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45 Instrument Mechanic Vacancy – GSECL,Gujarat

Last Date:19 January,2021
Gujarat State Electricity Corporation Limited (GSECL)

GSECL Instrument Mechanic Notification 2021 is open and inviting application for the post of 45 Instrument Mechanic Vacancy For Diploma candidates interested in sarkari result GSECL Instrument Mechanic application can apply before 19 January 2021. Please go through this article and follow each tables for full vacancy details, educational qualification, eligibility criteria, pay scale, salary and How to apply Gujarat State Electricity Corporation Limited GSECL Instrument Mechanic job opening at official website

Employment Notification 45 Instrument Mechanic Vacancy – GSECL,Gujarat

Name of the post – Instrument Mechanic
No of post – 45
Pay Scale – 26000 – 56600/-

Educational Qualification:

Apply to 45 Instrument Mechanic Vacancy – GSECL,Gujarat

General Conditions:

  • Candidates who have passed/completed their Diploma on the date of application and meeting with all the criteria may only apply.
  • Candidates are required to apply On-line Application only through
  • The candidates shall have to generate application number by registering on line by filling up the On-line Application Form and follow step by step instructions.
  • The link for On-line Application will open from 30.12.2020. Interested candidates meeting with above criteria may apply “On-line” on or before 19.01.2021 before 06.00 P.M.
  • Candidates are requested to apply only if they are fulfilling requisite criteria. Since, we are not seeking all the documents at the time of application;
    candidate has to doubly ensure that he fulfills all the requisite criteria. All the documents of selected Candidates shall be verified at appropriate stage and if found not fulfilling any criteria, his candidature shall be cancelled immediately and his shortlisting in selection list shall not be a ground for claiming employment/ recruitment.
  • Candidates who have completed all the tasks of On-line Application process shall only be considered for further selection process. However, mere
    submission of application does not guarantee the adequacy of candidature for being considered for further selection process.
  • All Candidates must have to follow the guidelines of GoG & GoI for social distancing & other pertaining to COVID-19 which is published from time to
    time by Government.
  • The question paper for the exam shall be consisting of 100 questions and the paper shall be of 100 marks. There shall be negative marking system and 1/4th mark for each wrong answer shall be deducted to arrive at total marks scored.
  • If applications are received in large number then examination will be held in multiple batches/sessions and candidates’ scores shall be normalized as per Normalization formula attached herewith.
  • The Management reserves the right to short-list, select and reject any candidates for exam as the case may be for selection.
  • As per GSO-3 the minimum eligibility cut off marks for selection will be 50 and above marks for unreserved & EWS and 45 and above marks for reserved candidates. If exam is held in multi-session, marks shall be considered after normalization. The selection will be made purely on the basis of merit considering available vacancies and reservation rules.
  • 5% marks (of secured marks in Exam) over and above actual marks secured shall be added in case of Widow Female Candidates. The widow female
    candidate, if remarried shall not be given advantage of grace of 5 % marks.Further, the widow candidates shall categorically state so and inform if they are remarried with necessary documentary proofs.
  • While preparing selection list, if two or more candidates found with equal marks in Exam, they will be kept in merit according to their date of birth i.e. elder will be kept in priority to younger and if the date of birth is also found same, then they will be kept in priority according to alphabet seniority of name.
  • The Selection List as and when required as per the vacancy position shall be drawn from result published. The result published shall be valid for the period of one year from the date of publication.
  • The selection for the above posts will be on the basis of marks obtained in Exam and subject to reservation rules, documents verification and preemployment medical examination.
  • The Management reserves the right to cancel the Selection List at any time at its sole discretion, without assigning any reasons thereof.
  • The vacancies shall arise throughout the year and the appointment is subject to requirement as per roster point applicable from time to time during the year.
  • The candidates shortlisted for Exam on the basis of their “On-line Applications” shall be required to submit photocopies of all the relevant
    certificates and subsequently, the original certificates for verification as and when required and if not submitted within prescribed time limit; their
    candidature will be considered invalid.
  • The candidates who have been given grades in their result shall have to submit a certificate issued by their University/Institute specifying percentage equivalent to the grades obtained by them along with decimals.
  • The candidates working in Government / Semi Government or PSU Organization shall have to produce “NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE”
    from the concerned organization at the time of documents verification, failing which, their candidature will be rejected.
  • If the selected candidate working in any company or organization, he/she shall have to produce relieving letter from the previous employer at the time of resuming his/her duty, failing which, his/her appointment order shall stand cancelled.
  • For any query you may contact on our Help Desk No. 022 – 62507720 which will be available between 10 am to 6 pm on working days. You may also
    send an E-mail for your query on

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 45 Instrument Mechanic Vacancy – GSECL,Gujarat

  • Gujarat State Electricity Corporation Limited (GSECL) is a wholly owned subsidiary company of the Gujarat Electricity Board (GEB), which came into existence in August 1993 after the unbundling of the GEB. It is a power generation company working in the territory of Gujarat, India. It delivers electricity through four distribution companies – DGVCL, MGVCL, PGVCL and UGVCL.
  • Gujarat State Electricity Corporation Limited was incorporated in August 1993 with the objectives to mobilize resources from the market for adding to the generating capacity of Gujarat and improving the quality and cost of existing generation.
  • GSECL is involved in a wide spectrum of activities to improve the electricity infrastructure and generation of power in Gujarat and has the status of Independent Power Producer (IPP) with approval to undertake new power projects. The Company commenced its commercial operation in the year 1998.
  • As a part of the reform process, the Government of Gujarat has unbundled the various functions of GEB and GSECL was given responsibility of electricity generation.
  • GSECL was notified as State Generating Power Plant by Government of Gujarat on 29 May 2004 with the purpose of improving efficiency in the state’s electricity generation activities.

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