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449 Draughtsman, Store Keeper, MSW & Various Vacancy – Border Roads Organisation,All India

Last Date:04 May,2021
Border Roads Organisation
All India

Border Roads Organisation has released an Official Notification for the post of 627 Draughtsman, Store Keeper, MSW & Various Vacancy For 10th, 12th, ITI Pass candidates interested in sarkari result BRO Store Keeper application form can apply before 04 May 2021. Please go through this article and follow each tables for full vacancy details, educational qualification, eligibility criteria, pay scale, salary and How to apply BRO Store Keeper job opening at official website

Employment Notification 449 Draughtsman, Store Keeper, MSW & Various Vacancy – Border Roads Organisation,All India

Name of the post– Draughtsman, Store Keeper, MSW & Variousc
No of post – 449
Pay Scale – Level 1, 2,3,4,5

Educational Qualification:
10th, 12th, ITI, Graduate.

Apply to 449 Draughtsman, Store Keeper, MSW & Various Vacancy – Border Roads Organisation,All India

General Instruction:

  • Only Male candidates need to apply. Female candidates need not to apply.
  • A candidate must be either:-
    (i) a citizen of India, OR
    (ii) a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Government of India.
  • Centre for Physical Efficiency Test & Practical Test (Trade Test) and Written Test – All tests would be conducted at GREF Centre, Dighi Camp, Alandi Road, Pune – 411015, however in case of any administrative constraints the tests may be held in an de-centralized manner. The candidates would be allocated centre close to the place of their residence as per address in application (discretion of department would be final for allotment of the centre).
  • All applications quoting the Advertisement No, date and post applied for should be submitted to Commandant, GREF CENTRE, Dighi Camp, Pune – 411 015 through Registered post alongwith acknowledgment.
  • Candidate must ensure that they fulfill the entire requirement such as physical standards, Medical standards, educational/ technical criteria,
    experience, age and other requisite essential criteria for particular post before filling the application form.
  • The candidates should have the requisite educational/technical qualifications and other requisite essential eligibility criteria for specified trade
    from recognized university/institute for Central Govt. jobs AS ON THE CLOSING DATE OF SUBMISSION OF THE APPLICATION. Those awaiting
    results of the final examination need not apply. Commandant, GREF Centre may reject the candidature of the candidates at any stage of recruitment process in case the candidate is not fulfilling the requisite criteria and if appointed, such candidates are liable to be terminated/ removed from service summarily.
  • Candidate should submit the application in prescribed format only and must sign at the prescribed places. Application should be on good quality A4
    size bond (75 GSM) paper using one side only. News Paper cutting should not be used as application. The candidates purchasing printed applications from the market should ensure that it confirms to the prescribed format published in the Employment News. The candidates can also make photocopy of the application format as given in the Employment News/Rozgar Samachar and then fill up the details. They can also download the application format from the website of The candidates should send their application well in advance before the closing date. Commandant GREF CENTRE will not be responsible for any postal delay/wrong delivery of the application etc.
  • Candidates should note that only the date of birth as recorded in the 10 th Class/High School examination certificates as on the date of submission
  • Serving defence personnel likely to be released from service within one year from the closing date can also apply against Ex-servicemen vacancies.
  • Call letters for Physical Efficiency Test and Practical Test (Trade Test) will be sent to the candidates by post and the same can also be seen on BRO
    web site Commandant, GREF Centre will not be responsible for any postal delay/ wrong delivery of call letters. Issuing of call
    letters are provisional subject to being found eligible in all respect. Results of qualified candidates for various stages of recruitment and all important dates of important recruitment activities and venue will be displayed on the website of
  • Candidates will be initially selected based on Provisional Merit List in Written Test only and candidates will be screened for further recruitment
    process based on written marks for physical and practical trade tests. The candidates will be called for medical examination after declassification of the final merit list for the candidates qualifying the physical and practical trade test. Those candidates, who have been declared FIT in Medical Examination and meeting all criteria, will have to undergo training at GREF Centre, Pune for specified period.
  • The candidates who indicate their category as SC or ST or OBC in their application form must enclose the caste certificate as per Central Govt format.
  • The candidates who indicate their category as EWSs must enclosed income and asset certificate in prescribed format.
  • Candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC & EWSs who have applied for any trade in their respective categories must not apply separately against UR vacancies since at the time of preparing Combined Merit List their names will be automatically upgraded in UR category if they meet cut off marks of UR category and fulfill other UR category criteria (only while considering Final Merit list).
  • SC/ST/OBC & EWSs candidates who fulfill required educational qualification / technical qualification under UR category can also apply against
    UR vacancies, in case no vacancies exist in their respective category against this advertisement. However, no relaxation in age and application fees would be permissible to them.
  • Any subsequent changes in the terms and conditions of this Advertisement as per extent rules will stand good. Commandant, GREF
    Centre reserves the right to consider/ incorporate any subsequent changes/ modifications/additions in the terms and conditions of recruitment process under this Advertisement if necessitated due to any administrative constraints or otherwise as applicable.
  • All candidates will undergo Written Test as mentioned at Appendix ‘A’ and will be screened/selected for further Physical Efficiency Test & Practical
    Test (Trade Test), in which the Physical Efficiency Test & Practical Test (Trade Test) are qualifying in nature. The final merit will be derived based on
    the marks in the written exam subject to candidate qualifying the Physical Efficiency Test & Practical Test (Trade Test). There is no weightage of marks of the Physical Efficiency Test & Practical Test towards final selection of candidates. Passing of Physical Efficiency Test and Practical Test (Trade
    Test) is mandatory for final selection for all the trades.

