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367 Office Assistant, Library Attendant, Chobdar & Various Vacancy – Madras High Court,Chennai (Tamil Nadu)

Last Date: 21 April,2021
Madras High Court
Chennai (Tamil Nadu)

High Court of Madras recently released an Official Notification for 367 Office Assistant, Library Attendant, Chobdar & Various Vacancy from 8th pass candidates interested in sarkari result MHC Office Assistant Online application can apply before 21 April 2021. Please go through this article and follow each tables for full vacancy details, educational qualification, eligibility criteria, pay scale, salary and How to apply MHC Office Assistant job opening at official website

Employment Notification 367 Office Assistant, Library Attendant, Chobdar & Various Vacancy – Madras High Court,Chennai (Tamil Nadu)

Name of the post– Office Assistant, Library Attendant, Chobdar & Various
No of post – 367
Pay Scale – 15,700 – 50,000/- Level-1

Educational Qualification:
Pass in VIII (8th) Standard or its equivalent.

Apply to 367 Office Assistant, Library Attendant, Chobdar & Various Vacancy – Madras High Court,Chennai (Tamil Nadu)

General Information:

  • Applications are invited from eligible candidates ONLY THROUGH ONLINE MODE ( for direct recruitment to the posts of (i) CHOBDAR, (ii) OFFICE ASSISTANT, (iii) COOK, (iv) WATERMAN, (v) ROOM BOY (vi) WATCHMAN (vii) BOOK RESTORER and (viii) LIBRARY ATTENDANT in the Madras High Court Service.
  • Applications submitted through WILL ALONE be accepted. Applications submitted through any other mode viz. by post, courier, RPAD, e-mail, hand delivery etc. will not be entertained under any circumstances or for any reason. No correspondence in this regard will be entertained, under any circumstances.
  • Before filling the online application, the applicants are advised to go through the ‘Notification’ and ‘Common Instructions to candidates applying for the posts of ‘Chobdar, Office Assistant etc.’, available in the Recruitment Portal of the High Court, Madras (
  • The candidates are advised to make use of ONLY DESKTOP or LAPTOP to apply for the post online and not to apply through smart phone or tab since the application module is compatible only for desktop or laptop.
  • It is mandatory for all categories of the applicants to register their basic particulars. Then they should proceed to apply online for recruitment to the posts notified in this Notification, by paying prescribed examination fee. The candidate who have already registered for the earlier Notifications issued by the High Court, Madras for the posts of Residential Assistant, Driver and Gardener, if they are willing to apply for this Notification, can use the same login credentials and need not re-register for this Notification. However, the candidates who have registered for the posts of Personal Assistant to the Hon’ble Judges, Personal Assistant to the Registrars and Personal Clerk to the Deputy Registrars and Assistant Programmer, if they are willing to apply for this Notification, should register again for this Notification and then to proceed to apply for the desired post/s. However, fee exempted category of candidates need not pay the examination fee.
  • Mere Registering will not be considered as an application for any Post. The Judicial Recruitment Cell, High Court, Madras will not be responsible for any consequences arising due to furnishing of incorrect and incomplete details in the application or omission to provide therequired details in the application for this recruitment.
  • If the candidate is found not eligible to apply for any post, during the selection process, he / she will be disqualified at any stage of the selection process.
  • In case of candidates who have applied for all the posts notified / more than one post notified, and if they are selected for all/more than one post (as per merit and communal roster), their candidature will be considered in the order of posts notified above. No correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
  • Candidates are required to apply for the desired post / posts only once, to avoid multiple registration/application issues. The Judicial Recruitment Cell, High Court, Madras will not be responsible for the problems arising out of multiple applications submitted by the candidates. Therefore, the candidates are required to exercise caution while applying for the post / posts.
  • The Notification and Common Instructions to the candidates have been made available to the candidates both in English and Tamil. In case of inconsistency between both the versions, the English version will prevail.
  • “Others” [i.e., Candidates not belonging to SCs, SC(A)s, STs, MBCs/DCs, BCs and BCMs] who have put in 5 years of service in the State / Central Government are not eligible to apply, even if they are within the age limit.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 367 Office Assistant, Library Attendant, Chobdar & Various Vacancy – Madras High Court,Chennai (Tamil Nadu)

  • The Madras High Court is the second oldest High Court of India after the Calcutta High Court in Kolkata.It is located in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. The court is one of the three High Courts in India established in the three Presidency Towns of Madras, Bombay and Calcutta by letters patent granted by Queen Victoria, bearing date 26 June 1862. It exercises original jurisdiction over the city of Chennai and appellate jurisdiction over the entire state of Tamil Nadu and Union territory of Puducherry, as well as extraordinary original jurisdiction, civil and criminal, under the letters patent and special original jurisdiction for the issue of writs under the Constitution of India.Covering 107 acres, the court complex is one of the largest in the world, next only to Supreme Court of the United Kingdom, London.
  • It consists of 74 judges and a chief justice who are in charge of the general policy adopted in the administration of justice.In September 2016, the centre government forwarded the names of 15 new judges to the President for his signature on their warrants of appointment. Of the 15, nine are from among lawyers and six from the subordinate judiciary.
  • Justice Sanjib Banerjee is the current Chief Justice of Madras High Court. He assumed office on 4 January 2021.
  • From 1817 to 1862, the Supreme Court of Madras was situated in a building opposite the Chennai Beach railway station. From 1862 to 1892, the High Court was also housed in that building. The present buildings were officially inaugurated on 12 July 1892, when the then Madras Governor, Beilby, Baron Wenlock, handed over the key to the then Chief Justice Sir Arthur Collins.
  • British India’s three presidency towns of Madras (Chennai), Bombay (Mumbai), and Calcutta (Kolkata) were each granted a High Court by letters patent dated 26 June 1862.The letters patent were issued by Queen Victoria under the authority of the British parliament’s Indian High Courts Act 1861. The three courts remain unique in modern India, having been established under British royal charter; this is in contrast with the country’s other high courts, which have been directly established under the Indian Constitution. However, the Constitution of India recognises the status of the older courts.
  • The Madras High Court was formed by merging the Supreme Court of Judicature at Madras, and the Sadr Diwani Adalat. The Court was required to decide cases in accordance with justice, equity and good conscience. The earliest judges of the High Court included Judges Holloway, Innes, and Morgan. The first Indian to sit as a judge of the High Court was Justice T. Muthuswamy Iyer. Other early Indian judges included Justices V. Krishnaswamy Iyer and P. R. Sundaram Iyer.

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