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49 Project Assistant, Project Scientist and Various Vacancy – NML,Jharkhand

Last Date:03 December,2020
National Metallurgical Laboratory (NML)

National Metallurgical Laboratory (NML) is inviting eligible candidates to apply online for 49 contractual posts of Project Assistant, Project Scientist and Various.Interested and Eligible Candidates may apply online by 03-12-2020 , after making sure that they meet the concerned eligibility criteria. All personal and educational details must be mentioned properly.

Employment Notification 49 Project Assistant, Project Scientist and Various Vacancy – NML,Jharkhand

Name of the post – Project Assistant, Project Scientist and Various
No of post – 49
Pay Scale – Rs 20000,Rs 18000,Rs 25000 – 31000,Rs 67000

Educational Qualification:
BSc /BSc /MSc/ BTech.

Apply to 49 Project Assistant, Project Scientist and Various Vacancy – NML,Jharkhand

General Instruction:

  • On- line interview will be held at CSIR-NML, Burmamines, Jamshedpur for drawing a panel of suitable candidates for engagement on purely temporary basis as Project Staff at different levels depending on the current and future requirements of various projects. Details are given below.
  • Interested candidates (Indian Nationals Only) fulfilling the criteria towards age, educational qualifications etc. as detailed above may apply as per the instructions given below in Terms & Conditions.
  • Age relaxation 5 years in case of SC/ST/OBC/PWD and Women candidates.
  • Tenure of appointment in CSIR-NML under one or more projects will be co-terminus with the tenure of the respective projects.
  • All of the above positions are purely temporary and on contract basis. It would, therefore, not confer any right/claim, implicit or explicit, for consideration/absorption against any Permanent post of CSIR-NML/CSIR.
  • All of the above positions are purely temporary and on contract basis. It would, therefore, not confer any right/claim, implicit or explicit, for consideration/absorption against any Permanent post of CSIR-NML/CSIR.
  • The Government strives to have a workforce that reflects gender balance, and women candidates are encouraged to apply.
  • Date & Time of Interview (Online): will be notified through e-mail.
  • Registration (Online): Candidates applying against the above Post Codes are required to register on-line (For details, please visit CSIR-NML website). The online registration opens at 10:00 a.m. on 18-11-2020 and close at 06:00 p.m. on 03-12-2020.
  • If the number of candidates registered online for Interview is very high, then the Candidates will be shortlisted by a screening committee based on academic qualification and/or experience. In case of short listing is done by screening committee, then the committee will adopt its own criteria for bringing down the number of candidates to be called for interview. All shortlisted candidates will be provided link for attending the interview which will be held through online mode (SKYPE/Google Meet/video conference etc). The link will be provided separately.
  • The candidates are advised to fill up the information in the online registration from carefully and correctly. All the certificates to be uploaded as single PDF [not more than 3 MB] in the application.
  • Any false information may lead to ban in appearing any future recruitment / engagement process in CSIR-NML and the same may be informed to other CSIR labs/Institutes, other Government Organisations / agencies also
  • The number and levels of positions may increase or decrease at the time of actual selection or may be cancelled also. The engagement is for various time-bound projects viz., Grant-in-Aid / Sponsored Projects / In-house projects etc. which is co-terminus with the projects and may be extended or curtailed depending on the duration of the Projects, satisfactory performance/conduct of the appointee. It is not a regular appointment,temporary or otherwise and therefore it does not entitle the incumbent(s) any claim, implicit or explicit on anyCSIR/CSIR-NML post.
  • Candidates are advised to constantly keep on visiting CSIR-NML Website at for any update/change in the matter.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 49 Project Assistant, Project Scientist and Various Vacancy – NML,Jharkhand

  • In 1944, the then Government released 10 million (US$140,200) to set up National Physical Laboratory, National Chemical Laboratory and National Metallurgical Laboratory (NML). This was seen as a step by the Government to develop industry in pre-independent India, and also as an incentive to private firms to support industrial research. As a result, the Tata Trust promised to donate 1.17 million (US$16,000) to NML.A year later, Ardeshir Dalal – the then member of planning and development for the government – confirmed the location of NML to be Jamshedpur.In 1946, the governing body approved the final plans for NML. As per that, the laboratory was to be set up with an initial capital expenditure of ₹4.28 million (US$60,000).
  • On 21 November 1946, Honorable Mr. C. Rajagopalachari laid the foundation stone of the laboratory in front of representatives from the iron and steel industry.Dr. George Sachs, an American metallurgist was appointed as the first director of the laboratory.Since October 1949, the technological block of the laboratory started functioning effectively.On 26 November 1950, the country’s first prime minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru inaugurated the laboratory.This was followed by a two-day conference that was held in the presence of the directors of National Physical Laboratory, National Chemical Laboratory, Central Road Research Laboratory, Fuel Research Institute, NML and Central Glass and Ceramic Research Laboratory. The conference noted the essential articles that were not produced in the country, but will be required during emergencies.

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