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510 Young Fellow, Cluster Level Resource Person & State Programme Vacancy – NIRDPR,Telangana

Last Date:09 March,2021

NIRD Young Fellow Notification 2020 is open (16/2020) and inviting application for the posts of 501 Young Fellow, Cluster Level Resource Person & State Programme Coordinator Vacancy from 12th Class, Diploma candidates interested in sarkari result NIRD Young Fellow Online application can apply before 09 March 2021. Please go through this article and follow each tables for full vacancy details, educational qualification, eligibility criteria, pay scale, salary and How to apply National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Young Fellow job opening at official website

Employment Notification 510 Young Fellow, Cluster Level Resource Person & State Programme Vacancy – NIRDPR,Telangana

Name of the post– Young Fellow, Cluster Level Resource Person & State Programme Coordinator
No of post – 510
Pay Scale – 55000/-,35000/-,12500/-

Educational Qualification:
Post Graduate Degree,Class XII pass.

Apply to 510 Young Fellow, Cluster Level Resource Person & State Programme Vacancy – NIRDPR,Telangana

General Information:

  • National Institute of Rural Development & Panchayati Raj (NIRD&PR), Hyderabad, an autonomous national Institution under the Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India, is implementing a national level project namely – ‘Creating Clusters of Model Gram Panchayats to Achieve Holistic & Sustainable Development through Institutional Strengthening of GPs and Enablement of Quality GPDP across India’ over next 2 years. For this, NIRD&PR invites online applications from eligible candidates for contractual engagement of 10 State Programme Coordinators, 250 Young Fellows and 250 Cluster Level Resource Persons to work in the identified 250 clusters across all States and UTs (List enclosed as Annexure). Tenure of Engagement of all the posts is one year for the present. It may be extended on satisfactory performance of the incumbents, subject to continuation of the Project and discretion of authorities.
  • To coordinate and monitor activities under the Project for Creating Model GP Clusters for enabling selected GPs on Cluster basis to achieve Sustainable Development through GPDP (@1 per 3-4 States/UTs).
  • To lead the team of trainers for training of Gram Panchayat Planning Facilitation Teams (GPPFT) / other stakeholders under the Clusters of GPs in the States to be assigned on institutional capacity issues, improving governance and participatory planning and also to demonstrate to them application of participatory tools and techniques in the field for quality GPDP.
  • To plan and implement IEC Plan to enhance participation of people in preparation, implementation and monitoring of GPDP in collaboration with the SIRD&PR/ Nodal Institution of the State for GPDP, NGOs/CBOs/SHGs and communities.
  • To guide the GPs under the Clusters in organizing effective Gram Sabhas, Ward Sabhas, community mobilisation through no-cost voluntary actions, collection of Primary and Secondary data, situation analysis and preparation of Development Status Report by each of the GPs under the Clusters.
  • To guide the GPs in application of e-GramSwaraj portal of the Ministry of Panchayati Raj, Government of India.
  • To guide the GPs in prioritisation and selection of activities based on needs expressed by villagers in Gram Sabhas and in preparation of draft GPDP & Budget.
  • To coordinate with State Panchayati Raj Departments of the State Governments, SIRD&PRs/Nodal Institutions for GPDP, ETC/PTC/DTC/PTRC/DPRCs, District and Block administration, partner organisations and Panchayat bodies in the assigned States and obtain their support in effective implementation of the Project.
  • To guide and coordinate with Beacon Panchayat Leaders, Young Fellows and Cluster Level Resource Persons to be working under the Project.
  • To guide the GPs in adding exemplary values related to intense ownership and participation of communities in planning and implementation process, focusing on human development, social development, ecological development, SDG compliance, transparency, accountability etc.
  • To travel extensively in geographically separated remote Clusters and supervise project related activities to ensure sustained progress and ensure quality of outputs.
  • To monitor the progress and assess the quality of activities and to intervene in solving even unforeseen problems and removing bottlenecks in implementation of the Project.
  • To prepare and submit progress report to the major stakeholders in the State(s) and to the NIRD&PR.
  • To discharge such other responsibilities as may be assigned from time to time by the Project authorities for successful implementation of the Project.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 510 Young Fellow, Cluster Level Resource Person & State Programme Vacancy – NIRDPR,Telangana

  • The National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj (NIRD&PR), an autonomous organisation under the Union Ministry of Rural Development, is a premier national centre of excellence in rural development and Panchayati Raj. Recognized internationally as one of the UN-ESCAP Centres of Excellence, it builds capacities of rural development functionaries, elected representatives of PRIs, bankers, NGOs and other stakeholders through inter-related activities of training, research and consultancy. The Institute is located in Hyderabad, Telangana. The NIRD&PR celebrated its Golden Jubilee Year of establishment in 2008. In addition to the main campus at Hyderabad, this Institute has North-Eastern Regional Centre at Guwahati, Assam to meet the NE-regional needs.
  • The vision of NIRD&PR is to focus on the policies and programmes that benefit the rural poor, strive to energise the democratic decentralization processes, improve the operation and efficiency of rural development personnel, promote transfer of technology through its social laboratories, Technology Park and create environmental awareness. As a “think-tank” for the Ministry of Rural Development, NIRD while acting as a repository of knowledge on rural development would assist the Ministry in policy formulation and choice of options in rural development to usher in the changes.
  • To examine and analyse the factors contributing to the improvement of economic and social well-being of people in rural areas on a sustainable basis with focus on the rural poor and the other disadvantaged groups through research, action research, consultancy and documentation efforts.
  • To facilitate the rural development efforts with particular emphasis and focus on the rural poor by improving the knowledge, skills and attitudes of rural development officials and non-officials through organising training, workshops and Seminars.
  • In the early fifties, Community Development Blocks were set up in the country to promote social and economic development of villages. The Central Institute of Study and Research in Community Development was conceived and set up in 1958 at Mussoorie for offering orientation courses to officers of executive hierarchy in the development programmes. The Trainers’ Training Institute (subsequently renamed as the Institute for Instruction in Community Development), established in December, 1958 at Rajpur, Dehradun was entrusted with the task of training of District Panchayat Officers and sub-divisional officers and trainers of state institutions. In April 1962, both the Institutes were merged into one named as National Institute of Community Development (NICD). NICD was shifted to Hyderabad campus during 1964-65. The Institute was changed in to registered society under the Public Services Registration Act No.1 of 1350 Fasli (No.229 of 1965). As per decision taken by General Council in its meeting held on 20.9.1977, the Institute was renamed and registered as National Institute of Rural Development (NIRD). Recognizing the need for more focus on strengthening Panchayati Raj system and capacity building of PRI functionaries through the network of SIRDs and ETCs, the name of NIRD has been changed as National Institute of Rural Development & Panchayati Raj (NIRD&PR) in the year 2014.

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