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37 University Research Fellowship Vacancy – UNOM,Tamil Nadu

Last Date:01 March,2021
University of Madras (UNOM)
Tamil Nadu

University of Madras (UNOM) will appoint suitable candidates on 37 contractual posts of University Research Fellowship and is looking for applications from suitable candidates to fill these up.Interested and eligible Candidates may apply by 01-03-2021 as per given format. All required documents of qualification, experience, age must be attached with the aplication form.

Employment Notification 37 University Research Fellowship Vacancy – UNOM,Tamil Nadu

Name of the post– University Research Fellowship
No of post – 37
Pay Scale – Rs 7000

Educational Qualification:
Master Degree with 55% marks in concerned/ allied subject.

Apply to 37 University Research Fellowship Vacancy – UNOM,Tamil Nadu

General Information:

  • Applications are invited from the eligible candidates who are currently doing research under non-stipendiary or new candidates willing to do Ph.D., for University Research Fellowship in University Departments.
  • The application forms can be downloaded from the University website Filled in applications with necessary enclosures along with Demand Draft for Rs.200/- drawn in favour of The Registrar, University of Madras” should be sent to the concerned heads of the Departments in the respective campuses.
  • A relaxation of 5% of marks, from 55% to 50%, or an equivalent relaxation of grade, may be allowed for those belonging to SC/ST/Differently-Abled or for those who had obtained their Master’s degree prior to 19th September, 1991.
  • Filled in applications with necessary enclosures along with Demand Draft for Rs200 to the concerned heads of the Departments in the respective campus.
  • Mention your Email and Mobile Number while submitting the applications for further communication
  • The date of interview will be intimated through email only by the concerned Head of the Departments.
  • No TA/DA applicable for attending the interview.
  • Applicants are required to submit separate form for each department.
  • The extended last date for submission of filled-in application is 01-03-2021. The applications received after the last date and applications with incomplete particulars will be summarily rejected.
  • Candidates will be shortlisted for Interviews after initial screening of applications. Therefore candidates must send as many documents in support of age, qualification and experience.
  • Applications are to be sent to :Registrar, University of Madras, Navalar Nagar, Chepauk, Triplicane, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600005.
  • Eligible candidates may apply as per given format and send it with photo copies of all relevant documents of qualification, experience, age and photographs to given address. Application form must reach by 01-03-2021 .Superscribe the envelope properly with post applied for. Candidates may keep a copy of filled in application form for future use.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 37 University Research Fellowship Vacancy – UNOM,Tamil Nadu

  • The Public Petition dated 11-11-1839 initiated the establishment of Madras University. It was in January 1840 with Mr.George Norton as its President, that the University Board was constituted. In 1854 after a lapse of 14 years, the Government of India formulated a systematic educational policy for India and as a sequel to this on 5th September 1857 by an Act of Legislative Council of India, the University was established. The University was organised in the model of London University.
  • Madras University is the mother of almost all the old Universities of south India. The University area of jurisdiction has been confined to three districts of Tamil Nadu in recent years. This is consequent to establishment of various universities in the State and demarcation of the University territories. This University has been growing from strength to strength while widening its teaching and research activities.
  • The Organisational structure of Madras University encompasses :
    The Senate
    The Syndicate
    The Academic Council
    The Faculties
    The Finance Committee
    The Boards of Studies
    His Excellency the Governor of Tamil Nadu is the Chancellor of the University
  • The Vice-Chancellor who is appointed for a term is the Principal Executive Officer. The Registrar of the University, who is the Secretary of the Syndicate, is the custodian of all the records and Chief Administrator of the university. Yet another function, the examinations of the University, is managed by Office of the Controller of Examinations.
  • The University imparts both Under Graduate and Post Graduate Education through the Affiliated Institutions which are spread over the districts of Chennai, Thiruvallur and Kancheepuram. Apart from teaching, research activities in Arts, Humanities, Science, Management and Technology shpae the academic tenor of the University. A number of institutions affiliated to Madras University concentrate on research activities offeringe Ph.D., Programmes in their respective field of specialisation.
  • The University also offers teaching and research programmes in its four campuses. The 68 University Departments of study and research are spread over four campuses organised into 18 Schools each of which offer Post Graduate Courses in respective specialisation, part time and full time Ph.D. Programmes, Diploma and Certificate Programmes.
  • Assessing the need for educating a large number of people in the country, the University offers both Under Graduate and Post Graduate programmes through the Institute of Distance Education. The Institute is popularly called IDE of Madras University. Some of the courses offered by IDE has no parallel in this country to name a few,
  • In 1912 endowments were made to the university to establish departments of Indian History, Archaeology, Comparative Philology and Indian Economics. In that year the university had 17 departments, 30 teachers, and 69 research scholars. Later the research and teaching functions of the university were encouraged by the Sadler Commission and the gains of the university were consolidated by the enactment of the Madras University Act of 1923. About this time, the territorial ambit of the Madras University encompassed from Berhampur of Odisha in the North East, Trivandrum of Kerala in the South West, Bangalore and Mangalore of Karnataka in the West and Hyderabad of Andhra Pradesh in the North.

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the employment notification

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