the marks in Competitive Written Examination and rule of reservation (respective turn in the Communal roster).
  • Provided that, when a candidate earmarked in the communal roster against the vacancy reserved for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Most Backward Classes/ Denotified Communities, Backward Classes, Backward Class Muslims or General Turn or in the case of priority or preferential Quota, found to be ineligible or not joined, such turn shall be filled from the respective category and in accordance to the merit of marks.
  • Provided also that, the candidates must have full eligibility and such candidates appointed shall be placed below all the candidates earmarked in the communal roster.
  • Provided also that, even thereafter if the vacancy remains unfilled due to non-availability of candidates, the process stated under (v)a and (v)babove may be repeated until the vacancy is filled or until there is no availability of required eligible candidates or as decided by the Competent Authority at that point of time.
  • Provided other things being equal among candidates, preference for selection will be given to apprenticeship holders who have undergone apprenticeshiptraining in TANGEDCO/TANTRANSCO/TNEB (prior to the date of notification).

About Us:

  • The Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation Limited is an electrical power generation and distribution public sector undertaking that is owned by the Government of Tamil Nadu. It was formed on 1 November 2010 under section 131 of the Electricity Act of 2003, and is the successor to the erstwhile Tamil Nadu Electricity Board. The electricity board’s generation and distribution wings are its nucleus.TANGEDCO is a subsidiary of TNEB Limited.
  • To satisfy the energy needs of the state, Tamil Nadu Electricity Board has a total installed capacity of 10,214 MW which includes shares from the State government, Central government and Independent power producers. The state also has installations with renewable energy sources such as windfarms that supply up to 4,300 MW. Due to the astronomical increase in energy demand in recent years, the state has a power deficit which is estimated to be approx. 11.9% as of Feb 2009. To meet the ever-increasing energy demand, TNEB has proposed a number of next-generation projects to be constructed over the next 5 years.
  • Siemens, GE, Enercon, Sulzon Group, Goldwind, Vestas – Tamil Nadu’s wind power capacity is around 29% of India’s total. The Government of Tamil Nadu realized the importance and need for renewable energy, and set up a separate Agency, as registered society, called the Tamil Nadu Energy Development Agency (TEDA) as early as 1985. Now, Tamil Nadu has become a leader in Wind Power in India. In Muppandal windfarm the total capacity is 3500 MW, the largest wind power plant in India. The total wind installed capacity is 7684 MW from 13,69,856 wind turbines (As per 2013 survey from TEDA). During the fiscal year 2016-17, the electricity generation is 9.521 GWh, with about a 15% capacity utilization factor.
  • TNEB has a consumer base of about 20 million consumers. 100% rural electrification has been achieved. The per capita consumption of Tamil Nadu is 1000 units. To achieve the goal of electrification of all households, the Government has launched the Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY) scheme, where, if grid connectivity is not feasible or not cost effective, then “Decentralized Distributed Generation” is permitted. Even when Tamil Nadu had an option to share the electricity with neighbouring States it never happened.

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