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482 Apprentice Vacancy – IOCL,All India

Last Date:22 November,2020
Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL)
All India

IOCL Apprentice Recruitment 2020 is open (Advt. No. : PL/HR/ESTB/APPR-2020) and inviting application for the posts of 482 Apprentices in Technical and Non-Technical trades at its Pipelines Division from 12th, Diploma, Graduate pass candidates interested in sarkari result IOCL Apprentice Online application can apply before 22 November 2020. Please go through this article and follow each tables for full vacancy details, educational qualification, eligibility criteria, pay scale, salary and How to apply IOCL Apprentice job opening at official website

Employment Notification 482 Apprentice Vacancy – IOCL,All India

Name of the post – Apprentice
No of post – 482
Pay Scale – As per Apprenticeship Rules

Educational Qualification:
ITI, Graduate, Diploma.

Apply to 482 Apprentice Vacancy – IOCL,All India

General Information:

  • Candidates are advised to carefully read the full advertisement for details of eligibility criteria and selection modalities before submission of application.
  • The cut-off date for age, qualification etc. shall be 30.10.2020 .
  • The candidates shall be shortlisted for the Written Test purely based on the information furnished by them in online portal. Candidates are, therefore, advised to furnish the correct information in the online application portal. At any stage of selection process, if it is found that the information furnished by the candidate in online portal is not true or incorrect, the candidature of the candidate shall be summarily rejected.
  • Candidates who are short-listed for Written Test, shall have to download their Admit Cards for appearing in the Written Test through online portal only on the notified date. Admit Cards shall not be sent by post.
  • The candidates should NOT have undergone Apprenticeship earlier or pursuing Apprenticeship Training as per the Apprentices Act, 1961, as amended from time to time.
  • Candidates, who had training or job experience for a period of one year or more after the attainment of these qualifications, shall NOT be eligible for being engaged as Technician Apprentice.
  • The applicant for the position should NOT have completed three years after passing of the qualifying examination as on the cut-off date of eligibility i.e. 30.10.2020. In case the date of Declaration of result is not mentioned in the Mark Sheet, the candidate must submit a certificate mentioning the date of publication of result from the Principal of the Polytechnic / College / Institute from where the candidate pursued his Diploma course at the time of Document Verification before the Joining.
  • The Corporation shall have no obligation to offer regular employment to Apprentices during and/or after the completion of the apprenticeship period. After successful completion of Apprenticeship period, candidates shall be relieved from Indian Oil Corporation, Pipelines Division.
  • Any corrigendum/addendum etc. or updates with regard to this advertisement shall be made available on our website and only. Candidates are thus advised to periodically visit our above websites as all future correspondence and latest
    information with regard to written test shall be available only on our website and/ or the email provided by the candidate during application process.
  • All the candidates are advised to keep the printout of the online application form for reference for downloading Admit Card from IOCL website .
  • Candidates are required to bring one ID proof in ORIGINAL – anyone from among Aadhar Card/PAN Card/Voter ID Card/Driving License/Passport –along with Admit Card at the time of Written Test.
  • Candidates without Admit Card and proof of ID as stated herewith will not be allowed to take the Written Test.
  • The candidate has to bring all original certificates/testimonials/ mark sheets along with a passport size photograph and self-attested copies of certificates/mark sheets for checking at the time of document verification. In case it is detected during document verification that a candidate does not fulfil the eligibility norms and/or that he/she has furnished any incorrect/doctored/false information/certificate/documents or has suppressed any material fact(s), his/her candidature will stand cancelled.
  • SC/ST/OBC (NCL-non-creamy layer) candidates applying for Unreserved (UR) seat shall be considered subject to their fulfilling the standards, qualification criteria as applicable to candidates belonging to General category.
  • Candidates registered with Local/ State/Special Employment Exchange (s) or with Apprentice Boards/agencies such as BOAT, RDAT, NSDC offline or online, and meeting the prescribed eligibility criteria, are required to apply online at, failing which their candidature will not be considered.
  • Caste/Tribe/Disability/EWS certificate is to be produced by reserved category candidates in the format prescribed by the Govt. and issued by Competent Authority before their joining, at the time of document verification, if they get selected for engagement.
  • For claiming the benefit of OBC category, the candidate should submit a latest OBC certificate in the proforma prescribed by Govt. of India, which would, among others, specifically mention that the candidate does not belong to the persons/sections (creamy layer) as mentioned in column 3 of the schedule to the Department of Personnel & Training, Government of India OM No. 36012/22/93-Estt.(SCT) dated 08.09.1993. Candidates belonging to OBC category but falling in creamy layer are not entitled to OBC reservation benefits. Further, name of OBC caste mentioned in the certificate should fall in the central list of OBCs of the respective State and non-creamy layer status should be valid as on 31.10.2019.
  • For claiming the benefit applicable to Economically Weaker Section Category (EWS), candidates have to produce valid Income and Asset Certificate issued by the Competent Authority , in the prescribed format, failing which such candidates would be considered as General Category. The
    format for EWS Income and Asset Certificate is available under the Downloads section of

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 482 Apprentice Vacancy – IOCL,All India

  • Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL), d/b/a IndianOil is an Indian public sector oil and gas company headquartered in New Delhi.It is the largest commercial oil company in the country, with a net profit of 19,106 crore (US$2.848 billion) for the financial the year 2016–17.It is ranked 1st in Fortune India 500 list for year 2016 and 117th in Fortune Global 500 list of world’s largest companies in the year 2019.As of 31 March 2017 IndianOil’s employee strength is 33,135, out of which 16,545 are in the officer cadre.It is India’s largest downstream oil company, with a workforce of more than 33,000 employees, a turnover of 5,06,428 crore and a net profit of 21,346 crore in 2017–18.
  • IndianOil’s business interests overlap the entire hydrocarbon value-chain, including refining, pipeline transportation, marketing of petroleum products, exploration and production of crude oil, natural gas and petrochemicals.
  • IndianOil has ventured into alternative energy and globalisation of downstream operations. It has subsidiaries in Sri Lanka (Lanka IOC),Mauritius (IndianOil (Mauritius) Ltd) and the Middle East (IOC Middle East FZE).
  • In May 2018, IOCL become India’s most profitable state-owned company for the second consecutive year, with a record profit of 21,346 crores in 2017–18, followed by Oil and Natural Gas Corporation, whose profit stood at 19,945 crores.In February 2020, the company signed a deal with the Russian oil company Rosneft to buy 40,000 barrels per day of crude in year 2020.From 1 April 2020, The Indian Oil is in absolute readiness to launch BS-VI (Bharat Stage VI) fuels in all its retail outlets in Telangana and adopt world-class emission norms.

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