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37 Tutor, Technician & Various Vacancy – BFUHS,Punjab

Last Date:11 January,2021
Baba Farid University of Health Science (BFUHS)

BFUHS Tutor Notification 2021 is open (Advt. No. : 09/2020) and inviting application for the posts of 37 Tutor, Technician & Various Vacancy from 12th, Graduate, M.Sc pass candidates interested in sarkari result BFUHS Tutor Online application can apply before 11 January 2021. Please go through this article and follow each tables for full vacancy details, educational qualification, eligibility criteria, pay scale, salary and How to apply Baba Farid University of Health Science Tutor job opening at official website

Employment Notification 37 Tutor, Technician & Various Vacancy – BFUHS,Punjab

Name of the post – Tutor, Technician & Various
No of post – 37
Pay Scale – As per rules

Educational Qualification:
12th, Graduate, M.Sc.

Apply to 37 Tutor, Technician & Various Vacancy – BFUHS,Punjab

General Conditions:

  • Online applications are invited on or before 11.01.2021 from the eligible candidates for filling up the following vacant posts on Regular basis at University office and its constituent colleges/institution- GGS Medical College & Hospital, Fdk, University Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Fdk, Advanced Cancer Institute, Bathinda, University College of Nursing, Fdk, UION, Jalalabad, SINPMS, Badal, ION University Regional Centre, Goindwal Sahib
  • The applicantion fee
    i) For Sr.No. 01 to 08 & 14 Rs. 1500/-(Rs 750/- for SC/ST) + 18% GST
    ii) For Sr. No. 09 to 13 & 15 Rs. 500/-(Rs 250/- for SC/ST) + 18% GST
  • The University has right to increase or decrease the number of posts at any stage without citing any reason or not to fill any or all the posts.
  • The candidate should not be more than 40 years of age in the case of Assistant Professor, not more than 45 years in case of Associate Professor and not more than 50 years in the case of Professor. In Service candidates i.e. in the case of persons already in regular employment of any department of Punjab Government/ Any State Government/Central Government in India, applying for direct recruitment for all posts shall have 10 years relaxation. For other posts the maximum age is 37 years. Relaxation is upper age limit as per Punjab Govt. Rules.
  • Candidates belong to Ex-Serviceman Category shall be allowed to deduct the period of his service in the Armed Forces of the Union from
    his actual age and if the resultant age does not exceed the maximum age limit prescribed for direct appointment to such vacancy in the concerned service rules, by more than 03 years, he shall be deemed to satisfy the condition regarding the age limit.
  • As per orders of Hon’ble Punjab & Haryana High Court in CWP No 1565 of 2013 (O&M) the existing staff, teaching and/or Non teaching, if otherwise eligible to complete in regular selection will be granted age relaxation by the University to enable them to complete for such regular selection/appointment.
  • Reservation policy as per Pb. Govt,.rules. As per The Punjab Scheduled Castes and Backward Classes ( Reservation in Services) Act 2006– Fifty per cent of the vacancies of the quota reserved for scheduled Castes in direct recruitment, shall be offered to Balmikis and Mazbi Sikhs, if available, as a first preference from amongst the Scheduled Castes.
  • The applicant after filling online application submit hard copy of online application and must accompany self attested copies of certificate for proof of date of birth, marks sheet,degree, experience, residence proof etc at the office of the Registrar, Baba Farid University of Health Sciences, Sadiq Road, Farickot upto 11.01.2021 upto 05:00 PM.
  • Applicant must possess the requisite qualification by the last date of receipt of application.
  • Candidates already in service must route their application Through Proper Channel.
  • Separate application/proforma may be used for each post.
  • For posts mentioned at Sr No. 01 to 05Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor candidate must have knowledge of Punjabi language upto matriculation standard or equivalent and in case he does not, must acquire the same within six month of joining and for others posts candidate must have pass Punjabi Examination upto Matriculation or its equivalent up to the last date of submission of Application i.e 11.01.2021..
  • The candidates who have already applied against Advt. no 4/2019,03/2020,5/2020 for above said posts need not apply again. However any additional information i.e qualification, fresh experience certificate etc. may be sent to the Registrar, BFUHS,Faridkot.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 37 Tutor, Technician & Various Vacancy – BFUHS,Punjab

  • Baba Farid University of Health Sciences was established in July 1998 by Punjab Act No. 18. It is named after Baba Farid, a 12th-century Punjabi sufi, and headquartered in Faridkot.
  • University has about 920 MBBS and 1,070 BDS seats across Punjab.
  • University College of Nursing (UCON) is working towards creation and provision of socially relevant and highly qualified professionals in a wide range of interdisciplinary areas of nursing sciences by providing education to a large number of nursing students from all sections of society in the country.
  • This institute was established as the School of Nursing in Year 1992. In 2001, this School of Nursing was upgraded into the College of Nursing with the intake of 50 seats in the BSc Nursing program. The Government of Punjab incorporated School of Nursing (Upgraded to University College of Nursing) as a constituent college of Baba Farid University of Health Sciences, Faridkot, vide notification number 11 /299/01- 5SS3 /4770 Dated 14.10.2002.
  • BSc Nursing Post Basic Program was started in Year 2006 with the intake of 20 seats, vide letter no. 18-182/2006-INC and later on in the year 2007 seats were increased to annual intake of 35 seats, vide notification 02/JUL/2007-INC. In year 2008, MSc Nursing Program was started with total 10 seats, vide notification 02/MAY/2008-INC (2 seats each in Medical – surgical Nursing, Paediatric Nursing and Obstetrics and Gynaecological Nursing and 4 seats in Community Health Nursing). In year 2010, number of seats were increased to 20. Five in each existing speciality vide notification 166/02/SEP/2010. Two years later in the year 2012, this college started the MSc nursing program in Mental Health (Psychiatric) Nursing to and total seats for MSc increased to 25, vide notification 186/02/JULY/2012.
  • Presently, this institute is running its BSc nursing, Post Basic BSc Nursing, MSc Nursing program in various specialities and a certificate course successfully.

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