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30 Management Trainees Vacancy – NFL,All India

Last Date:21 January,2021
National Fertilizers Limited (NFL)
All India

NFL Management Trainees Notification 2021 is open (Advt. No. : 05/2020) and inviting application for the posts of 30 Management Trainees Vacancy from B.E/B.Tech pass candidates interested in sarkari result NFL Management Trainees Online application can apply before 21 January 2021. Please go through this article and follow each tables for full vacancy details, educational qualification, eligibility criteria, pay scale, salary and How to apply National Fertilizers Limited NFL Management Trainees job opening at official website

Employment Notification 30 Management Trainees Vacancy – NFL,All India

Name of the post – Management Trainees
No of post – 30
Pay Scale – 40000 – 140000/-

Educational Qualification:
B.E/B.Tech, M.Sc

Apply to 30 Management Trainees Vacancy – NFL,All India

General Instruction:

  • Candidates are advised to go through the advertisement carefully and ascertain their eligibility before submitting their applications. One candidate can only apply for one post only.
  • While applying the candidates should mention their full name as it appears on the matriculation school certificate. Certificate issued by a Board of Secondary Education for passing Matriculation shall be the only acceptable document in support of proof of age.
  • Candidates employed in Central/State Government/Quasi-Government/Public Sector Undertakings/Autonomous Bodies shall either forward their application through Proper Channel (printout of duly filled-in online application) or shall produce No Objection Certificate (NOC) from their present employer at the time of interview failing which his/her/their candidature will not be considered and he/she/they will not be allowed to
    appear in the interview.
  • The age limit and minimum educational qualification are the minimum criteria and mere possession of the same by the candidate does not entitle him/her for participating in the selection process. NFL‟s decision regarding eligibility & shortlisting of applications shall be final & binding and no queries or correspondence shall be entertained in this regard.
  • Details once submitted in the online Application Form will be final and request for any change including change in correspondence address/email address/mobile number/ category/ post applied for/city for online test centre will not be entertained.
  • Candidates should possess a valid email ID. Candidates are advised to keep the email ID(to beentered compulsorily in the online Application Form) active for at least one year. No change in the email ID will be allowed once submitted. All information/communication regarding participating in the selection process shall be provided through email to the candidates, found prima facie eligible, based on the online application data.Responsibilities of receiving and downloading of information/communications, etc. will be of the candidate. NFL will not be responsible for any loss of email sent, due to invalid/wrong email ID provided by the candidate and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained.
  • The candidature of all applicants would be provisional and subject to subsequent verification of certificates/testimonials etc.
  • The names of candidates called for online test/personal interview will be displayed on under head “Careers”. Candidates are advised to visit the website regularly for the latest information in this regard. Only short listed candidates who are prima-facie
    found eligible based on the information submitted in their online application will be called for participating in the selection process and will be intimated through electronic mode for the online test/personal interview and NFL will not be responsible for any delay or non-delivery of such intimation.
  • In case the applicant does not receive any communication within 90 days from the date of publication of this advertisement, it may be presumed that he/she has not been short listed for the selection process. Accordingly, candidates are advised to regularly visit “Careers” head on our website – for the updated information on the selection process.
  • Candidates should retain their copy of Application Form and Pay in e-receipt and Registration Slip as they can be asked to produce it for future reference.
  • Canvassing in any form at any stage shall be considered a disqualification for employment in the Company.

How To Apply:

Vacancy Notice 30 Management Trainees Vacancy – NFL,All India

  • Before applying the candidates should ensure that they fulfill all the eligibility norms. Their registration will be provisional as their eligibility will be verified only in case they are shortlisted for selection. Mere issuance of Admit Card shall not imply acceptance of candidature. Candidature of a registered candidate is liable to be rejected at any stage of recruitment process or even after joining, if any information provided by the candidate is found to be false or not in conformity with the advertised eligibility criteria at any stage.
  • Eligible and interested candidates would be required to apply online only through “Careers” page on NFL‟s website:
  • Before registering their application on the website, the candidates should possess the following:
    i. Valid e-mail ID, which should remain valid for at least one year;
    ii. Candidates should have latest passport size photograph in white background of size 140 X 160 kb (jpg or jpeg file only upto 50 Kb) as well as clear photograph of signatures in white background of size 90 X 120 Kb (jpg or jpeg file only upto 50 kb) for uploading with the Application Form.
    iii. Supporting documents as detailed in the foregoing at Para. D.1.i. for uploading (jpg or jpeg or pdf file only upto 100 Kb each)
    iv. For payment of Application Fee of Rs.700/-, the “UR”, “OBC” and “EWS’ candidates can opt to pay through internet banking account or credit/ debit card only.
  • The registration form is available on following path:  Careers  Recruitment in NFL Recruitment of Management
    Trainees in Technical Disciplines-2020Apply Online.

About Us:

  • NFL, a Schedule ‘A’ & a Mini Ratna (Category-I) Company, having its registered office at New Delhi was incorporated on 23rd August 1974. Its Corporate Office is at NOIDA (U.P). It has an authorized capital of Rs. 1000 crore and a paid up capital of Rs. 490.58 crore out of which Government of India’s share is 74.71 % and 25.29 % is held by financial institutions & others.
  • The company has a Vision i.e. “to be a leading Indian company in fertilizers and beyond with commitment to all stakeholders” and a Mission “to be a dynamic organization committed to serve the farming community and other customers to their satisfaction through timely supply of fertilizers and other products & services; continually striving to achieve the highest standards in quality, safety, ethics, professionalism, energy conservation with a concern for ecology and maximizing returns to stakeholders”.
  • NFL has five gas based Ammonia-Urea plants viz. Nangal & Bathinda plants in Punjab, Panipat plant in Haryana and two plants at Vijaipur at District Guna, in Madhya Pradesh. The Panipat, Bathinda & Nangal plants were revamped for feed stock conversion from Fuel Oil to Natural Gas, an eco-friendly fuel during 2012-13 / 2013-14. Vijaipur plants of the company were also revamped for energy savings & capacity enhancement during 2012-13, thus increasing its total annual capacity from 20.66 LMT from 17.29 LMT, an increase of 20%. The company currently has a total annual installed capacity of 35.68 LMT (Re-assessed capacity of 32.31 LMT) & is the 2nd largest producer of Urea in the country with a share of about 16% of total Urea production in the country.
  • Company has a Bio-Fertilizers Plant at Vijaipur with a capacity of 600 tonnes of solid & liquid Bio-Fertilizers to produce four strains of Bio-Fertilizers viz. PSB, ZSB, Rhizobium and Azotobacter are produced.
  • NFL is engaged in manufacturing and marketing of Neem Coated Urea, four strains of Bio-Fertilizers (solid & liquid), Bentonite Sulphur and other allied Industrial products like Ammonia, Nitric Acid, Ammonium Nitrate, Sodium Nitrite and Sodium Nitrate. The brand name of the company is popularly known in the market as ‘KISAN’.

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