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32 Teaching & Other Academic Vacancy – MANUU,Telangana

Advt No : 51/2018
Maulana Azad National Urdu University(MANUU)
Kadappa & Cuttack (Telangana)

MANUU aka Maulana Azad National Urdu University invites Applications for the post of 32 Teaching, Academic Vacancy. Apply before 20 August 2018. MANUU Recruitment Qualification/eligibility conditions, how to apply & other rules are given below…

Employment Notification 32 Teaching & Other Academic Vacancy – MANUU,Telangana

Name of the post — Teaching & Other Academic
No of post — 32
Pay Scale — Rs. 1,44,200 — 2,18,200/-, Rs. 56,100 — 1,77,500/-

Educational Qualification:
Postgraduate degree, Ph.D, BE/B.Tech, Graduation.

Apply to 32 Teaching & Other Academic Vacancy – MANUU,Telangana

General Terms & Conditions:

  • Selected Candidates shall be Hable to be posted at Main Campus. Hyderabad or any or the Institutions or the University in the country depending upon the requirements and exigencies or Service.
  • The Quallications as prescribed by the UGC ( I NCTE I AICTE as the case may be are applcable from time to time. Revisions/ Changes/ Modl’calions in Ille same shal be appicable.
  • The Clause – 6 d Ille Ordinance No. 1 or Ille Unlllerslty read as. – As per Section 4 of the University, the medium of Instruction In this Unl\lerslty Is Urdu.Therefore, as a general policy, ~ shall be compulsory that the candidate should possess the ability to teach (“should be able to clewly demons1rate his knowledge of reading, writing, undetslandlng and leaching In Urdu language1 in Urdu medium,which shall be judged by the Selection Committee at the time of int erview. This condition shall lnva~ll>ly be mentioned in eaeh adVartisement, under the qualification reacquired”‘.
  • Appicants should fil-<ip the API score card and Annaxure – B & C (wherever api;licable) and send along with the appication fonn. Each API score Is supported by Ille documentary evidence. v.;thout Whieh no Claim on acoount of API score card v.ould be entertained. Api;licallons v.;thout API score card and Annexure – B & C shaA not be considered for short-listing.
  • The candidates who are or have been awarded a Ph.D. degree after 2009 should enclose a copy of the oertWlcate to the effect that the awarding University has awarded Ph.D. degree as per UGC (Minimum standard and procedure or awards of M.Phll./Ph.D. degree) Regulation, 2009.
  • The marks sheet regarding completion or course v.ork In Ph.D. should be enclosed, II applicable.
  • Vacancies Included In this advertisement have been calculated as per the prerevised UGC guidelines, 2006 and MHRD guidelines dated 25.6.2013. The reserved posts of SC/ST/OBC shall be advertised separately, subject to clearance from the UGC on this matter. However. candidates belong to SC/ST/OBC (NCL) may also apply against the above positions under general standard.
  • The candidate shall attend the interview al the designated place and lime at his own expenses. However. the outstation candidates belonging to PwD categories shai be reimbursed to and fro rail fare (Sleeper class) ror self only by the shortest route only. In case any station is not connected by rai. ordinary bus fare shall be paid by the shortest route on production ol ticket. The above mentioned co~cessions shall not be admissible to those PwO candidates Who are already in Central I State Government Service/ or holding any other employment under University/ Autonomous Bodles/PSUSILocal Government/Panehayats.

Last Date for Submission of Application form:20-08-2018.

Vacancy Notice 32 Teaching & Other Academic Vacancy – MANUU,Telangana

Eligible candidates may send their application in prescribed format (attached below) to The Deputy Registrar, ER-I Section, Room No.110, Maulana Aud National Urdu University, Gachlbowll, Hyderabad — 500 032 (Telangana). on or before 20 Aug 2018, along with the relevant documents.

click above to download
the employment notification

click above to apply
now online or download form

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