How To Apply:

Vacancy Notice 449 Draughtsman, Store Keeper, MSW & Various Vacancy – Border Roads Organisation,All India

  • Application will be filled up in English/Hindi only.
  • No candidate will send more than one application for the same post. The candidature may be cancelled, if candidate applies more than one
    application for one post.
  • Candidate should affix latest photograph in application form and Admit Card. The candidate should be in possession of adequate number (Min 08) of photographs with him.
  • If a candidate has changed his name or dropped or added part of his name after Matriculation/SSC/Hr Secondary/Sr Secondary he will be required
    to submit, an attested copy of Gazette Notification to the effect that he has changed his name after matric or otherwise for appearing in further
    recruitment process. The changed name should also have been indicated in the Gazette Notification.
  • Candidates are advised to go through the general instructions carefully as mentioned against Advt No. 02/2021. Candidate should carefully go
    through all the provisions in the advertisement to ensure that he is eligible for the post for which he is applying in terms of requirements of age, educational qualification etc. AS ON CLOSING DATE.
  • Copies of certificates for proof of residence, essential educational qualification, date of birth, caste certificate, proof of EWSs status etc should
    be enclosed with application form. All testimonial copies be attested by Gazetted Officer or self attested. The caste certificate for SC/ST/OBC and
    EWSs income & assets certificate should be as per format at Appendix ‘B’, ‘C’ & ‘D’ respectively. SC/ST/OBC and EWSs Certificate (date of issue
    should not be older than one year as on closing date for OBC and EWSs Candidates), should be signed by competent authority and should have
  • PROOF OF RESIDENCE ISSUED BY THE COMPETENT AUTHORITY. Gorkhas of Indian domicile will produce Permanent Residence Certificate (PRC) issued by the competent authority.

    About Us:

  • The Border Roads Organisation (BRO) is a road construction executive force in India that provides support to and is a part of the Indian Armed Forces. BRO develops and maintains road networks in India’s border areas and friendly neighboring countries. This includes infrastructure operations in 19 states and three union territories (including Andaman and Nicobar Islands) and neighboring countries such as Afghanistan, Bhutan, Myanmar, Tajikistan and Sri Lanka. As of 2015, BRO had constructed about 50,000 kilometres (31,000 mi) of roads, over 400 permanent bridges with a total length of over 40,000 metres (25 mi) length and 19 airfields in strategic locations. BRO is also tasked with maintaining this infrastructure including operations such as snow clearance.BRO is instrumental in significantly upgrading and building new India-China Border Roads.
  • Officers from the Border Roads Engineering Service (BRES) and personnel from the General Reserve Engineer Force (GREF) form the parent cadre of the BRO. It is also staffed by officers and troops drawn from the Indian Army’s Corps of Engineers on extra regimental employment (on deputation). The Indian Army Pioneer Corps are attached to BRO task forces. BRO is also included in the Order of Battle of the Armed Forces, ensuring their support at any time.
  • The BRO was formed on 7 May 1960 to secure India’s borders and develop infrastructure in remote areas of the north and north-east states of the country.[7] In order to ensure coordination and expeditious execution of projects, the Government of India set up the Border Roads Development Board (BRDB) with the Prime Minister as Chairman of the Board and Defence Minister as Deputy Chairman. Today, the board exercises the financial and other powers of a Department of Government of India and is chaired by the Minister of State for Defence (Raksha Rajya Mantri, RRM). Among others, Chief(s) of Army and Air Staff, Engineer-in-Chief, Director General Border Roads (DGBR), FA(DS) are members of the BRDB. The Secretary of the Board exercises the powers of Joint Secretary to the Government of India. The executive head of the BRO is the DGBR who holds the rank of Lieutenant General.[8] In a bid to boost border connectivity, BRO has been entirely brought under the Ministry of Defence in 2015. Earlier it received funds from the Ministry of Surface Transport under the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways.
  • The BRO consists of Border Roads Wing under the Ministry of Defense and the General Reserve Engineer Force (GREF). Officers are selected through the Indian Engineering Services (IES) Examination conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). Few officers are also deputed from Indian Army Corps of Engineers, who are posted to GREF on ERE. The GREF includes civil engineers, mechanical engineers, administrative officers and medical officers.

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