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337 Samiksha Adhikari / Sahayak Samiksha Adhikari (RO/ARO) Vacancy – UPPSC,Uttar Pradesh

Last Date:08 April,2021
Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC)
Uttar Pradesh

Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) has invited application form eligible candidates to fill up total 337 posts of Samiksha Adhikari / Sahayak Samiksha Adhikari (RO/ARO).Interested Candidates who have prescribed eligibility for concerned posts, may submit application only through provided online facility latest by 08-04-2021. Candidates are advised to read notification carefully and make ensure about meeting the concerned eligibility criteria of applied post. All personal and educational details must be mentioned properly.

Employment Notification 337 Samiksha Adhikari / Sahayak Samiksha Adhikari (RO/ARO) Vacancy – UPPSC,Uttar Pradesh

Name of the post– Samiksha Adhikari / Sahayak Samiksha Adhikari (RO/ARO)
No of post – 337
Pay Scale – Rs 44900-142400 to Rs 47600-15110

Educational Qualification:
Bachelor’s degree in commerce OR Bachelor’s degree with Hindi Literature or Sanskrit Literature OR Bachelor’s degree with Arabic Literature or Persian Literature or Urdu Literature.

Apply to 337 Samiksha Adhikari / Sahayak Samiksha Adhikari (RO/ARO) Vacancy – UPPSC,Uttar Pradesh

General Information:

  • As per decision of the UPPSC a candidate will be liable to be debarred from this examination and all other future examinations and selections upto a maximum period of five years for furnishing any wrong information in his/her application form which cannot be substantiated by relevant documents or for any other malpractice.
  • The claim of category, subcategory, domicile, gender, date of birth, name and address will be valid only till the last date of online application. In this
    regard no application for error correction/modification shall be acceptable. Incomplete application form shall be summarily rejected and no correspondence shall be entertained in this regard. On submission of false/misleading information, the candidature will be cancelled.
  • The date of birth of the candidates shall be admissible as entered in High School Certificate. The candidate will have to attach his/her High School or Equivalent Examination Certificate with the application form of Examination. No Other Certificate shall be acceptable for Date of Birth and if it is not attached with the application it shall be rejected.
  • The candidates will have to enclose self attested copies of Marksheets,Certificates & Degrees along with the application form of Main examination in support of their claims of Educational Qualifications. If they do not enclose self attested copies of certificates/documents in support of their claims, the application shall be rejected.
  • The benefit of reservation to the categories of Handicapped persons of society shall be given only on the posts which shall be identified by the Government for their Sub category.For this benefit, the Handicapped persons must produce a certificate of being handicapped in that Sub category issued by prescribed Medical Officer/Specialist and counter signed by the Chief Medical Officer according to Rule 3 of U.P. Public Service (Reservation for physically Handicapped, Dependent of Freedom Fighters and Ex-Servicemen (Amendment) Act, 2018. It is worth while mentioning that as per section-3 of the said Act, the new identification of post has not yet been received from the government, however as per identification (Category/ Subcategory) mentioned in requisitions received from the Appointing authorities the selection process will be completed accordingly.
  • The
    Ex-Army personnels must be discharged from army upto the last date prescribed for receipt of applications.
  • Date, time and venue etc. of examination along with Roll No.will be communicated to the candidates through e-Admit Cards, Candidates will have to appear at the centre/venue allotted to them by the Commission. No change in centre/ venue is permissible and no application shall be entertained in this regard.
  • The candidature of such candidates who are subsequently found ineligible according to the terms laid down in advertisement will be cancelled and their any claim for the Examination will not be entertained. The decision of the Commission regarding eligibility of the candidates shall be final.
  • The Application/candidature will be rejected/ cancelled if the application is not submitted on prescribed form, date of birth is not mentioned or
    wrong date of birth is mentioned, overage, under age, not fulfilling the minimum educational qualifications, application received after last date and no signature under declaration in the format. (10) The Commission may admit the candidates provisionally after summarily checking the application but if it is found at any stage that applicant was not eligible or that his/her application should have been rejected or was not entertainable initially, his/her candidature will be rejected and if the candidate is selected, the recommendation of the Commission for appointment shall be withdrawn.
  • The Commission reserves the right of cancelling the candidature of any candidate found indulging in any malpractice i.e. copying in examination hall or indiscipline,misbehaviour or anvassing for his/her candidature. On violation of these instructions, the candidates may be debarred from this examination as well as future examinations. In this regard the decision of the Commission shall be final.
  • In no circumstances, applications of any stage shall be accepted after the last prescribed date and time. Applications found without requisite informations and without photograph and signature, even when received in time, may be summarily rejected.
  • In the On-line system the candidates must ensure that all the requisite informations have been duly filled and must click the submit Button by the Last prescribed Date & Time.Candidates must take the print and keep it safely. In any discrepancy candidates will have to produce the said print otherwise no request shall be entertained.
  • Those candidates, willing to take the benefit of the reservation/age relaxation must obtain a certificate, issued by the competent authority, in support of the reserved category,in the prescribed format printed in this detailed advertisement and submit the same to the Commission, whenever required to do so. Those claiming more than one reservation/Age relaxation will be given only one such concession, which will be more
    beneficial. The candidates who are not originally domiciled of U.P. belonging to SC, ST, O.B.C., EWS, dependants of freedom fighters, Ex-Servicemen, skilled players and P.H. are not entitled to benefit of reservation/age relaxation. In case of the women candidates, the caste certificate issued from father side will be treated valid.
  • The Commission do not advise to candidates about their eligibility. Therefore, they should carefully read the advertisement and when satisfied about their eligibility conditions of the advertisement, then only apply. The candidates must possess all the requisite qualifications till the last date for submitting the applications.
  • In the category of dependants of the freedom fighters only sons, daughters, grandsons (Son’s son/Daughter’s son) and grand daughters (son’s daughter/daughter’s daughter,married/unmarried) are covered. It is advised that the candidates of the aforesaid category must obtain the reservation certificate from the District Magistrate in terms of Govt. Order No. 453/79-V-1-15-1(Ka)14-2015 dated 07.04.2015 in the prescribed format and submit the same.
  • In the event of involvement of a candidate in the concealment of any important information, pendency of any case/criminal case, conviction, more than a husband or wife being alive, submission of facts in a distorted manner malpractice, canvassing for candidature/selection etc., the Commission reserves the right to reject the candidature and debar him from appearing in the examination in question and in all other future examinations and selections.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 337 Samiksha Adhikari / Sahayak Samiksha Adhikari (RO/ARO) Vacancy – UPPSC,Uttar Pradesh

