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50 Driver & Grade IV Vacancy – DHS,Assam

Last Date:16 December,2020
Directorate of Health Services (DHS)

DHS Assam Driver Notification 2020 is open (HSE/APPTT/68/2019/7970) and inviting application for the posts of 50 Driver & Grade IV Vacancy from 8th, 10th pass candidates interested in sarkari result DHS Assam Driver Online application can apply before 16 December 2020. Please go through this article and follow each tables for full vacancy details, educational qualification, eligibility criteria, pay scale, salary and How to apply Directorate of Health Services, Assam Driver job opening at official website

Employment Notification 50 Driver & Grade IV Vacancy – DHS,Assam

Name of the post – Driver & Grade IV
No of post – 50
Pay Scale – 14000 – 60500/-

Educational Qualification:
Applicant must read upto Class X and must have valid four wheeler driving license (LMV) issued by the district transport authority, govt of Assam / Minimum Class-VIII Passed.

Apply to 50 Driver & Grade IV Vacancy – DHS,Assam

General Conditions:

  • Online applications are invited from intending eligible Indian citizens as defined in Article 5 to 8 of the Constitution of India for filling up the posts of Driver & Grade-1V in the newly created districts of South Salmara Mankachar, Majuli, Charaideo, Hojai and Biswanath under the establishment of Directorate of Health Services, Assam, Hengrabari, Guwahati-36, as shown below. The online applications will be available in the Directorate of Health Services, Assam official website ( w.e.f. 7th December, 2020 to 16th December, 2020 till midnight.
  • Reservation of posts for SC / ST (P) / ST (H) / OBC (MOBC) / EWS (Economically Weaker Section) / Women Candidates and Differently-abled (DIVYANG) candidates will be as per prevailing Government rules / norms.
  • Candidate should not be less than 18 years and not above 40 years of age as on 01.01.2020
    The upper age limit in relaxable for 3 years for OBC and 5 years for SC, ST (P), ST (H) Candidates only.
  • No fee is required to be paid.
  • The number of posts may likely to increase or decrease depending upon the number of vacancies.
  • Interested candidates shall have to fill up the online Application Forms available at the official website of the Directorate of Health Services, Assam (
  • The following documents in original will have to be produced at the time of document verification and photocopies of all certificates etc. are to be submitted:
    (a)2 (two) copies of recent passport size color photograph duly self-attested.
    (b)Birth Certificate for age proof.
    (c)Class-VIII passed certificate.
    (d)Caste certificate (wherever applicable)
    (e)Permanent residentship certificate / Domicile certificate (if any)
    (f)Person with Disability Certificate / Differently Abled Certificate (if any)
    (g)Employment Exchange Registration Certificate.
    (h)Economically Weaker Section (EWS) Certificate (wherever applicable).
    (i)Valid Driving License Certificate (wherever applicable).
  • The details of selection test shall be notified in due course of time and shall be displayed in the office website as well as in the leading daily newspapers of the State.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 50 Driver & Grade IV Vacancy – DHS,Assam

  • Directorate of Health Services, Assam is commited to provide preventive, promotive, curative,and quality health services at an affordable price to the people of Assam.Directorate of Health Services (DHS) has an important role in the provision and administration of health services and in order to raise the quality, extend accountability and deliver the services fairly, effectively and courteously.
  • Duty & Works:- Appointment, transfer, Promotion, Pension, etc of staff. issue & receipt. High court Case matters and appointment of Gr. IV & Driver, etc.
  • In the year 1912, the erstwhile British Government brought the health service in the state of Assam to an organized state for its proper functioning with a view to extend health service to the people.
  • The British Government at the beginning established the health services department on two wings (1) Curative Side (2) Preventive side. As the department was placed under head of the department, the curative side of the health services was placed under a head of Department, the nomenclature of the post was INSPECTOR GENERAL of civil hospitals and prisons [This nomenclature of the post is still visible in the Fundamental Rule]. Since inception of the post of Inspector General of Civil Hospital, the prison administration was under the control of the IGCH.
  • The preventive side of the Health Service was put under another Head of the Department and the nomenclature of the post was Director of Public health.
  • The two heads of departments as stated above continued to function till 1958.
  • The activities of the two heads of department have been enumerated below. The Inspector of General civil Hospital and Prisons was responsible for running of Hospitals at District and sub-divisional Headquarters of the state. The hospitals covers both outdoor and indoor services. Some dispensaries for extending outdoor treatment facilities also established under the Inspector General Civil Hospitals and prisons.
  • As for the curative side under the Director of Public Health, only preventive measures were undertaken on occurrences of epidemic, cholera, kalazar, small-pox, TB Leprosy etc.
  • Directorate of Health Services, Assam is commited to provide preventive, promotive, curative and quality health services at an affordable price to the people of Assam.Directorate of Health Services (DHS) has an important role in the provision and administration of health services and in order to raise the quality, extend accountability and deliver the services fairly, effectively and courteously.

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