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Junior Research Fellow JRF Recruitment in ICAR-CAZRI

ICAR Recruitment

F. NO. Div-V/MOFPI/2020-21 Dated: 22-08-2020


Applications are invited from eligible candidates for one post of JRF purely on contractual basis at a consolidated monthly emoluments of Rs 31000+HRA under Ministry of Food Processing Industries, New Delhi funded project ‘Development of value chain for multi-purpose commercial utilization of selected arid fruits at CAZRI, Jodhpur.

Employment Notification Junior Research Fellow JRF Recruitment in ICAR-CAZRI

Essential qualification: Food Technology/Food science

Desirable Qualification:- Experience in laboratory work in nutrient analysis/ bio active component analysis/ spray drying/encapsulation work, Excellent knowledge of statistical software’s Full details are requested to see on website and send applications in prescribed format along with scanned copy of the original documents only through email to on or before 11- 09-2020 (up to 4:30 pm). After screening of applications the eligible candidates will be informed by email or over phone and also on website of ICAR-CAZRI (2TUhttp://www.cazri.res.inU2T) for further details regarding interview.

Apply to Junior Research Fellow JRF Recruitment in ICAR-CAZRI


JRF Recruitment in ICARApplication are invited to attend Interview (in-person / online through video conferencing) for the post of Junior Research Fellow under MOFPI, Government funded project ‘Development of value chain for multi-purpose commercial utilization of selected arid fruits’ up to 30P thP may, 2023 or co-terminus of project whichever is earlier on purely contractual basis at ICAR-CAZRI, Jodhpur, as mentioned below. Owing to the prevailing COVID-19 crisis, candidate may choose for interview either in person or through online process. The eligible candidates (appearing in-person as well as online mode) are requested to send their application in the enclosed Application form along with scanned copy of the original documents only through email to on or before 11th September, 2020 (up to 4:30 P.M.). Application received after due date & time will not be considered for screening. After screening the applications, the eligible candidates will be informed by email or over phone/ email for further details regarding interview. Original documents of the candidates appearing interview in-person will be verified on the date of interview and for the candidates appearing online interview will be verified at a later stage. The interview will be conducted by personal appearance at ICAR-CAZRI, Jodhpur through video conferencing. The candidate may also appear for the interview personally, if allowed by the Government Authorities. ICAR-CAZRI will not be responsible if any candidate is not allowed by the authorities to attend the interview.

Vacancy Notice Junior Research Fellow JRF Recruitment in ICAR-CAZRI


  • The interview for the above posts will be conducted through in- person at ICAR –CAZRI, Jodhpur/ online through video conferencing (Scheduled date & time which will be intimated later on through phone/email/whatsApp or uploaded on institute website ).
  • The interview will be conducted by strictly following COVID 19 guidelines given by Rajasthan state government / Government of India. All the candidates should follow the COVID 19 guidelines as such, if any deviation will not be allowed to attend the interview. No candidates will be allowed to enter ICARCAZRI campus without mask.
  • Only Indian citizens are eligible for appearing in the online/ Walk-in-interview.
  • Candidate may choose the option of interview either in-person or online video conferencing.
  • Age limit: Maximum age is 35 years with relaxation in case of SC/ST/OBC/Women as per existing rules as on last date of submission of application through email.
  • Period of contract service Up to 30th April, 2023 or co-terminus of project whichever is earlier.
  • The above positions are purely temporary basis and co terminus with the project subject to satisfactory performance. The selected candidates shall have no right/claim for regular appointment or absorption at ICAR-CAZRI at any point of time.
  • No TA/DA and official accommodations will be paid /provided for appearing in the interview.
  • Only the candidates having essential qualification will only be considered for interview.
  • Candidates are requested to ensure their eligibility like age, qualification etc. before appearing for the interview.
  • Concealing of facts or canvassing in any form shall lead to cancellation of candidature or termination.
  • Person already in employment should submit “No objection Certificate” from their present employer.
  • The selected candidates will be stationed at Jodhpur or at other institute for analysis as required from time to time and may have to conduct extensive work involving laboratory works for sample production and analysis and travel, as and when required.
  • The eligible candidates (appearing for interview in-person / online video conferencing) are requested to send their duly filled scanned copy of Application Form affixing a passport size photograph on the top and declaration duly signed in the application form annexed with duly self-attested all supporting documents/ certificates such as (Proof for age, Category certificate, educational qualifications – Mark sheets & certificates from 10th class onwards, experience and research publication) only through email to on or before 31.08.2020(up to 5:00 P.M).
  • List of the candidates who are eligible for (in-person / online through video conferencing) interview will be published on institute website and will also be informed through email/ phone/WhatsApp. Candidates are requested to provide email, phone &WhatsApp number in application.
  • All eligible candidates are requested to be present 60 minutes before reporting time on the date of in-person interview for necessary formalities and verification of documents. 17. Selected Candidates (s) will be required to produce all original documents at the time of Joining for verification purpose.
  • The selected candidate will be required to produce medical certificate at the time of joining.
  • The Director reserves the right to cancel/postpone the interview without assigning any reason thereof.
  • The decision of the Director, ICAR-CAZRI, Jodhpur will be final and binding on all aspects.
  • The Director shall also reserve the right to terminate the contract of job as mentioned above, even before the completion of the project for which no appeal thereof shall be made.
  • Details of terms and conditions and application form are available at ICAR-DOGR’s website:
  • In case of any dispute, it will be resolved in jurisdictions of Jodhpur court only.

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the vacancy notification

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