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32 Law Clerk-cum-Research Assistant Vacancy – Madhya Pradesh,High Court

Last Date:18 March,2021
Madhya Pradesh High Court
Madhya Pradesh

High Court of Madhya Pradesh released an Official Notification for the posts of 32 Law Clerk-cum-Research Assistants Vacancy on Short Term contractual basis from LLB pass candidates interested in sarkari result MPHC Law Clerk Online application can apply before 18 March 2021. Please go through this article and follow each tables for full vacancy details, educational qualification, eligibility criteria, pay scale, salary and How to apply MPHC Law Clerk-cum-Research Assistant job opening at official website

Employment Notification 32 Law Clerk-cum-Research Assistant Vacancy – Madhya Pradesh,High Court

Name of the post– Law Clerk-cum-Research Assistant
No of post – 32
Pay Scale – 20000/- (Per Month)

Educational Qualification:
Law graduate having a Bachelor Degree in Law from any School /College/ University/ Institution established by law in India and recognized by the Bar Council of India for enrolment as an Advocate.

Apply to 32 Law Clerk-cum-Research Assistant Vacancy – Madhya Pradesh,High Court

General Instruction:

  • Only Online APDlications throuch the official website of] are being invited for 32 posts of Law Clerk-cumResearch Assistants for High Court of Madhya Pradesh on Short Term Contractual Assignment on a consolidated stipend of Rs. 20,000/ by Direct Selection. Selection to these posts and conditions of service will be governed by Rules and regulations applicable regarding contract appointment and by “Scheme for engaging Law Clerk-Cum-Research Assistants in the High Court of Madhya Pradesh”.
  • The numbers of aforesaid vacancies are likel to be varied depending upon the reciuirement of the Hich Court and exigencv of the situation as and when arises.
  • Law Clerks shall be engaged purely on short-term contractual basis initially for the duration of the assignment session which may be extended further for such period as may be considered appropriate subject to his/her performance. The contractual assignment shall not confer upon the Law Clerk any rightlclaim for regular appointment or continuance in service beyond the initial period of engagement in the IIigh Court of Madhya Pradesh.
  • A Panel of selected Candidates eligible for the aforesaid posts shall be prepared from amongst the suitable candidates in number more
    than the vacancies on the basis of merit prepared including the marks obtained in Online Examination & Interview and the appointment shall be made from anongst the candidates of such panel merit-wise i.e. if any candidate relinquishes or does not desire to join, at any stage, his vacancy shall be filled up by other candidate who is next in merit.
  • The assignment of Law Clerk shall be liable to premature discharge at any time without prior notice.
  • A Law Clerk who wants to leave the assignment before expiry of assignment session shall be required to give one month’s prior notice in writing through the Private Secretary of the Hon’ble Judge.
  • He/she is citizen of lndia;
  • The candidate must be a law graduate (as on the date of appearing at interview) having a Bachelor Degree in Law (including Integrated
    Degree Course in Law) from any School/College/University/Institute established by law in India and recognized by the Bar Council of India for eurolment as an Advocate.
  • Candidate studying in the fifth year of the Five-Year Integrated Law Course will also be eligible to apply subject to furnishing proof of acquiring Law qualification at the time of interview for Law Clerkcum-Research Assistant.
  • Applicants studying fifth year of the five-year integrated law course will have to submit attested copies of their gradesheet/marks card/transcripts until the end of the fourth year.
  • The candidate must have absolute integrity, honesty and good moral character, for which he/she will submit, certificate of two responsible
    persons at the time of interview.
  • Initially for one year on contract basis which may be increased or decreased, at sole discretion of the High Court of M.P. The place of employment will be High Court of Madhya Pradesh.
  • A Law Clerk shall be required to attend office of the concerned Hon’ble Judge from 10:00 A.M. to 6.00 P.M. with recess period of half an
    hour. Law Clerk may also be required to attend office on a Gazetted/Local holiday, if so required, for performing official duties.
  • Duties and functions related to Court I)rocesses to be I)erformed bv Law Clerk-cum-Research Assistant (from 10:00 to 1:30 on Court working davs and full day for other working Saturdavs)
  • Being aware of court procedures viz., method of filing of various categories of cases, provisions of law, processing of cases from the
    stage of filing to disposal including updation of cases and also digitization and elimination thereof as per rules;
  • Checking of the Final and Motion hearing cause list cases as per instruction of the Registrar (IT) to ensure listing as per Roster/Assigrment.
  • Physical verification of Final Hearing cases to errsure listing of cases in weekly list as per the categorization/prioritization of cases in Listing Scheme.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 32 Law Clerk-cum-Research Assistant Vacancy – Madhya Pradesh,High Court

