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327 LDA, Assistant Engineer & Various Vacancy – Meghalaya Public Service Commission

Last Date: 23 February,2021
Meghalaya Public Service Commission

Meghalaya PSC LDA Notification 2021 is open (Advt. No. : Mpsc/advt-54/1/2020-21/70) and inviting application for the posts of 327 LDA, Assistant Engineer & Various Vacancy from 10th, 12th, Graduate pass candidates interested in sarkari result Meghalaya PSC LDA Online application can apply before 23 February 2021. Please go through this article and follow each tables for full vacancy details, educational qualification, eligibility criteria, pay scale, salary and How to apply Meghalaya Public Service Commission Meghalaya PSC job opening at official website

Employment Notification 327 LDA, Assistant Engineer & Various Vacancy – Meghalaya Public Service Commission

Name of the post– LDA, Assistant Engineer & Various
No of post – 327
Pay Scale – Level 04,06,08,09,11,15

Educational Qualification:
12th Class / HSLC/ SSLC / Degree.

Apply to 327 LDA, Assistant Engineer & Various Vacancy – Meghalaya Public Service Commission

General Information:

  • On behalf of the various Government Departments, Applications (Online-mode only) are invited from genuine citizens of India who are desirous to apply as per the terms and conditions of this Advertisement for recruitment to the under mentioned posts.
  • Online Applications will be received up to 17:00 hrs on 2″d February 2021 and no application will be entertained after the closing date.
  • Applicants are advised to apply well in advance without waiting for the closing date.
  • Candidates must appear for Screening Test/Written Test/Interview at his/her own expenses.
  • Admission at all stages of the recruitment process for which the candidates are admitted by the Commission will be purely provisional and is subject to satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions. lf, on verification at any stage of the recruitment process, it is found that applicants/candidates do not fulfill any of the eligibility conditions, their candidature for the post will automatically be cancelled by the Commission without notice.
  • Only preliminary scrutiny of the applications and other aspects will be undertaken before proceeding to the next stage of the recruitment and therefore, the acceptance of candidature will only be provisional. Candidates are advised to carefully go through the eligibility criteria prescribed for each post such as educational qualification, age, physical standards etc. and satisfy themselves that they are eligible for the posts, before applying. After such scrutiny a “Proposed Rejection/Ineligibility List” shall be published and hosted in the Commission’s website as well as in the Notice Board of the M.P.S.0 Office/Cells. A candidate is allowed 15 days time to file representation against such proposed Rejection. Original Certificates will be sought only from those candidates who qualify for the Personal Interview. If a candidate does not furnish the original certificates to substantiate his educational qualification his/her candidature will be cancelled and the Commission’s decision in this regard shall be final. Candidates who have also not fulfill the requisite qualification as on the last date of receipt of application will not be eligible to apply for the post.
  • This shall be mandatory in respect of recruitments to posts where the Service Rules has specifically prescribed the conduct of such examinations. In such cases, the subjects, syllabus, total marks and pattern of examination shall be as notified by the concerned Government Department under such Rules.
  • This shall be applied/conducted by the Commission in respect of all
    recruitments to those posts where the method of selection/Syllabus has not been prescribed by the Service Rules. The objective of the test is to shortlist the number of eligible candidates in
    recruitments where the number of candidates is disproportionately large compared to the available vacancies.
  • This shall be applied/conducted by the Commission in respect of all recruitments to those posts where the method of Skill Test has not been prescribed by the Service Rules.
  • The Commission may, at its discretion, decide to hold Preliminary Test in those categories of recruitment where the number of candidates are disproportionately large compared to the notified vacancies or may hold the Preliminary Test as per requirement in the syllabus provided by the Department concerned.
  • On the result of such Screening Test/Screening Practical Test/Written Examination, the Commission has call such number of candidates as it may think appropriate to appear for the Personal Interviews. The principle/policy followed is as per decision made by the Commission on 28th July, 2017 with variation from 1:10 to 1:2.5 depending on the number of posts advertised.
  • On the basis of such Preliminary Tests, the number of candidates who shall be called to appear for the Main Examination shall not be more than I 0(ten) times the number of vacancies declared.
  • Wherever required and prescribed by the Service Rules the Physical Efficiency Test (PET) shall be conducted by the Commission assisted by a Medical Board duly constituted • for the purpose, in accordance with the norms/standards and such specifications as prescribed under such Rules.
  • Only candidates who have produced all the required documents in original relating to their educations qualification, date of birth, caste, community and other certificates wherever required and prescribed by Rules will be deemed qualified to be called for Personal Interview.
  • Written Examination/Main Examination where decided to be held shall be of Essay Type. The subjects to be notified for such essay type examination shall be strictly as per the syllabus forwarded by the concerned Department for the said post.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 327 LDA, Assistant Engineer & Various Vacancy – Meghalaya Public Service Commission

  • Constitution of State Public Service Commission is provided under Article 315 read with Article 316 of the Constitution of India.
  • The Meghalaya Public Service Commission was constituted on 14th September, 1972. The Commission comprises of a Chairman and four Members.
  • According to Article.315 of the Constitution of India, there shall be a Public Service Commission for each State. With the formation of the State of Meghalaya in 1971, the Meghalaya Public Service Commission came into existence on September 14th 1972. Below are the eminent personalities who adorned the Chairmanship and Membership of the first Commission.
  • The first Office of the Commission was housed in the building of the Public works Department of Lower Lachumiere, Shillong -793001.
  • Owing to increase in the works load and staff members of the Commission the premises in the building of the Public work Department were found to be insufficient and very inconvenient. The Commission office was therefore shifted to the 1st floor of the House Shoe Building, Lower Lachumiere, Shillong-793001 in may, 1993.

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