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3557 Sanitary Worker, Watchman, Office Assistant and Various Vacancy – Madras High Court,Tamil Nadu

Last Date:06 May,2021
Madras High Court
Tamil Nadu

Madras High Court (Madras HC) invites application form eligible Indian candidates for direct recruitment to the total 3557 post6s of Sanitary Worker, Watchman, Office Assistant and Various.Interested Candidates may submit application only through provided online facility latest by 06-05-2021 , after making sure that they meet the concerned eligibility criteria. While filling form, candidates must have active email id and mobile number.

Employment Notification 3557 Sanitary Worker, Watchman, Office Assistant and Various Vacancy – Madras High Court,Tamil Nadu

Name of the post– Sanitary Worker, Watchman, Office Assistant and Various
No of post – 3557
Pay Scale – Rs 15700 – 50000

Educational Qualification:
8th pass,read & write Tamil

Apply to 3557 Sanitary Worker, Watchman, Office Assistant and Various Vacancy – Madras High Court,Tamil Nadu

General Instruction:

  • Applicants cannot apply more than once for a post. If multiple applications are filed by the same applicant for a post only the last application would be considered .
  • The non –exempted candidates shall pay fee for each post.
  • The computer will not accept incomplete applications. Therefore, candidates are advised to exercise utmost caution while filling up the online application and submitting the same.
  • The eligibility of the applicants would be assessed on the information furnished by them presuming the same to be true. If any applicant is found to have given false, wrong or incorrect information or suppressed vital information relating to age, qualification, etc., such applicant will not only be disqualified, at any stage of the recruitment process or even after selection/ appointment, as the case may be, but would also be liable for criminal prosecution. Further, such applicants will be debarred from participating in any recruitment process for any post conducted by the Judicial Recruitment Cell, High Court, Madras.
  • All the educational and technical qualifications possessed by the applicants (including the educational qualifications for which he/she has appeared, but not passed/awaiting result) as on the date of Notification shall be furnished in the online application. Nonfurnishing of the particulars will be treated as suppression of facts. If such suppression is noticed, the candidature of such candidates will be rejected at any stage of the selection. If such suppression is noticed after appointment, their appointment will be cancelled and necessary criminal action will also be initiated, treating it as playing fraud on the recruiting agency. Therefore, the candidates are required to furnish all their educational and technical qualifications in the online application.
  • The schedule of recruitment process may be subject to a change on account of any unforeseen event beyond the control of the Judicial Department and Judicial Recruitment Cell, High Court, Madras and such change will be notified in the Official website. No complaint/ Grievance from the candidates will be entertained or heard by the Judicial Department or Judicial Recruitment Cell, High Court, Madras in case of non appearance of the candidates for the written examination /Practical Test and oral test on the scheduled date and time on account of belated receipt of intimation regarding any change so notified.
  • The name of candidate will be removed from the select / wait List without any notice, if it is found that any information supplied by him in the application form is false / incorrect / wrong.
  • If a candidate in the select list fails to join duty, within the period stated in the appointment order, his/her name will be removed from the select list and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained.
  • Eligibility of a candidate, who is to be called for oral test shall be finally decided after scrutiny and verification of documents/ testimonials produced. Therefore, mere requiring the candidate to appear for certificate verification, does not confer on him any right to participate in the oral test.
  • Applicants are advised in their own interest to apply Online well in advance. Applicant shall ensure that they fulfill all requisite eligibility criteria on the date of notification before applying for the post. The educational/technical qualification/experience obtained subsequent to the date of notification will not be considered. Therefore, applicants who are awaiting the result of the required educational / technical qualification on the date of notification need not apply.
  • The Judicial Department/Judicial Recruitment Cell, High Court, Madras do not assume any responsibility for the applicants not being able to submit their Applications within the last date, for any reason.
  • SMS’ alerts for the written test / practical test / oral test, will be notified to the registered mobile number of the Applicants. Therefore the candidates are required to furnish correct mobile number and keep it active so as to receive the SMS alerts. The Judicial Department/Judicial
    Recruitment Cell, High Court, Madras will not be responsible for any technical problems arising in this regard.
  • Applicants should take care to upload recent photograph of good quality in the application in the required size. If the applicants cannot be identified from the photograph uploaded by them, they will not be allowed to write the examination.
  • Hall Tickets for written examination, Practical Test and oral test will not be sent by post. The candidates should download the Hall Tickets from the website The Hall Tickets will be ready for download one week prior to the date of the examination and test. The same will be notified in the recruitment portal of the High Court and by SMS/e-mail to the candidates. If any correction or spelling mistake is found in the Hall Ticket, the same shall be informed to the Judicial Recruitment Cell, High Court, Madras, immediately by email for rectification. The candidates only to whom the hall tickets have been issued by the Judicial Recruitment Cell, High Court, Madras, will be allowed into the Examination hall.
  • The admission of a candidate to participate in the recruitment process, at all stages, is purely provisional. The decision of the Judicial Recruitment Cell, High Court, Madras in respect of all matters pertaining to the Recruitment Process, as to the eligibility or otherwise of a candidate for admission to the Written Examination, Practical Test and Oral Test, is final.
  • Candidates selected will be adjusted first towards carried forward vacancies, wherever such vacancies are indicated and then towards regular vacancies.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 3557 Sanitary Worker, Watchman, Office Assistant and Various Vacancy – Madras High Court,Tamil Nadu

