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296 Home Guard Volunteer Vacancy – Goa Police

Last Date:31 March,2021
Goa Police

Goa Police is looking for suitable candidates for recruitment to 296 contractual positions of Home Guard Volunteer under Home Guards and Civil Defence.Application forms completed in all respects followed by relevant documents should be sent to the given address on or before 31-03-2021 . Attested copies of relevant documents must be submitted along with application form

Employment Notification 296 Home Guard Volunteer Vacancy – Goa Police

Name of the post– Home Guard Volunteer
No of post – 296
Pay Scale – Rs 704 per day

Educational Qualification:
8th pass with Height 5’5” for Male and 4’11” for Female.

Apply to 296 Home Guard Volunteer Vacancy – Goa Police

General Instruction:

  • Applications in prescribed form are invited from eligible candidates for enrolling 296 (Two hundred Ninety Six) Home Guard Volunteers in the Home Guard and Civil Defence Organization initially for a period of three (03) years only. The candidates WHO HAVE ALREADY SERVED AS HOME GUARD VOLUNTEERS EARLIER NEED NOT APPLY AGAIN. The enrolled Home Guard Volunteers will be paid duty allowance of Rs.704/- per day.
  • The candidates possessing the above mentioned qualifications as on 31.03.2021 and possessing 15 years Residence Certificate (valid) issued by the Competent Authority may submit their Applications to the Commandant General Home Guards & Director, Civil Defence, Panaji-Goa in the prescribed Application Form. The prescribed Application Forms are available at the Enrolment Cell in the Office of the Home Guards & Civil Defence, Police Head Quarters, Panaji, which can be collected between 10.00 hrs. to 17.30 hrs. on all working days on payment of Rs.20/- per Form.
  • The Application Forms Completed in all respects should reach the Office of the Commandant General Home Guards & Director, Civil Defence, Panaji-Goa on or before ;41,03.2021, incomplete Application Forms, Application Forms received after 31.03.2021 and Applications not in prescribed Form will be summarily rejected and no intimation will be sent to the applicants in this regard, The candidates should minutely go through all the provisions in the advertisement to ensure that he/she is eligible for enrolment as Home (hoard Volunteer in terms of requirement of age, educational qualification etc, and only eligible candidates may apply in the prescribed Application Form.
  • No certificates/documents arc required to he attached with Application Form by the candidate. During the selection process, verification of original certificates/documents will be done. The candidates will have to produce requisite original certificate:,/documents such as Birth Certificate, Educational Qualification Certificates from recognized 1m:finite, 15 years Residence Certificate (valid), other cualification, driving license, sports certificate, NCC certificate, ex-serviceman certificate etc. before the Enrolment Boards. The original certificates/documents will be checked and only eligible candidates will be permitted to the next stage of recruitment process i.e. Physical Measurement and if qualified in Physical Measurements then Physical Efficiency Test will be conducted for that candidate.
  • Application Forms received by the Post or Courier will not be accepted. The applicant has to personally submit the Application Form. Acknowledgement of the receipt will he issued to the applicant on the spot while accepting the Application Form. Separate Call Letter to appear for the Selection Test will be sent to the applicants later on.
  • The written examination of 35 marks will be held in the following subjects:
    (i)General Knowledge – 15 marks
    (ii)General English -10 marks
    (iii)Mathematics -10 marks
  • The minimum passing marks in the written examination will be 40% i.e. 14 marks. In case candidate scores less than 40% marks, he/she will be declared as “Failed” in the Written Examination. Only sucessful candidates in the written examination, will be called for oral interview.
  • The candidates enrolled as a member of Home Guard Volunteer shall undergo 45 days basic training in drill, fire fighting, first aid, rescue, etc.,-at Police Training School, Valpoi for which training allowances will be paid. as per prescribed rates. The candidate enrolled as Home Guard volunteer will have to perform duty in any part of the State of Goa.
  • Interested and eligible candidates willing to work on these posts may send applications in prescribed format along with all relevant documents latest by 31-03-2021 An applicant must enclose a copy of caste certificates including OBC status to substantiate their claim of SC/ST/OBC category.
    Candidates should clearly indicate post applied for on the top of the envelope and in the application.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 296 Home Guard Volunteer Vacancy – Goa Police

  • The Goa Police is the law enforcement agency for the state of Goa in India.
  • The Goa Police as an independent organisation was born in April 1946 with the establishment of Policia do Estado da India (PEI) Police of India, through a decree of the Portuguese regime which ruled Goa until 1961. Until then, all policing functions including the maintenance of law and order were being carried out by the Portuguese military.
  • The PEI was responsible for carrying out the functions of vigilance and maintenance of general order and comprised the following branches: public security, judicial police, internal and external traffic police, administrative & municipal police and civil identifications. Two years later, appropriate rules governing the police were framed on the lines of the legislation then prevailing in Portugal.
  • In the two-year period of the rules being framed,the PEI functioned under the regulations of O Corpo de Policia e Fiscalizacao da India (CPFI) – The Corps of Police and Inspection Services of India that had been set up in 1924 to function as the policing arm of the military. The police services had been placed under the direct supervision of the CPFI command.
  • The PEI was organized into five territorial divisions for efficient performance with each division headed by a commissioner who reported to the commander of the PEI. The PEI thus developed into a supreme law and order establishment, with even officials and agents of organizations such as Customs having to inform it about violations that came to their notice. Not only did the PEI have powers to conduct search and seizure operations, it could also frame proceedings for prosecution and file cases for extraditing criminals.
  • Punishment and rewards were used to enhance efficiency of the police force. Punishment included verbal admonishment, censure, fines, detention upto 130 days and imprisonment for upto 30 days, reversion, compulsory retirement and dismissal. If the punishment was stiff, the rewards were generous: exemption from service upto 12 days, leave with salary upto 30 days and pecuniary benefits upto 30 days’ pay.
  • The strength of the PEI continued to grow year after year, keeping in mind the rising need of maintaining law and order in a enlarging society. But the main reason for the growth in strength was the Portuguese regime’s need to contain the increasing surge of freedom movement in Goa. Much of the PEI’s time would be consumed in trying to contain agitations and other forms of freedom movement, that received a boost by Dr Ram Manohar Lohia’s civil disobedience movement launched in 1946 – the very same year of PEI’s establishment. In time to come, the PEI, which had gained respect for efficient policing of the territory, began to court notoriety for its brutal repression of the freedom movement.

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