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31 Senior Resident Vacancy – IHBAS,Delhi

Last Date:30 April,2021
Institute of Human Behaviour Allied Sciences (IHBAS)

All Eligible candidates may attend the Walk-In-Interview for 31 posts of Senior Resident on contractual basis in Institute of Human Behaviour Allied Sciences (IHBAS), which will be conducted on 30-04-2021 (12 PM).Candidates will have to submit application form and all original certificates/ marks sheets at the time of interview.

Employment Notification 31 Senior Resident Vacancy – IHBAS,Delhi

Name of the post– Senior Resident
No of post – 31
Pay Scale – Rs 67700 – 208700

Educational Qualification:
MD/ MS/ DNB in concerned Specialty.

Apply to 31 Senior Resident Vacancy – IHBAS,Delhi

General Instruction:

  • Walk in Interview will be held on 30111 April 2021 at 2.00 P.M. (Reporting time 12:00 Noon) in the Chamber of Director. 1HBAS for filling up the vacancies of Senior Resident in the Pay Matrix Level-1 1 (Rs.67700 — Rs.208700)+NPA on Ad-hoc Basis in the following departments of [HBAS:
  • 01 post of SR in Department of Pathology is a diverted post from Department of Neuro-Anaesthesia, in view of the urgent critical need of SR in the Department of Pathology in public interest to avoid hardship to patients as an interim arrangement and initially for a period of 6 months.
  • Upper age limit is 40 Years (on day of walk-in-interview) (relaxable Ipto five years for SC/ST candidates and three year for OBC candidates).
  • Vacancies may vary as per vacancy position prevailing on date of Walk-in-Interview. The above posts advertised included anticipated vacancy also. In the event of insufficient representation from the reserved categories post, due to exigency of services in the department in public interest. the remaining reserved category posts will be tilled up from Unreserved/any other category on emergent basis initially for a period of less than 45 days or till the concerned reserved category Senior Resident or till the regular Senior Resident, joins in the Department, whichever is earlier
  • Separate merit lists for fresh candidates and for others (those who have completed 3 years of senior residency already) would be prepared.
  • Firstly. the list containing names or fresh candidates would he exhausted for appointment as Senior Residents and the second list would he used only alter that.
  • Further, all senior residents appointments from second list will he for one year only. It would not he renewable after one .
  • The interested and eligible candidates holding the requisite qualification from recognized University may apply in prescribed format, alfix a recent
    colored photograph. along-with attested photocopies of all documents viz. SSC(30 certificate for 1)013), PG Degree/Diptonia Certificate. NIBBS passing certificate (provisional/degree), IVIBBS mark sheets, Internship Completion certificate, Attempt Certificate, Delhi Niceties! Council registration slip/registration and a demand draft of Rs. 5(10/- (exempted for SC, ST and PWD candidates) drawn in favor of the Director. !II BAS, Delhi-95. In case those who have applied for DMC and awaiting the certificate also allowed for interview provided that he/she must submit the DMC Registration certificate within one month ()I-his/her joirimg,
  • While coming for the interview candidates should bring all the original documents fur verification.
  • No TAJDA will he allowed for appearing in the interview.
  • In case of SCIST/OBC/PWD Category the applicant should he in possession of appropriate cenilicate issued by Competent Authority. However. OM.:certificate issued by the Authority of Govt. of NCI’, Delhi, only will be accepted.
  • Kindly refer the Schedule for Interview of Junior Resident & Senior Resident on Ad-hoc basis held every month on the website of II IBAS.
  • Reporting time: 12.00 Noon on 30.04.2021 in the Activity Room, Academic Block, MBAS.
  • Walk-In-Interview will be held on 30-04-2021 (12 PM) with application in prescribed form and the original certificates/ marks cards etc.
  • Candidates must attend the Walk-In-Interview at Reporting Time, Otherwise they will not be allowed.
  • Application fees of Rs 500/- (Nil for SC/ST/Pwd candidates) need to pay in shape of demand draft drawn in favour of Director, IHBAS, Delhi -95.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 31 Senior Resident Vacancy – IHBAS,Delhi

  • The vision of Institute of Human Behaviour and Allied Sciences is to be one of the leaders in the country and in the world for promoting mental health, neurosciences, behavioural and allied sciences through multidisciplinary patient care in partnership with communities, developing future group of professionals and paraprofessional leaders through formal and semiformal training programmes and expanding scientific knowledge and its application through front-line research.
  • The mission of Institute of Human Behaviour and Allied Sciences is to advance the mental and neurological health of populations by practicing evidence based multidisciplinary scientific health care approaches that are novel, adaptive, and ethical, conduct reaserch of high standard and develop human resource in these fields. The institute adheres to quality assurance, integrating into practice the prevailing norms for human rights and diverse value systems of persons and populations while accomplishing this mission.
  • orm a strategic Review and planning Group (SRPG) which will include external group members (expert and people of repute from the field of administration, finance, research and academia) assisted by IHBAS personnel.
  • nsure that the institute amalgates and synthesises a comprehensive vision document for the institute based on the vision of all the departments/sections of the institute.
  • ork with various govt, nongovernmental and voluntary health organizations and other interested stakeholders to reduce the discrimenation and prejudices associated with mental illnesses and neurological disorders.
  • Promote the visibility and mandate of the institute and its contribution through effective communication with all sectors of civil society.
  • To provide high quality super specialty health care using state-of-art technology in Mental health, Neurosciences,Behavioural and Allied sciences.
    To conduct research of high standard in the field of Mental health, Neurosciences and Behavioural sciences.
  • To provide comprehensive training for MD, DM, M. Phil. & Ph.D courses in field of Mental health, Neurosciences and Behavioural sciences and research activities on current interest.
  • Various cost effective measures have been taken to improve services. Quality of patient care has improved remarkably. Duration of stay of patients has been reduced. Good quality essential drugs are provided to the patients free of cost by the institute.

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