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385 Clerk/Junior Assistant Vacancy – CRB,Rajasthan

Last Date:30 April,2021
Cooperative Recruitment Board (CRB)

Cooperative Recruitment Board, Rajasthan, Jaipur released an Official Notification for the posts of 385 Clerk/Junior Assistant/Salesman/Godown Keeper/Typist/Cashier/Store keeper in Sahkari Upbhokta Wholesale Bhandars (SUWB) and Kraya Vikraya Sahkari Samities (KVSS) from Graduate pass candidates interested in sarkari result Rajasthan Cooperative Board Clerk Online application can apply before 30 April 2021. Please go through this article and follow each tables for full vacancy details, educational qualification, eligibility criteria, pay scale, salary and How to apply Rajasthan CRB Clerk job opening at official website

Employment Notification 385 Clerk/Junior Assistant Vacancy – CRB,Rajasthan

Name of the post– Clerk/Junior Assistant
No of post – 385
Pay Scale – 11950/- (Per Month)

Educational Qualification:
Graduate form any recognized University.

Apply to 385 Clerk/Junior Assistant Vacancy – CRB,Rajasthan

General Information:

  • Candidates will have to invariably produce and submit the requisite documents such as valid call letter, a photocopy of photo-identity proof bearing the same name as it appears on the online submitted application form etc. at the time of examinations.
  • Before applying for the post, the candidate should ensure that he/she fulfils the eligibility and other norms mentioned in this advertisement. Candidates are therefore advised to read carefully this advertisement and follow all the instructions given for submitting online application.
  • Candidates belonging to SC/ST/BC/MBC/Sahariya and TSP can compete against non-reserved vacancies and be counted against them, in case they have not taken any concession (i.e. age, experience etc.) available to them other than that relating to paymentof examination fee.
  • A Candidate‘s admission to the examination and subsequent processes is strictly provisional. The mere fact that the call letter(s)/ provisional allotment has been issued to the candidate does not imply that his/ her candidature has been finally cleared. SUWB/KVSS /Board would be free to reject any application, at any stage of the process, cancel the candidature of the candidate in case it is detected at any stage that a candidate does not fulfill the eligibility norms and/or that he/she has furnished any incorrect/false information/certificate/documents or has suppressed any material fact(s). If the candidature of any candidate is rejected for any reason according to the terms and conditions of this advertisement, no
    further representation in this regard will be entertained. Such decision shall be final and binding on the candidate. If any of these shortcomings is/are detected after appointment in a SUWB/KVSS, his/her services are liable to be summarily terminated.
  • Decision of SUWB/KVSS/Board in all matters regarding eligibility of the candidate at any stages at which such scrutiny of eligibility is to be undertaken, qualifications and other eligibility norms, the documents to be produced for the purpose of the conduct of Examination, verification etc. and any other matter relating to recruitment will be final and binding on the candidate. No correspondence or personal enquiries shall be entertained by SUWB/KVSS/Board in this behalf.
  • The scribe arranged by the candidate should not be a candidate for the examination. If violation of the above is detected at any stage of
    the process, candidature for recruitment of both the candidate and the scribe will be cancelled.
  • Not more than one application should be submitted by any candidate for one category of post. In case of multiple applications for the same post, only the latest valid (completed) application will be retained and the application fee/ intimation charges paid for the other multiple registration(s) will stand forfeited.
  • Multiple attendance/ appearances in the online examination will be summarily rejected/ candidature cancelled.
  • Online applications once registered will not be allowed to be withdrawn and/or the application fee/ intimation charges once paid will not be refunded nor be held in reserve for any other examination.
  • Any resulting dispute arising out ofthis advertisement including the recruitment process shall be subject to the sole jurisdiction of the Courts situated at Jaipur.
  • Any canvassing or creating influence for undue advantage shall lead todisqualification from the recruitment process.
  • Any request for change of address, details mentioned in the online application form will not be entertained.
  • Any request for change of date, time and venue for online examination will not be entertained.
  • In case any dispute arises on account of interpretation of clauses in any version of this advertisement other than English, the English version available on BOARD website shall prevail.
  • The candidate should ensure that the signatures appended by him/her in all the places viz. in his/her call letter, attendance sheet
    etc. and in all correspondence with the SUWB/KVSS/Board in future should be identical and there should be no variation of any kind. Signature in CAPITAL LETTERS will not be accepted.
  • A recent, recognizable photograph (4.5cm × 3.5cm) should be uploaded by the candidate in the online application form and the candidate should ensure that copies of the same are retained for use at various stages of the process. Candidates are also advised not to change their appearance till the process is completed. Failure to produce the same photograph at various stages of the process or doubt about identity at any stage could lead to disqualification.
  • BOARD shall not be responsible if the information/ intimations do not reach candidates in case of change in the mobile number, email address, technical fault or otherwise, beyond the control of BOARD and candidates are advised to keep a close watch on the authorized BOARD website for latest updates.
  • Order of preference for different SUWB/KVSS has been inbuilt in the online application form. Candidates should necessarily indicate their order of preferences at this stage. No request for change in this regard shall be entertained.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 385 Clerk/Junior Assistant Vacancy – CRB,Rajasthan

  • Cooperative Recruitment Board is a statutory body created under section 29-B of the Rajasthan Cooperative Societies Act, 2001, read with rule 39-A of the Rajasthan Cooperative Societies Rules, 2003; for selection and recommendation for recruitment of the employees of cooperative societies of the State.
  • Cooperative Recruitment Board consists of a Chairperson and two other members as prescribed in rule 39-A of the Rajasthan Cooperative Societies Rules, 2003; which are following, namely:-
  • (i) Additional Registrar–I(Chairman,Cooperative Department,Rajasthan).
    (ii) One nominee of the Registrar,Member,Cooperative Societies,Rajasthan,who shall be an officer having a grade pay not below Rs.7600/-.
    (iii) Director, Rajasthan Institute of Member Secretary,Cooperative Education and Management, Jaipur.
  • The present incumbents of the Board are following:-
    (i) Shri G.L.Swami-Chairman,Additional Registrar–I(Cooperative Department,Rajasthan)
    (ii) Shri Vidyadhar Godara,Member,Monitoring Officer, ICDP (Additional Registrar)
    (iii) Smt. Shilpi Pande-Secretary(Director, Rajasthan Institute of Cooperative Education and Management, Jaipur).

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