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3479 Principal, Vice Principal, Post Graduate Teacher Vacancy – Ministry of Tribal Affairs,All India

Last Date:30 Apr 2021
Ministry of Tribal Affairs
All India

Ministry of Tribal Affairs Recruitment 2021 notification regarding filling of Principal, Vice Principal, Graduate Teacher & other Job Vacancies. The Government organization invites online application from eligible candidates having B.Ed, Post Graduate qualifications. These 3479 Principal, Vice Principal, Post Graduate Teacher & other Post are in Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Across India.The job applications for Ministry of Tribal Affairs Jobs 2021 will be accepted online on or before 30 Apr 2021.

Employment Notification 3479 Principal, Vice Principal, Post Graduate Teacher Vacancy – Ministry of Tribal Affairs,All India

Name of the post– Principal, Vice Principal, Post Graduate Teacher
No of post – 3479
Pay Scale –Not Specified

Educational Qualification:
B.Ed, Post Graduate qualifications.

Apply to 3479 Principal, Vice Principal, Post Graduate Teacher Vacancy – Ministry of Tribal Affairs,All India

General Information:

  • The Ministry of Tribal Affairs through its autonomous body, the National Education Society for Tribal Students has embarked on a major drive to fill around 3479vacancies of teaching staff in the Eklavya Model Residential Schools (EMRS) in 17 States acrossthe country. This will result in positioning of quality human resource in the EMRSs resulting in improved educational standards in the EMRSs. The teaching staff in 4 different posts of Principal, Vice Principal, PGTs and TGTs will be recruited through a centralized computer-basedtest followed by inter-views (excluding TGTs) to be conducted by respective States.
  • The recruitment drivehas been initiated jointly with respective Statesin orderto meet the rising demand of teachers for the clear vacancies in already functional schools and schools going to be functional this year, calculated after excluding the posts currently filled by regular and ad-hoc/contractual staff. Modalities for the existing ad-hoc/contractual staff shall be taken at a later stagein consultation with different stake holders.
  • The portal for receiving the applications will open from 1.4.2021 to 30.04.2021 with the exams tentatively scheduled in 1stweek of June. For details of the portal and the final dates, please visit recruitment.
  • The scheme of EMRS is a flagship intervention of the Ministry of Tribal Affairs to provide quality education to the tribal students in the tribal areas of the country. The scheme, in operation since 1998 underwent a major revamping in the year 2018-19 to improve the geographical outreach of the schools to every block with 50% or more ST population and 20,000 or more tribal persons with an aim to improve accessibility to the schools. Under the revamped scheme, 452 new schools will be setup in addition to theexisting 288 schools thereby taking the total number of schools to 740 in the coming years.Out of these, proposals submitted by States for opening of 100 schools have been finalised, where in construction will start soon.
  • EMRSs have become an island ofexcellence in the remote tribal hinterlands attracting large number of tribal children. The focus under the scheme is to ensure holistic development of the students in both academic and extracurricular sphere. With the filling up of the vacant posts and as several initiatives fructify in the days to come, EMRSs will not only be model school in the tribal areas, they will become a premier institution of nation building.various initiatives have been taken in the recent past through capacity building of teachers, leadership development of principals, CBSE affiliation of the schools, introduction of online and digital education in the schools, partnership with external stakeholders for converging resources under various existing programmes like Atal Tinkering Labs, NISHTA etc.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 3479 Principal, Vice Principal, Post Graduate Teacher Vacancy – Ministry of Tribal Affairs,All India

  • The Ministry of Tribal Affairs, a branch of Government of India, looks after the affairs of the tribal communities in India.
  • The ministry was set up in 1999 after the bifurcation of Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (India) to have a more focused approach on the integrated socio-economic development of the Scheduled Tribes (STs), the most underprivileged of the Indian Society.[2] Before the formation of the ministry the tribal Affairs was being handled by different ministries which were:
  • As a Division of the Ministry of Home Affairs known as Tribal Division since after independence up to September 1985.
    Ministry of Welfare: From September 1985 to May 1998.
    Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment from May 1998 to September 1999.
  • The Ministry was set up in 1999 after the bifurcation of Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment with the objective of providing more focused approach on the integrated socio-economic development of the Scheduled Tribes (STs).
  • The programmes and schemes of the Ministry are intended to support and supplement other Central Ministries, State Governments and partly of voluntary organizations, and to fill critical gaps in institutions and programmes taking into account the situation of STs through financial assistance. These schemes comprising economic, educational and social development through institution building are administered by the Ministry and implemented mainly through the State Governments/ Union Territory Administrations. The Ministry also supplements the efforts of other Ministries by way of various developmental interventions in critical sectors through specially tailored schemes.
  • Ministry has one Commission, One Public Sector Undertaking and one Co-operative Society under its administrative control, namely :
    National Commission for Scheduled Tribes (NCST)
    National Scheduled Tribes Finance and Development Corporation (NSTFDC)
    Tribal Co-operative Marketing Federation of India (TRIFED)

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