  • The Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) is the state agency authorized to conduct the Civil Services Examination for entry-level appointments to the various Group A and Group B Civil Services of Uttar Pradesh. The agency’s charter is granted by the Constitution of India. Articles 315 to 323 of Part XIV of the constitution, titled Services Under the Union and the States, provide for a Public Service Commission for the Union and for each state.
  • The Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) came into existence on 1 April 1937, with the main aim of recruiting candidates to various services in the state. The commission is regulated by Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission Regulation, 1976.
  • Indianisation of the superior Civil Services became one of the major demands of the political movement compelling the British Indian Government to consider the setting up of a Public Service Commission for recruitment to its services in the territory. Under the Government of India Act 1935, for the first time, provision was made for the formation of Public Service Commissions at the provincial level. Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission was constituted on 1 April 1937 with its headquarters at Allahabad. The working of Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission is also regulated by Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission Regulation, 1976.
  • On 26 September 2013, Allahabad High Court ordered UPPSC to cancel the Mains Examination of UP Provincial Civil Services (Judicial) 2013, over alleged irregularities in the Answer Key issued by it. The word key allegedly had incorrect multiple–choice options marked as correct.
  • On 29 March 2015, the question paper of the UPPSC PCS Preliminary exam was leaked before the exam. It led to a protest and subsequently, the cancellation of the morning shift exam. The police said that they would find the person who had sold the question paper on Whatsapp for Rs.5 Lakh per copy.

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