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34 LDA, Librarian, Instructor and Various Vacancy – SCERT,Assam

Last Date:22 November,2020
State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT)

SCERT is inviting eligible candidates to apply online for 34 posts of LDA, Librarian, Instructor and Various (Assam).Interested and Eligible Candidates may apply online by 22-11-2020 , after making sure that they meet the concerned eligibility criteria. All personal and educational details must be mentioned properly.

Employment Notification 34 LDA, Librarian, Instructor and Various Vacancy – SCERT,Assam

Name of the post – LDA, Librarian, Instructor and Various
No of post – 34
Pay Scale – Rs 14000 – 49000 +GP 6200

Educational Qualification:
Graduate in any stream /B.Sc. /BA with BEd.

Apply to 34 LDA, Librarian, Instructor and Various Vacancy – SCERT,Assam

General Information:

  • In pursuance of the Govt. approval vide no.AEE.297/2020/69 dated 15th September, 2020 online applications are invited through the official website from the eligible candidates who are citizen of India as defined under Articles 5-8 of the Constitution of India for filling up the following different categories of nongazetted vacant posts in different Teacher Education Institutions (TEI) under the Directorate of State Council of Educational Research and Training (S.C.E.R.T.), Assam, Kahilipara, Guwahati-19.
  • A candidate must not be less than 18 years of age and not more than 40 years for unreserved category, 42 years for Ex-Servicemen, 43 years for OBC/ MOBC and 45 years for SC/ ST(P)/ST(H) and 50 years for Persons with Disability (PwD), as on 1st January, 2020 as per Govt. Office Memorandum vide No. ABP.6/2016/51Dated 02/09/2020. This relaxation shall be applicable only to those candidates who have attained the necessary educational or other qualifications prior to crossing of their existing upper age limit of 40 years. There will be no provision for age condonation.
  • Reservation for SC/ST/OBC/MOBC in accordance with the provision of Assam Schedule Caste and Schedule Tribe, OBC & MOBC as per Govt. Memorandum No. TAD/BC/68/2011/Pt.I/146 dated 29-12-2014 and reservation for woman as per Govt. Notification No. ABP.84/2003/97 dated 30-11-2005.
  • There will be reservation/ relaxation for Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) as per Govt. notification vide No. ABP.07/2019/16 Dated 31/12/2019.
  • The eligible candidates must undergo a written examination category-wise as mentioned in Column-1 of the post details above and other computer/proficiency test wherever necessary will be notified in the website in due course of time. Details of examination process will also be notified in the same website.
  • The date of examination/ computer/proficiency test will also be announced in the website The individual Admit Card will be issued through the website more correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
  • The candidates have to produce all the original testimonials at the time of verification of documents. The date, time and venue will be notified in due course of time in the website. The undersigned reserves the right to reject any application which is not found in conformity with the advertisement or Govt. rules and instructions.
  • For any lapse in submission of online application due to technical problem on time, this office will not be responsible.
  • The recruited employees will be governed by the New Pension Scheme issued under Govt. Notification vide No. BW-3/2003/Pt-II/1 dated 25-01-2005. Other terms and conditions will remain as per Govt. rules and procedures.
  • The COVID-19 Protocol to be maintained strictly in the entire process of selection.
  • No electronic gadget will be allowed to bring with the candidates in written as well as skill test/ vivavoce.
  • The details of instruction for the candidates at the examination hall will be available in the website.
  • All future correspondence will be made in the website

How to Apply:

Vacancy Notice 34 LDA, Librarian, Instructor and Various Vacancy – SCERT,Assam

  • Candidates will have to apply through online in the website Application forms will be available in the website w.e.f. 02.11.2020 till midnight of 22.11.2020. Applications received either by post or by hand shall not be accepted under any circumstances. Canvassing directly or indirectly will disqualify the candidature.
  • The candidate has to upload the scanned documents in JPEG/JPG format wherever required not more than 500 KB per document.
  • A recent passport colour photograph in black and white background on a standard size 4.5 cm x 3.5 cm has to be uploaded. The photograph must be in JPEG/JPG format not more than 100 kb.
  • The candidate has to upload a scanned image of signature with black or dark blue on a white paper. The signature must be in JPEG/JPG format in the size of 3.5 cm (width) x 2.5 cm (height) not more than 100 kb.
  • The candidate should have registration in Employment Exchange, registered anywhere within the state of Assam.
  • Those who are already in Government service must get NOC from appointing authority.

About Us:

  • The State Council of Education, Research and Training has assumed importance after implementation of the new Education Policy. The Council will work as counterpart of NCERT. Among the multifarious work to be done by the SCERT, formation of District Institute of Education and Training and its management, improvement of syllabus, programming of vocational education and taking up short course training of teachers are important. This organization, in this context, has assumed maximum importance. In view of this, the question of declaring the Director, SCERT as Heads of Department was under active consideration of Government for sometime past.
  • The present Directorate of TE and SCERT has evolved to its present status in different phases.
  • Its started as the State Institute of Education in the year 1964.
  • Was designated as State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT) in the year 1979.
    Became Directorate of Teacher Education in the year, 1990.
  • The Teacher Education component under the administrative control of Higher Education i.e. Government Training Colleges were brought under the Directorate of Teacher Education.
  • The School level Teacher Education component i.e. Secondary Training Schools under the Directorate of Secondary Education was brought into the manifold of Directorate of Teacher Education.
  • To be a centre for excellence in elementary education and teacher education programme (elementary and secondary) in the state.
  • To organize pre-service training for prospective teachers, and capacity building programmes for inservice teachers, conferences, meetings, seminars and briefing sessions for State Education Officers and field functionaries.
  • To organize induction level training programmes for the new entrants / teaching workforce of the teachers training institutions.
  • To restructure syllabus and curriculum used at the elementary education and teacher education sector so as to make it need-based and relevant based and functional.
  • To undertake, aid, promote and coordinate research and innovation activities among faculty members of teacher training institutions.
  • To generate new ideas, innovations, improved practices in education, quality monitoring and supervision etc. by conducting studies and researches both short term and longitudinal and their dissemination among faculty members of teacher training institutions.
  • To produce high quality teaching learning materials and enriched literature for teachers, trainers, supervisors and key educational functionaries.
    To provide academic and professional support and guidance to agencies and institutions working in the field of education, population and development education, child rights and environment protection, and eco-friendly life style, community education etc.
  • To collaborate with other agencies, institutions, organizations for the cause of quality in school education and teacher education programme.

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the employment notification

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