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40 Contractual Lecturer Vacancy – DHE,Tripura

Last Date:10 Febuary,2021
Directorate of Higher Education Tripura (DHE)

40 contractual posts of Contractual Lecturer in Directorate of Higher Education Tripura (DHE Tripura) are to be filled from eligible candidates.Interested candidates with required eligibility may send their applications in proper format along with required documents to the given address so that it reaches by 10-02-2021 . Application must be accompanied by required documents of age, qualification and experience.

Employment Notification 40 Contractual Lecturer Vacancy – DHE,Tripura

Name of the post– Contractual Lecturer
No of post – 40
Pay Scale – Rs 20000

Educational Qualification:
1st Class Master Degree in concerned/ allied subject.

Apply to 40 Contractual Lecturer Vacancy – DHE,Tripura

General Condition:

  • A minimum of Bachelor’s Degree or higher in Engineering/ Technology in the relevant branch with First Class or equivalent from AICTE approved Institution.
  • A minimum of First Class Master’s Degree in appropriate subject with First Class or equivalent at Bachelor’s or Master’s level from UGC affiliated Universities.
  • A minimum of First Class in Masters Degree in Business Administration or equivalent from AICTE/UGC affiliated Universities.
  • The selection of suitable candidates shall be made on merit basis as per the API score of the particular discipline observing the reservation status followed by the State Government. The format of application will be available in the website of the Higher Education Department, Tripura.
  • The willing candidates having prescribed qualifications as mentioned at Para-2 above are requested to apply in the format provided in the website mentioned in Para-3, along with one recent passport-size photo including self attested educational qualification certificates (Madhyamik onwards), SC/ST certificate, PRTC and Aadhaar Card latest by’ 10th February, 2021 in all working days from 11 am to 04 pm in the Receipt Section of the Directorate of Higher Education. Tripura. Application incomplete ar,s beyond the stipulated period shall not be entertained.
  • The date of document verification shall be intimated to the applicant in due course of time. No TA & DA will be provided to any of the participant.
  • For other details, please visit departmental website
  • The Director, Information & Cultural Affairs, Agartala, Tripura for kind information and with a request to arrange immediate publication in 3(three) local news paper preferably in Dainik Sambad, Sayandan Patrika and another one of the Local news paper to be published on 23-01-2021. Ten (10)spare copies of the advertisement have been enclosed herewith for necessary action.
  • The Station Director, All India Radio, Agartala for information with a request to arrange broadcasting the matter on three consecutive days.
  • The Station Director Agartala, Doordarshan Kendra, Agartala for information with a request to arrange broadcasting the matter on three consecutive days.
  • Eligible candidates may apply by 10-02-2021 by sending their applications in given format to given address. Make sure to send all related documents of qualification, experience, age and photographs to gain more chances for getting shortlisted for Interviews.
  • Superscribe the envelope properly by the name of post applied for and project name. Keep a copy of application form with yourself for future use.
  • On the basis of performance in Interviews after initial screening of applications.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 40 Contractual Lecturer Vacancy – DHE,Tripura

  • The role of higher education in sustainable economic and social development increase year by year and this will continue over the next decades. Higher education can be seen as a focal point of knowledge and its application, an institution which makes a great contribution to the economic growth and development through fostering innovation and increasing higher skills.
  • The scope of higher education in Tripura started in 1947 with the establishment of Maharaja Bir Bikram College at Agartala. After that, three private Colleges namely – Ramakrishna Mahavidyalaya in Kailashahar, Ramthakur College in Agartala and another College in Belonia, South Tripura District were set up, which were taken over by the State Government in 1982. The students are allowed to study and perform their activities in democratic environments. For opening of new institutions, priority is given to the unserved and underserved Sub-Divisions, Districts and rural areas, where there is demand for enrolment in higher education. In due course of time different General Degree Colleges were set up in Udaipur, Sonamura, Khowai, Sabroom, Amarpur, Fatikroy, Kamalpur, Dharmanagar, LT Valley, Kanchanpur, Teliamura, Bishalgarh, Mohanpur, Santirbazar, Gandacherra, Sub-Divisions and Khumulwng to cater the need of local students. Steps have been taken to set up 7 new General Degree Colleges in Old Agartala, Jirania, Kadamtala, Panisagar, Udaipur, Salema and Karbook areas. There is plan to introduce B.Ed course in four existing General Degree Colleges viz. BBM College, Agartala, Women College, Agartala(for women candidates only), GDC, Dharmanagar and ICV College, Belonia in order to create opportunity to make the candidates eligible for the posts of school teacher.
  • There are 62 institutions of higher learning in the State which are registered under All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE). Out of that 34 Government institutions including one State University is under control of Higher Education Department. Besides there are one private engineering College (Techno India), Two General Degree Colleges run by Holy Cross and Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan and four private B.Ed Colleges run by Bhavans (two), Holy Cross and ICFAI University.
  • A good number of technical and professional institutions have come up, which include National Institute of Technology (NIT), Tripura Institute of Technology (TIT), Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT), two Medical Colleges, Fishery College, Agriculture College, Veterinary College, 6 Polytechnics including one Women’s Polytechnic Institute.
  • The total enrolment in 34 institutions (under Higher Education Deptt.) of higher learning in the State is 49,212 for the year 2018-19. It is found that every year roughly 1,500 to 2,000 intake of students is required to be increased.
  • The Department of Higher Education, Tripura is responsible for the overall development of the basic infrastructure of Higher Education sector, both in terms of policy and planning under a planned development process. The Department looks after expansion of access, equity, increase of GER (at present 21.2 as per AISHE Report, 2017-18) and qualitative improvement in the Higher Education through various Universities, Colleges and other institutions. Further growth of institutions would require lot of planning to make provision for additional infrastructure including additional faculty & support staff to achieve the target of quality education.

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