  • The High Court of Judicature at Madras, one of the three High Courts in India established at the Presidency Towns by Letters Patent granted by Her Majesty Queen Victoria, bearing date 26th June 1862 ( The Charters of the High Court of Judicature at Madras (104 MB) PDF file that opens in new window ), is the highest Court in the State of Tamil Nadu, exercising Original Jurisdiction over the City of Madras and Appellate Jurisdiction over the entire State as well as extra-ordinary Original Jurisdiction, Civil and Criminal, under the Letters Patent and Special Original Jurisdiction for the issue of writs under the Constitution of India.
  • The Hon`ble The Chief Justice is the Head of the Judiciary with powers of administration of the High Court and of the Administration of Justice throughout the State. The Hon’ble Chief Justice is in charge of the general policy adopted in the Administration of Justice. The administration of Justice in the Civil and Criminal Courts in the districts constituted under the Civil Courts Act and the Code of Criminal Procedure respectively is carried on by the following categories of Judicial officers.
  • In exercise of the power conferred by Section 51(2) of the States Re-organisation Act, 1956, the Government of India issued the Madras High Court (Establishment of a Permanent Bench at Madurai) Order, 2004, which was notified on 06.7.2004 to come into effect on 24.7.2004.
  • By virtue of the said Order, a permanent Bench of the Madras High Court was directed to be established at Madurai, with not less than five Judges, as nominated by the Chief Justice, to sit there and exercise jurisdiction and powers in respect of cases arising in the Districts of Kanyakumari, Tirunelveli, Tuticorin, Madurai, Dindigul, Ramanathapuram, Virudhunagar, Sivaganga, Pudukottai, Thanjavur, Nagapattinam,Tiruchirapalli, Perambalur and Karur. Later, the jurisdiction over the Districts of Nagapattinam and Perambalur stood restored to the Principal Seat, vide a Corrigendum notified later.
  • After the Judicial bifurcation of Madurai into Madurai & Theni judicial Districts, in the year 2006, the number of Districts within the jurisdiction of the Madurai Bench of Madras High Court became 13. Except the original jurisdiction, the Madurai Bench exercises jurisdiction in all the matters as in the case of the Principal Bench in Chennai.
  • The Madras High Court Bench at Madurai was inaugurated on Saturday, the 24th July of 2004 by Hon’ble Mr.Justice R.C. LAHOTI, Chief Justice of India and was presided over by Justice B.Subashan Reddy, the then Chief Justice of the Madras High Court.

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the employment notification

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