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30 Principal Vacancy – SSTRB,Sikkim

Last Date:27 April,2021
Sikkim State Teachers Recruitment Board (SSTRB)

Applications are invited from all eligible candidates for the recruitment to 30 positions of Principal to be filled in Sikkim State Teachers Recruitment Board (SSTRB).Aspirants willing to work on these posts may send their applications in prescribed format along with all relevant enclosures so as to reach the given address latest by 27-04-2021 .

Employment Notification 30 Principal Vacancy – SSTRB,Sikkim

Name of the post– Principal
No of post – 30
Pay Scale – GP- 6700/- Level- 18

Educational Qualification:
Post Graduate Degree in any subject with BEd and 12 yrs experience.

Apply to 30 Principal Vacancy – SSTRB,Sikkim

General Information:

  • In the event of non–availability of eligible candidates from category (b) the post of Principal shall be filled up from among the eligible candidates of category (a) in order of merit and vice-versa. *(A list of 15 names on the merit basis will be maintained to meet the subsequent vacancies likely to
    arise because of promotions, retirement or falling vacant by any other means, for a period of 11 months.
  • Candidates on fulfilling the above criteria may visit the official website of Education Department to apply. Last date for filling up of the forms online is April 27, 2021 by 4:30 pm. However, if a candidate could not fill up the form online, offline form may be submitted to
    Deputy Controller (Examination Cell), Sikkim State Teacher’s Recruitment Board, Upper Syari, Gangtok along with Bank Receipt and Two Passport Size photographs after obtaining the offline form from the SSTRB office on or before April 27, 2021 within the working hours.
  • Bank Receipt of ₹ 200/- has to be credited in the State Bank of Sikkim under the Revenue head 0202-102-03-Edn.
  • Candidates shall bring the self-attested or attested (as instructed below) photocopy of such documents along with originals on the date of interview.
  • Candidates at the time of the interview shall bring the following documents along with the copy of the application form.
    a. Marksheet and Pass Certificate of Class X and XII or equivalent issued by recognized Board (self attested copy)
    b. Marksheet and Degree Certificate issued by recognized University and B Ed certificate recognized by NCTE (self attested copy)
    c. Appointment Order of Post Graduate Teacher/ Promotion Order of Headmaster/ Headmistress Secondary School (attested copy)
    d. Departmental Clearance / NOC from the concerned District heads (original)
    e. Vigilance Clearance (original)
    f. Last Increment Order (attested copy)
    g. Bank receipt in original
  • Whereas, under Notification no. 1720/ADM/HRDD dated 17/02/2021, State Government has relaxed the provision relating to the matter of recruitment, under Rule 6 of the Education Department,(Principals of Senior Secondary Schools and Headmasters of Secondary Schools) Recruitment Rules, 1992, limiting it to only screening cum interview as a one-time measure.
  • Syllabus of the examination therefore comprise of the following:
    i) General awareness.
    ii) Educational policies.
    iii) Government rules and orders pertaining to school administration, duties and responsibilities of school-heads.
    iv) Sikkim Government Servants’ Conduct Rules, 1981, Sikkim Government Servants’ (Discipline Appeal) Rules, 1985, Sikkim Government Service (Leave) Rules, 1986, Sikkim Government Service Rules 1974, and such other rules as applicable while discharging the duty as a school Principal.
  • Admit Card will be issued in due course of time. No TA and DA will be paid for attending the interview.
  • Date and venue of the interview will be intimated later on.
  • Incomplete application shall be rejected summarily. If found on verification that candidate does not fulfil the prescribed criteria, the candidature for the post will be cancelled by the Board without specifying any further reason.
  • Send duly filled in forms in all respects and signed by the applicant so as to reach the given address by 27-04-2021 .Candidates are advised to satisfy themselves before applying that they possess at least the essential qualifications laid down for various posts.
  • Address to send all applications :Deputy Controller (Examination Cell), Sikkim State Teacher’s Recruitment Board, Upper Syari, Gangtok.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 30 Principal Vacancy – SSTRB,Sikkim

  • The Government of Sikkim also known as the State Government of Sikkim is the supreme governing authority of the Indian state of Sikkim and its four districts. It consists of an executive led by the Governor of Sikkim, and judiciary and legislative branches.
  • Like other states in India, the head of state of Sikkim is the governor, appointed by the President of India on the advice of the central government. The post is largely ceremonial. The Chief Minister is the head of government and is vested with the bulk of the executive powers. Gangtok is the capital of Sikkim, and houses the Vidhan Sabha (Legislative Assembly), the secretariat, and the Sikkim High Court.
  • The current Legislative Assembly of Sikkim is unicameral, consisting of 32 Member of the Legislative Assembly (M.L.A). Its term is 5 years, unless sooner dissolved.
  • Prem Singh Tamang, Chief Minister, Home Department, Excise Department, Finance Kunga Nima Lepcha, Human Resource Development, Land Revenue and Disaster Management, Law & Legislative, Parliamentary Affairs.
  • Sonam Lama, Rural Management and Development, Panchayati Raj and Cooperative and Ecclesiastical departments .
  • Bedu Singh Panth, Tourism & Civil Aviation and Commerce & Industries.
  • Lok Nath Sharma, Information & Public Relation Department IPR, Food Security, Agriculture Development, Horticulture & Cash Crops Development, Irrigation & Flood Control and Animal Husbandry, Livestock Fisheries and Veterinary Services

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the employment notification

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