  • The Madhya Pradesh High Court is the High Court of the state of Madhya Pradesh which is located in Jabalpur. It was established as the Nagpur High Court on 2 January 1936 by Letters Patent dated 2 January 1936, issued under Section 108 the Government of India Act, 1935. This Letters Patent continued in force even after the adoption of the constitution of India on 26 January 1950 by virtue of Articles 225 & 372 thereof. The court has a sanctioned judge strength of 53.
  • The present state of Madhya Pradesh, was originally created as Central Provinces in the 19th century, as Judicial Commission’s territory and was administered by the Judicial Commissioner. The Judicial Commissioner’s court at Nagpur was, at that time, the highest Court of the territory. It was converted into a Governor’s province in 1921, when it became entitled to a full-fledged High Court for administration of Justice.
  • Later, Berar, a part of Nizam’s state of Hyderabad, was transferred in 1933 to the Central Province, for administration. This gave the state its new name Central Provinces and Berar. Thereafter, by virtue of Letters Patent dated 2 January 1936, issued under Section 108 of the Government of India Act, 1915, by King Emperor, George the Fifth, the Nagpur High Court was established for Central Pronvices and Berar. This Letters Patent, under which the Nagpur High Court was constituted and invested with jurisdiction, continued to remain in force even after the adoption of the constitution of India on 26 January 1950, by virtue of Articles 225 & 372 thereof.
  • On 1 November 1956, the new state of Madhya Pradesh was constituted under [[States Reorganisation Act, 1956|States Reorganisation Act]. Subsection (1) of Section 49 of the States Re-organisation Act ordained that from the appointed day i.e., 1 November 1956, the High Court exercising jurisdiction, in relation to the existing state of Madhya Pradesh, i.e. Nagpur High Court, shall be deemed to be the High Court for the present state of Madhya Pradesh. Thus Nagpur High Court was not abolished but by a legal fiction it became High Court for the new state of Madhya Pradesh with its seat at Jabalpur. Hon’ble the Chief Justice, vide order dated 1 November 1956 constituted temporary benches of the High Court of Madhya Pradesh at Indore and Gwalior. Later, by a Presidential Notification Dt. 28 November 1968, issued in the exercise of the powers conferred by the Subsection (2) of section 51 of the States Reorganization Act, 1956, permanent benches of the High Court of Madhya Pradesh at Indore and Gwalior were established. This state of affairs continued till 1 November 2000, when the state of Chhattisgarh was carved of the existing state of Madhya Pradesh by virtue of the provisions of the Madhya Pradesh Reorganization Act, 2000 and the High Court of Chhattisgarh was established for that state with its seat at Bilaspur. The High Court of Madhya Pradesh at Jabalpur then became High Court for the successor state of Madhya Pradesh.
  • The principal seat of the court is in Jabalpur. The court is housed in an impressive building constructed by Raja Gokul Das in 1899. The building was designed by Henry Irwin in 1886. The construction work of this building was commenced in 1886 and completed in 1889. The building was constructed in brick-lime with ornamental towers and cornices. The architecture of the building is mixed baroque and oriental. The arches as well as the bastions at the corner are ornamental. There are 25 court rooms in this building.

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