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358 Block Program Manager, Block Community Mobilizer & Various Vacancy – NHM,Madhya Pradesh

Last Date: 25 February,2021
Madhya Pradesh

NHM MP has released an Official Notification for the post of 258 Block Program Manager, Block Community Mobilizer, Block Account Manager & District Hospital Accountant Vacancy For B.Com, MBA, MSW Pass candidates interested in sarkari result NHM MP District and Block Level Contractual Vacancies Online application can apply before 25 February 2021. Please go through this article and follow each tables for full vacancy details, educational qualification, eligibility criteria, pay scale, salary and How to apply National Health Mission Madhya Pradesh NHM District and Block Level Contractual job opening at official website

Employment Notification 358 Block Program Manager, Block Community Mobilizer & Various Vacancy – NHM,Madhya Pradesh

Name of the post– Block Program Manager, Block Community Mobilizer & Various
No of post – 358
Pay Scale – 20000/- ,15000/- (Per Month)

Educational Qualification:
B. Com/ M. Com/ MBA ,MSW/ MA.

Apply to 358 Block Program Manager, Block Community Mobilizer & Various Vacancy – NHM,Madhya Pradesh

General Conditions:

  • Online Applications will be received from date 10.02.2021. The Last Date of submission of the online application is 25.02.2021.
  • The appointment will be purely on a contractual basis for a period of the one-year,renewable subject to the Government of India approval and satisfactory performance. Any claim for absorption in the regular position shall not be entertained in the future.
  • Mission Director, National Health Mission Madhya Pradesh, will have the right to suspend/cancel any application/ entire process without giving any reason.
  • If at any stage of recruitment, it is found that the candidate does not fulfil the eligibility criteria and/or that s/he has furnished incorrect/false information/certificate/documents or has suppressed any material fact(s), his/her candidature will stand cancelled. The decision of the NHM, MP in any matter relating to the recruitment at any stage of the recruitment process will be final and binding upon the candidates.
  • Any candidate against whom a criminal case is considered in the court or has been punished by the court will be disqualified (will not be eligible).
  • Only post qualification experience shall be considered for all the above-mentioned positions.
  • Only post-registration experience shall be considered for the positions having essential criteria of registration with respective councils
  • Only full-time course shall be considered for the above qualifications.
  • Number of positions/ vacancies may vary as per the requirement of NHM MP.
  • Candidate should overview the rules and selection criteria and ensure the eligibility before applying for the positions. If any candidate is found ineligible during the examination phases and/or after the declaration of result and candidate provided details are found wrong, in the event of this candidates’ candidature shall be disqualified at any point in the process.
  • Regarding citizenship and permanent resident: – candidate for the post
    A) be a citizen of India
    B) can be a citizen of Nepal
    C) if ‘B’, certificates has been given under the applicable rules of MP Civil Services Recruitment Rules 1961.
  • The provision of Human Resource Manual 2018 will be applicable for recruitment of contractual vacant post under National Health Mission, Madhya Pradesh.
  • Age Limit: 21-40 Years (Five Years relaxation for ST, SC, OBC and Women (UR/ Reserved Category)
  • 10th passed certificate/ marks sheet shall be a valid/ reference document for the computing of age and other government-approved documents shall also be considered for the calculation of the age of the candidate.
  • Applicants are required to provide all the mandatory information [Marked with * (asterisk) sign] in the application form;
  • Candidates failing to upload prescribed documents in the relevant sections of the Online Application Form, shall be disqualified.
  • The applicants must ensure that all the details are correctly filled and successfully submitted online before the closing date. Applicants should ensure that the Applicant Status on Application Form is “Submitted Successfully”; Half-filled applications shall be treated as incomplete and shall be deemed to be rejected;
  • Incomplete details in application or application submitted without photograph along with signature/supporting documents shall be rejected;
  • Request for change or correction of any information shall not be entertained once the online form is submitted. However, after the publication of the screening outcome, if there would be any query regarding the screening outcome and their status. Candidates shall be given 2-4 days (Depending upon NHM, MP approval) to raise their queries. The screening committee shall reply to the candidates’ queries within four working days of receipt of the query on the online module created for the same. Based on the conclusion of the screening committee, the screening remark of a candidate may change;

Selection Process:

Vacancy Notice 358 Block Program Manager, Block Community Mobilizer & Various Vacancy – NHM,Madhya Pradesh

  • The examination and selection process shall be done in a completely fair and transparent manner. There is no possibility to give any benefit by overruling the process by any individual. If any individual claims about getting any benefit, this is not pragmatic, and candidates should
    be beware of such false claims;
  • For the selection of the above-mentioned positions, MCQ based an Online Written Test (OWT) shall be conducted for all the candidates eligible as per the advertised by Strategic Alliance Management Service Pvt. Ltd. (SAMS HR Agency).
  • Question Paper for examination shall comprise of 100 MCQ questions with the options of four answers. Each question shall be of 1 mark. There shall be no negative marking. For the selection, candidate marks obtained in the online written examination shall be considered to generate merit rank, based on which selection of the candidate shall be done;
  • Minimum passing marks in online written test examination shall be UR/OBC- 40 and SC/ST/EWS/PH for 30. The generation of merit rank and selection of the candidate shall be based on this and State Reservation Policy;
  • According to the above criteria if the required number of candidates falls short than the number of total posts, in the event of this, the Mission Director, NHM, M.P. shall be the competent authority to reduce the minimum passing mark as necessary. In case of a tie in between the two candidates, preference shall be given as per the details mentioned below in descending order:
    (i) Preference shall be given to an elder candidate;
    (ii) Even if tie persist in the case of date of birth of the candidates, the candidate
    obtaining the highest mark in 12th/ Higher Secondary shall be given preference

About Us:

  • Reduction of MMR has been the priority agenda of the State Govt. Madhya Pradesh is showing the steady trend of decline in the MMR which is evident from various survey data. The MMR of MP was 310 in 2010-11 AHS and with the constant decline in MMR, it is now 227 as per AHS 2012-13 and 221 as SRS 2011-13. Mamta Abhiyan phase-I was launched on 11th April 2013 which shows a strong political and programmatic commitment for reduction of MMR. Phase- I focused on strengthening of infrastructure, Human resource, Supportive services at facilities (Drugs, Diet, Diagnostic, cleanliness and security). Subsequently Phase-II was launched on 26 June 2014 to focus on improving quality of services through supportive supervision, Generating awareness among the community through IEC and BCC.
  • MP envisions achieving the goal of reduction of MMR to 100 by 2017 as per the 12th five year plan. Under RMNCH+A, identification of 17 high priority districts (HPDs) which are low performing in terms of process indicators (HMIS) are the focus districts in terms of HR, Infrastructure for achieving overall improvement in health indicators of MP. Analysis at State level has been done and weak areas have been identified for planning district specific interventions for improving the particular area as per RMNCH 5×5 matrix.
  • Background Millennium Development Goal 4 (MDG 4) calls for reducing by two-thirds the mortality rate of children under the age of 5 years, between 1990 and 2015. Almost 90% of all child deaths are attributable to just five conditions: Neonatal Causes, Pneumonia, Diarrhoea, Malaria and Measles. According to SRS 2013, MP has shown highest fall in Neonatal Mortality in the country by 3 points while National fall is by 1 point. Similarly MP has shown highest decline in U-5 mortality this year by 4 points while national decline is 3 points. MP no longer has the dubious distinctions of having highest NMR and U-5 mortality in the country.

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